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Like a Flood: What The Church does with Killers like Katrina
Isaiah 59:19 declares: "...when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the lord lifts up a standard against him." I'm not all that sure that the original language in which this was written contained a comma after the word "flood." I prefer to believe that the actual pause belongs after the word "IN." Try it again: "When the enemy comes in, LIKE A FLOOD, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." There. That's more like it. When we think of "spiritual journeys," we usually envision experiences that will lead us to peace and harmony, serenity and contentment. As we attempt to deal with the stuff of life, whether it's emotional, physical, relational or financial, as spiritual beings, we tend to tap into spiritual things for comfort and guidance. As you take your spiritual journey, beware! God may be taking you somewhere special and unexpected. Don't fall for the illusion that spirituality is always a source of solace. There's an old Yiddish proverb that goes, "God is an earthquake, not an uncle." Along those lines, do you recall the Prophet Elijah's encounter with God on Mount Horeb? Here we have the mighty Prophet Elijah, fresh after his defeat of the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of the Asherah on Mount Carmel, being hunted by Queen Jezebel. While this mighty man of God was hiding from this woman, he encountered some other, very frightening things - natural elements that included an earthquake, wind, lightning, and fire. But by virtue of the depth of his relationship with God, he knew these could not have been sent by Him, the God who had cared for him for so many years. It was only when Elijah heard "a still small voice," that he felt he was finally hearing from God of Heaven. ARE YOU LISTENING? It's that same "still small voice" that each of us can listen for and be guided by - even when we are in situations less life-threatening than the path of a hurricane. Right now, we can let that voice direct our prayers for the refugees and the rescuers. We can listen and understand those who are impacted by disaster when we recognize that Hurricane Katrina was NOT God's way of punishing the Big Easy, though it's a fact that we will ALWAYS reap the consequences for the seeds we sow - good seeds and bad. If we're listening, that still small voice will guide us through our own life's disasters and strengthen us, even when the tide is rising. How strong is your faith? It WILL be tested. How strong is your family? The tests will come. How strong is your church? Your organization? Your relationship? Your community? Your nation? Just as Jesus Himself was led by the Spirit to be tested by the devil (Gee, thanks, Spirit!), so , too, will WE be tested. How else will we know what we're made of? Jesus said several times that He came "as an example." If He went through trials, we, TOO, shall face trials. And if we FAIL the tests, we get to take them again and again till we pass to the next level. WARNING: New level, new devil, but we must soldier-on if our lives are ever going to exhibit the fruit of our relationship with God. Don't worry...once you've passed through the Refiner's fire, you won't smell a hint of smoke. We have God's promise. HERE'S WHAT JESUS HAS TO SAY: "And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it," (Matt 7:24-27). Jesus warned us about the coming flood of the last days, a storm that would be unleashed against the people of God. He described this flood to be accompanied by hurricane winds of testing, torrents of trouble, and rising tide of demonic fury. In such days of persecution, wrath and trouble will pour out of the devil's foul mouth against the Body of Christ: "Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time... he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child... and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman [the church], that he might cause her to he carried away of the flood," (Rev 12:12-15). Will Satan literally spew floodwaters out of his mouth? No. The enemy WILL come against us with words, lies, half- truths, and every wicked thing that can be verbalized or even written. He will use our own minds and even other people to keep the "flood" coming at us relentlessly to get us where we have no solid foundation on which to stand. By now, we've all seen the TV footage of Katrina's floodwaters carrying with it everything from cars to trains to houses, destroying everything in its path. This is why God says our enemy comes in like a "flood", using words of destruction to bring us down and to destroy us. Satan wants to do to us what a flood does to everything in its path. LIFT UP A STANDARD As was mentioned at the start in Isaiah 59:19, a "standard is lifted up by the Spirit of the Lord on our behalf. What is the "standard"? How do we make use of this resource? We find the answer in Revelation 12:11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." There it is, the "word of their testimony" was the overcoming action they used. Yes, we hate those tests but we do love the testimonies, don't we? We also find in Isaiah 59:21 "As for Me," says the LORD, "this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants' descendants," says the LORD, "from this time and forevermore." God has placed His Word in our mouths. Not only in our minds (Psalm 119:11 says: "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you!") Certainly, His Word is in our Bibles, but He wants the Word in our mouths. In our hearts. We overcome the "flood" of the enemy by God's Words coming out of our mouths. Our testimony. Jesus used this when He was tested; our example. Jesus only responded to Satan in His wilderness discipleship course with the Word. God has provided the perfect weapon to use. His Word is powerful and Satan cannot stand against it. It is so much more than a levee that diverts the flood he sends our way; it swallows it up. We now have everything we need for covenant living. We can have triumphant lives, pleasing to God, serving Jesus and following the small voice of the Holy Spirit. IS GOD YOUR HIDING PLACE? I've faced some tragic crises, both personal and professional. My own dad once asked me why it was I wasn't seeing a psychologist after all I'd been through. It's because Jesus is REAL to me; real as you are. In the darkest hours of my soul, the only place where I've found the genuine "peace that passes all understanding" and the "unspeakable joy" referred to by Paul the Apostle came as a result of a relationship with God in trusting that He truly is my refuge. Regarding Katrina, there will be much to do to recover from this mess. God's presence and power will be available to guide and direct recovery efforts as well as the return to civilization for all who will call upon Him. Throughout the restoration effort, His love, mercy and grace will continue to be available as the refuge that comforts, strengthens, and restores the spirit of those in need. My warning to those being tested through this recent, overwhelming disaster: Do NOT be too quick to detest your current discomfort. We in the West would do well to learn to embrace the thorns as well as stopping to smell every delightful rose. This life is not "it" for you. There's more. It gets better. We can never expect to be satisfied here anyway. Need hope for the "floods" that seem to be overtaking YOUR life right now? Read this from Jeremiah 29:11-14: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile." DO YOU WANT TO HELP? The largest displacement of Americans since the Civil War reverberated across the country from New Orleans yesterday, as more than half a million people uprooted by Hurricane Katrina seek shelter, sustenance and are facing the uncertainties of starting some sort of new lives. Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling and his wife Shonda paid to fly a New Orleans family of nine to Boston and pledged to provide them with housing for a year. The Fields family, with seven children between the ages of 5 and 12, fled New Orleans just before Hurricane Katrina struck. "When we realized how many people had nowhere to go, we didn't just want to make a donation," Shonda Schilling told The Boston Globe. "We decided we wanted to bring an entire family here and put them up." The families connected through a Web site, OpenYourHome.com, which matches displaced families with people willing to house them. The Schillings registered Friday and on Saturday anonymously arranged for the family to fly to Boston. Additionally, the American Red Cross has set up a site where individuals may volunteer their homes or request a place to stay. That site is located at KatrinaHousing.org. Check it out. To Christians everywhere, we must ask ourselves the question, if we do not take these displaced families in, taking advantage of the opportunity to make disciples, who will? Over the years, I have taken in homeless people myself. A gay witch. A long-bearded alcoholic brick-layer. A former Army Ranger who had just become a Christian after years in the occult. A black crack addict. Several others on a very short-term basis. I have also been that person seeking shelter, trusting that God was going to provide in one way or another. He always did. My advice to anyone is simply: (1) make sure you're being led by the Spirit. A "good" idea is not always a GOD idea.(2) if you take someone in, set the house rules IN WRITING so that your guests know what's expected by both parties, what will not be tolerated and what the consequences will be if rules are broken. (3) involve church leadership; keep everyone accountable. There are more. implementing these would be a good start. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Pastor Michael is founder of t.e.a.m. ministries (team1min@aol.com). His eMail broadcasts, known as "Your Town for Jesus" (SEARCH!) are reaching tens of thousands WEEKLY. Log on at http://www.PlanetaryMinistry.org Michael's mission: to bring Discipleship and Encouragement to the Body of Christ. He is the author of numerous booklets on subjects that will interest the thinking Christian. Since 1999, he has written and broadcast hundreds of inspirational articles and a dozen booklets, all designed to accelerate the process of spiritual development in God's people.
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Is. 43:19 The Scrolls and the Grail DEAD SEA SCROLLS: - Dr Norman Golb is a top scholar who makes a plea for the de-politicization of the Dead Sea Scrolls. His plea is not related to the current argument that Palestine will own or control the Scrolls but to the Generals and politicians who piecemeal and with apparent deceit are doling out access to these important documents for the examination of scholars. The original involvement of the Catholic scholars and the Scrolls being housed in a Museum named for the Rockefellers is of more concern to me. The management of the life of Jesus and his brother James ('the Righteous) who led the group at Qumran that some are calling Essenes is why the concern exists for myself and others who know the ways of the Christologists. They have blamed the Jews for 'killing our Saviour'. Doctors of the Air We met at a Saturday afternoon fund-raising and promotional rally sponsored by a para-church organization. His calling card introduced him impressively. He was the pastor of an independent church congregation not aligned with any denomination, and a radio preacher. They called him "Doctor". And why not? After the good reverend's name, his calling card displayed the symbol D.D. for his honorary Doctor of Divinity degree. Under Siege! This Article is the result of another hard night of realizing the fact that the Church is falling into deception. This was a particularly hard night for me. The first 15 paragraphs of this Article were written while I literally balled my sorry eyes out. (I just had a major eye transplant surgery, so that was not a comfortable experience). I was happy that my wife went to bed before the tears started. I just felt so sorry and sad for the things that are happening in America today, as what probably amounts to the greatest country the earth has ever seen is reduced to another fascist, police state, basking in religious bigotry. I am not marveled by that too much, I mean this is what the kingdoms of this world do, it's no big surprise. Moses v. Jesus: Why do Conservative Christians Prefer Moses Commandments to Jesus Beatitudes? Why are conservative Christians so concerned about displaying the Ten Commandments in public and especially in courtrooms? Who Me? Wear a Clerical Shirt? Clothing says a great deal about one's profession, and this is no less the case with ministers of the Gospel. The special shirt that ministers wear outside of worship services is known as a clerical shirt or collar shirt, which typically is black or another color with a white collar (sometimes affectionately referred to as a "dog collar"!). Serving Some people may ask how do we serve God and am I serving God correctly? Well lets look at what the Bible says about serving God. Lets start by knowing what a Blessing it is to serve him. Look at the Book of John 10:27 it says My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me is greater than all, no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand I and the Father are one. Now look at Jude 20 verse it says But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in you most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Why Cardinal Ratzinger Chose the Name Pope Benedict XVI Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected to the papal throne on April 19, 2005, the second day of the conclave. He chose to be known henceforth as Pope Benedict XVI. The cardinal from Germany is the 265th pope in the Catholic Church history. Brief History of Jerusalem; Part 1 Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.....it is the city of hope.....a city sacred to the Jews, Christians and the Moslems. The city existed before David captured it.In the days of Abraham the Holy city was called Salem " peace". Gen 14:8 and it was called Jebus. Judges 19:10. It is called Zion ( IKings 8:1); the holy city ( Neh 11:1); the city of God ( Ps. 46: 4)...... A brief outline of this city's 3000 years of history King David captured the city of Jebus, that is Jerusalem ( Judges 19: 10), the stronghold or fortress of the Jebusites round B.C 1010/ B.C 1000.II Sam 5: 6 - 9. He then took residence in the fortress ( fortress of Zion, also known as the City of David). A Powerful Word For Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones For what it is worth, I'd thought I'd pass this on to the rest of you. I wrote this article a few years ago. On TBN, they had a middle-aged couple on one of their talk shows that were really anointed. They had their own church and ministry - I can't recall where it was at. But part of their testimony was on the death of their young daughter. Are You Doing the Good Part? Just compare yourself to these two sisters. Praying Church or Playing Church? The western church is seen by the world as anything BUT Christian. We are making no one jealous for what we claim we've found in Christ. Independent and proud of it, our only chance is of winning this "holy war" is to declare our DEPENDENCE upon God. See, our problem is not our weak leaders or our demoralization. It's not Hollywood or Harry Potter. What about the 4400? Murders are so frequent in our country that a single homicide seldom grabs national attention unless the perpetrator or the victim is already a celebrity. Even a double murder is not national news. It takes multiple murders to make the headlines, CNN, and the network evening news. Early Spring Cleaning Has anyone noticed how fast 2004 is going? Hey, we are in December already. I really like December not only because people are nicer to each other and all the pretty decorations are around, but people stop and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Why do Humans Need a God? Many have asked why people need a God to cope with life? There must be a reason, because it appears that every culture in recorded history had some belief in some type of god. All the different cultures, tribes, societies and civilization had their Gods, trinkets, traditions, rituals and temples. But why; we know now, or some of understand that all these stories and myths were nothing more than figments of our imagination. Most all ancient writing has in it; Invisible ghosts, invisible friends and/or Gods. Isn't it amazing that even modern day civilizations cannot seem to shake this and those who wish to lead use it to manipulate us into their created realities. Just look at the Evil Muslim Clerics who twist and turn the people commit atrocities against humanity? Look at the Witch Doctors in Haiti with their Voodoo Dolls? Look at the Catholic Church and their strangle hold on their followers, while they allow their leadership to rape and molest our children? The Power of Love There is no doubt in my mind that the quality of love is the #1 quality that God would like to get worked into our souls and personalities. Even nonbelievers, atheists and agnostics can see the power of love and how it has the ability to change people and change lives when it is properly walked out and handled. In The Beginning Christ! As I was doing my studies, the Lord put something on my heart that really took me by surprise. He dropped a little bit of revelation knowledge into my mind, and it took me on a great ride. In this Newsletter, I want to share with you what the Lord has showed me. In no way is this a complete study of this subject, yet I do believe that this is a core teaching on the subject, and that the understanding of Christ is deeper then most believe. 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