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Great Relationship Advice: The Ability to Communicate
In my workshops with couples, I start with this question: "How many of you believe men and women are created differently?" Usually most everyone agrees, and I congratulate them on passing Anatomy 101. The next question is slightly different: "How many of you believe that men and women think, feel, perceive and experience the world in sometimes dramatically different ways?" Usually most of the women agree and the men just look confused. The point is that these differences cause men and women to communicate in very different ways. One couple I worked with described it this way: She says: ``Whenever I tell him how my day has gone, he always tries to solve the problems without really listening to me. All I want him to do is listen to me so I know I'm important to him.'' He says: ``I just get confused in all the details and try to solve the problem to solve my confusion.'' What is missing here is 'intimate communication,' or the ability to step into the other person's world and experience and view it as he or she does. One of the greatest needs of human beings is to be understood. Many partners feel misunderstood because their mates don't take the time to listen to the feelings behind the words. An important part of intimate communication is being able to share difficult feelings and still maintain a connection. If difficult feelings are not discussed, the relationship can become more and more fragile until it breaks. Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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Married and ECheating ? A Dreadful Alliance! In Homer's Odyssey (a Greek Myth) sailors were lured to their death by Sirens, mythological temptresses who sang seductive songs. Sailors called Argonauts escaped the songs, because of the great musician Orpheus. He played his lyre so beautifully, that it drowned out the songs from the Sirens. His decisive deed saved the crew from total devastation. Amaze Your Lover - 16 Romantic Ideas To Keep Them Happy Some people have a natural ability to romance the oppposite sex and others seem like they don't even know what it means. However, everyone should know how to make their partner's heart melt because it's one of the finest acts of seduction. Seduction Secrets For Men Part 3 - A Wonderful Idea To Spice Up Your Existing Relationships There is a cool little game for spicing up your long-term or fuck-buddy relationships. 7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship Good relationships don't just happen. 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Yet each gallon will have its own experience separate from the other. Now imagine a soul in the nonphysical realm that chooses to experience different aspects of itself by inhabiting two different people. Those people consist of the same energy as that one soul: they are soul mates. Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen After Wife Gets MBA "Hesh, where is your business plan?" It was a question I expected from my banker, but not from my wife. She tried to sweeten it by adding, "honey?" It didn't help. I looked at her in disgust. I realized I had created a monster. Loving Without Losing Yourself! You are in love and it feels wonderful. This love is different and you are prepared to do anything to make it last. To prevent this ship from sinking you work hard to steer this relationship into a safe harbor. In the process you lose yourself and your romantic relationship becomes all-consuming! Relationship Advice: Who Are You and What Have You Done with My Spouse? 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Ounce of Prevention "To love, honour and cherish", easy words to say during a fancy ceremony, but how many people actually think about what it is that they're saying? How many people commit to living those words? Complacency is one of the biggest enemies of any relationship, and it takes constant effort with both parties to avoid it and stay 'happily-ever-after'. To Hold or to Set One Free! Hope you all are doing well and enjoying great health. There were terrorist attacks in London and even here in India we are facing many natural calamities; but as they say, everything in life is having some purpose and one must learn to carry on. Put Some Z.I.P. Into Your Relationships Relationships are really what makes the world go 'round, aren't they? I mean, good, positive, healthy and meaningful relationships provide us with the richest experiences we have here on this old earth of ours. Your loving spouse who shares everything with you; that best friend who connects with you like few others do; the people at work who appreciate you and help you to become the best that you can be; This is what brings joy to life! Universal Laws for Couples The Law of Connection: Spouses are either growing closer or growing apart. You don't get to stand still in relationships for very long. So we need to know two things: What does it take to continue to feel connected to my spouse? And what does it take for my spouse to continue to feel connected to me? Whos Watching You? Men Arent The Only Stalkers For decades, the label "stalker' has been tattooed as a gender-specific crime, committed by men. Things have changed drastically. Twelve to 13-percent of all stalkers are female. Although less in statistical number than males, female stalkers are just as predatory and dangerous. Ending a Relationship Gracefully Ending a relationship is never easy. When you feel you must end a relationship most people find it challenging as they have feelings towards their partner and do not wish to hurt them. ![]() |
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