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God Will Forgive Your Sins
This was an article I did for a friend of mine. I received your email on your friend who apparently is having a hard time in dealing with whether or not God will really forgive her for some bad "sins" in her past. You asked that I send you over some of the Bible verses on forgiveness. I'm assuming your friend is already a Christian. I'm assuming she has already confessed each of these sins before God and has asked for His forgiveness. If she has not, then that will be the first step she will need to complete. She will need to go before God the Father, confess each one of the sins individually and ask God for His forgiveness. If she confesses each one of these sins from her heart and is really serious with God about each of these sins - then she will be forgiven - no questions asked!This will be a done deal. However, if she has already done all of the above, but is still wrestling as to whether or not God has really forgiven her, you can pass onto her the Scripture verses that I will list below. These verses will show her that God will forgive any sin with the exception of the sin of the "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit." I'm assuming that she is not anywhere close to having had committed that sin - so whatever she has done, no matter how bad she may think it is, God will forgive her. Tell her that her "slate" is clean as far as God is concerned. However, what may be bothering her is handling the guilt of these past sins. She has to learn to let that guilt go. God has and so should she! If handling the guilt of these sins is really her problem, and she can't seem to let it go or get it "off of her," then tell her to go to God the Father in prayer, tell her to tell Him what the problem is and then ask God to help her "take the guilty feelings" away from her. This is the job of the Holy Spirit to break those "guilt chains" off of her back! She may not have the "mental power" to do this for herself, so tell her to ask God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to do this for her. If she will simply askGod to do this for her, I have to believe that He will do it. It could literally be that simple. Bible Verses on ForgivenessHere are some real powerful verses from the Bible that will show her that God will forgive her of her sins - no matter how bad - if she will only believe it and accept it with a little faith.
1. This first verse tells her that she can boldly approach the throne of God for mercy and grace!
"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)
2. This next verse will show her that God doesn't want her carrying around "baggage" that weighs her down. He wants her "burdens" to be "light." Those feelings of guilt are like "chains" or heavy anchors around her soul.
"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden. I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me. For I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:28)
3. This next verse tells her to literally cast all of her burdens onto Jesus - which would include handling the guilt associated with any of her past sins.
"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins. Put Me in remembrance; let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted." (Isaiah 43:25-26) That verse also shows her that if she will simply approach God the Father, state her case and repent - God will "acquit" her - forgive her - and her sins will no longer beremembered! 8. This next one is also a major verse. This verse tells us there is now "no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." What this verse means is that if you have confessed your sins before God the Father andhave truly repented, then God has forgiven you. And if God has now forgiven you, then you no longer have any condemnation before God. You are now forgiven and you are free to let all of your past sins go - including all of the guilt that has gone along with these sins. Here is the verse: "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus ..." (Romans 8:1) 9. Here is another real neat verse that says our sins will become "as white as snow." In other words, our "slates" are now completely clean. Our "sheets" are as white as snow - all the stain from those past sins have now been washed away by the blood of Jesus. Here is the verse: "Come now and let us reason together", says the Lord, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." (Isaiah 1:18) 10. Here is another verse that will tell her that the "old things" of her past, including all of her past sins, have now passed away before the eyes of God because she is now a new creation in Christ. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17) 11. Here is another verse showing that we now have forgiveness and redemption through the blood that Jesus has shed for all of us on the cross. "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace." (Ephesians 1:7) ConclusionBob, feel free to print this article out and give it to her so she can study the above verses and get a grip on what the Word of God is telling her. She needs to understand, that as a Christian, she has automatic forgiveness for all of her sins, no matter how bad she may think they are. As long as she has properly confessed and repented of each of these sins before God, He will forgive her. All of the above Scripture verses state that without any other possible explanation or interpretation. Tell her the Bible is the one and only true word of God and that if the Bible says it is so, then it is a done deal - no questions asked! If you study the above verses very carefully, not only is God telling her that she now hasHis forgiveness due to the blood that Jesus has already shed for these sins, but they are no longer "remembered" in His eyes. They are now completely "blotted out." And if God is no longer wanting to "remember" these sins, then she needs to do likewise. The only thing that she may have left to deal with may be handling the "guilt" of these sins. Like I said above, tell her to go direct to God the Father onthis issue and ask Him to take away the guilt by the power of the Holy Spirit. I have to believe that God will do this for her if she will only approach Him and ask Him for it. It should be that simple. Let me know what happens on this. If for some reason none of the above seems to work, let me know what the issues or problems are so I can try to send her some additional information in order to help her get a handle on this and defeat it. If anyone needs any additional information, you can contact us by going to our website by clicking on the link in our resource box. Article written by Michael Bradley of Bible Knowledge Ministries. Their website is a resource of Bible Knowledge, articles, commentary and teaching. They currently have over 100 Bible articles.
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The last New Testament books, probably the letters of John or Revelation, were likely written in the 90s, close to three generations after the Resurrection. The New Testament as a unit was probably unavailable until the mid-second century. And yet Christianity experienced some of its most dynamic growth during this period when its Bible consisted only of the Old Testament. Church Building and Church Buildings Church building is a term used to designate both the physical building of a church facility, and the spiritual building of a group of people into a unified body of believers. The physical church buildings are made of wood, stone, mortar, and brick, but the act of spiritual church building comes at the cost of evangelism, preaching, and teaching. Church building sometimes involves both acts together when a new building is being built and a new congregation is being pulled together. 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Give Him a Stone Luke 11:10-11:13 Money And Religion: How Christians Are Being Misled Today's Christian Evangelists, Teachers, and Preachers Are Grossly Misleading America And The World, Concerning Money Contributions. The Stilling of the Storm Matt. 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25. No Ishmaels Please I want to say a word about faith. Recent events in my own life have driven home just how easy it is to loose sight of what we say we believe. Just like Abraham of old, we often try to bring about results through our own efforts. For those of you not familiar with narrative found in the book of Genesis, let me summarize. Abraham had been given the promise by God of having a son in his old age. God, in fact made a covenant with Abraham, sealing the promise in the blood of sacrificial animals. Typically this looks forward, for those of us who are New Testament believers, to the blood of Christ through which we are made partakers of God's eternal covenant. But, back to Abraham. Certainly after such a dynamic demonstration (Genesis 15) of God's covenant promise, we would think that Abraham would have not doubt that God would fulfill his part of the agreement. But, instead of waiting patiently on God as he should have done, he listened to his wife, Sarah, and tried to help God out, by having a son with his handmaiden (as was the custom of the day), since his Sarah was barren. He did have a son with his handmaiden, but that was a cause of much sorrow to him, and is the cause of much conflict even today. For, you see, this son, Ishmael, is the father of Arab nations. Oh, God was still with Ishmael and provided water to keep him alive after Sarah had thown out the handmaden and her son. But Ishmael was not God's first choice for Abraham. Thus, later, God did fulfill his promise and give Abraham a son through his wife, Sarah. That son, Isaac, is the father of the Jewish people. We are all aware of the Arab-Israeli conflict which continues till today. Yet, God was gracious, and Abraham is remembered today as the Father of the faithful, and in the hall of faith, Hebrews 11, his faith is mentioned but not his lack of it in that one moment of weakness. (Thus, I don't feel that I should share the particulars of my recent Ishmael experience with you, as I know God has put it in the sea of forgetfulness.) Often we may be tempted to do what Abraham did and take matters into our own hands, instead of trusting God explicitly. But, this can only result in the production of an Ishmael, which, although God may still bless, will mean trouble for us and cause us to deviate for a time from our primary God-given goals and purpose. However, when that happens, we may be assured of God's grace in getting us back on track. May God ever keep us from producing Ishmaels. 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