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Early Spring Cleaning
Has anyone noticed how fast 2004 is going? Hey, we are in December already. I really like December not only because people are nicer to each other and all the pretty decorations are around, but people stop and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Did you get that gift you wanted last year from your husband or wife or are you wishing for it again this year? I encourage you to go for it and I also want to invite you to accept a FREE gift that is greater than any gift you can imagine. That gift is to accept Jesus into your home and most importantly into your life this Christmas. Make it a personal gift. You do not have to go shopping for it, you do not have to wish or beg for it, just simply ask and it will be given to you. In return for the gift of inviting Jesus to dine with you and live in you, do some early spring cleaning. Think of all the things that are worrying you and getting you down. Give them to Jesus, he will gladly accept them. Most importantly tell him thank you for taking them from you. Do not worry that he can't handle them, he can handle truck loads of worry. Give Jesus your bad habits and all those little things that we call sins. Tell him all about them. Jesus will listen and there's no bad habit or sin he can't fix. As a matter of fact the price for our sins has already been paid. Once we repent, we are forgiven. Look, more early spring cleaning finished. Don't worry Jesus can handle everything and help us clean up our acts. He really wants to do this for us. Is there someone you're not speaking to or can't get along with? Tell Jesus your problems. He's willing to listen and he really does care. He will help you make amends. If we just give it all to Jesus this Christmas and every day of our lives, by spring we might just need to bring out the dust cloth because things will be so much cleaner and lighter. There will be joy instead of sadness and a peacefulness within that is sometimes hard to explain. Please, early spring clean and give it all to Jesus each and every day. Kandi White is the author of Hours of Pure Gold, an ebook of Inspiration, Motivation, and Gratitude, a resource to help you find your true purpose in life. http://www.hoursofpuregold.com
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3 Clues To Know Where You Fit In Ministry Part 1 Clue Number 1: You Have Talent Development of Liberal Theology: An Overview (Part 3) As senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New York, Fosdick preached a sermon one Sunday in 1922 that aroused the righteous indignation of fundamentalists and he suddenly found himself at the center of a heated theological controversy. In order to understand the tension that existed between fundamentalism and modernism, it is necessary that I briefly delineate the fundamentalist position at that time. A Comparison of ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY Hi, Catholic Voters Need to Rethink Morality If Catholic doctrine calls for the sanctity of all human life, then why is it that church leaders implicitly endorse Republican candidates that are pro-life at the expense of all else. In fact, the sanctity of life doctrine stands directly in opposition to the death penalty as well as abortion. Nevertheless, The Tablet, the official weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Brooklyn, is far more enamored with abortion than the death penalty and our President who executed approximately 30 people as the governor of Texas in 1999. Gods Billboards Invade Cyberspace Once upon a time, Americans traveled the highways searching for the latest word of God. But not anymore! Those same roadside messages, plus a batch of new ones, can now be viewed anytime at home on your own personal computer. Killing Red Heads "With regard to the ancient Egyptians we have it on the authority of Manetho that they used to burn red-haired men and scatter their ashes with winnowing fans {So the atoms of energy would spread with the wind to all present.}, and it is highly significant that this barbarous sacrifice was offered by the kings at the grave of Osiris. We may conjecture that the victims represented Osiris himself... Armor-bearer Coach: Step Into the Ministry of Assisting I am with you heart and mind... Conserving Water at a Car Wash Fundraiser If you use a pressure washer during your fundraiser you can wash twenty cars with one capful of soap in a two-thirds filled five-gallon water bucket. Of course your soap will be biodegradable. At least twenty-five percent of the cars you wash will not require the use of soap due to previous wax coats that have been applied. These cars combine to lower your wet/rinse cycle to about thirty seconds of spray time or 1.2 gallons of water per car. This is fifty times more efficient. You can wash fifty cars with a pressure washer to the one car washed with a garden hose in the driveway. This constitutes a significant savings in water. Discipled by the Kingdom of Heaven -- Becoming a KingdomScribe! Jesus tells a story - a powerful story - that illustrates how God's Truth for today is always a new Word for today. And it also helps us understand that if all we're holding onto are "old truths", we're really holding onto no truths! Obsessed with Armageddon More and more today people are showing an obsession about things of the end times, especially Armageddon, the so-called end of times battle between God and the forces of evil. Not only has the Left Behind series sold 70 million copies, but now we also have the television mini-series on Revelation. These fictional accounts purport to be accurate depictions of the end, based on Scripture, particularly Revelation and Daniel. They include bloody battles, judgment on those who are not Christian (or even conservative Christians) and a host of characters who are demonic and totally evil. Some have claimed that these depictions have brought new people to the Christian faith, and have revived the art of Christian fiction. I would argue that they do more to subvert true faith. They do so in three ways. Salvation of the Jews to Determine the Lords Return: the Churches Greatest Prayer Responsibility Jesus won't come until the Jewish people are saved. Planetary Alignment Planetary Alignment is said to have magical powers. Some believe during these rare occurrences those living in that time-period have the ability to change things. Other believe that Planetary Alignment can cause catastrophic seismic activity changing gravity waves and causing hell on Earth with Volcanoes and Earthquakes. We are pretty sure that even a complete alignment of the Planets since they are so far apart will not cause any major shifts here on Earth. Yet many believe that there is some changes of forces during these periods which only last a 1-3 days total. A Worship Leader is a Spiritual Leader This article is for worship leaders. And as such, I believe it needs to focus on leadership skills. It is my intent to do this from a Biblical perspective. The only prerequisite for leadership is you must have somebody follow you. I can be just one person or thousands. The definition is still the same - A leader must have someone following them. Accountability and Such Nonsense From the late 1970's through the 1980's, my wife and I were members of an authoritarian Bible cult. Not only were we members, but we were full time, unpaid leaders. We were not supported financially in any way for our contribution, yet required to do full time service and pay our tithes for opportunities to minister within the system. We were trustingly blind to how the system was only interested in using us for the betterment of itself. That was our responsibility to see. We finally have. Pagan Philosophy, Unbelief, and Irrationalism Biblically speaking, holding philosophical beliefs that contain internally self-refuting contradictions is an expression of irrationalism. It can also be a case of inexcusable ignorance. Ultimately, all non-Christian philosophy starts with bold rationalistic assertions about reality and ends up in irrationalism. The philosophy of logical positivism is one example. The positivist philosophy can be described as empiricism (all knowledge comes through sensations) with a vengeance. This positivist philosophy is a vengeance against all metaphysical statements. A popular contemporary form of empiricism that derives from John Locke is known as the theory that the mind at birth is a blank tablet (tabula rasa) and then assimilates knowledge through sensations. This theory could be called the "blank mind theory" of knowledge. 7 Seal Judgements Continued These 7 judgments will more than likely occur during the first three and half years of the Tribulation. Here is a description of each of these judgments and the Scripture verses to back it all up. The Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurion I think most people who will read this will not accept what I am saying here without doing a lot of checking into the facts. Isnt There But One God? I heard a pastor say, regarding people of the Muslim faith, "Too bad they are praying to the wrong God!" This was during a Sunday morning sermon. I flinched. Doesn't the Bible say that there is only one God? I believe it does. I found at least six scripture references: An Encouraging Moment / Pomes for the Heart Here are a few pomes, that I hope, may encourage you to read your Bible. I hope you enjoy the poems, and I pray that it bring light into your life. Remember, all praise and glory go to the Lord Jesus and his Father God. What If? -- Musings on the Tsunami Thumbing through Isaiah recently I was startled to find this: after a passage (in Isaiah 19) in which the prophet describes horrors that caused the hearts of the Egyptians to "melt within them," he predicts that "the people will turn to the Lord, and he will respond to their pleas and heal them." The next lines describe how three bitter enemies-Egypt, Assyria, and Israel-will "worship together" and how all three will become "a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, 'Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.'" What a picture! ![]() |
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