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Gods Billboards Invade Cyberspace
Once upon a time, Americans traveled the highways searching for the latest word of God. But not anymore! Those same roadside messages, plus a batch of new ones, can now be viewed anytime at home on your own personal computer. Do you remember the original billboards? Someone in Florida started the ball rolling with eighteen messages in white type on black billboards all "signed" by God. South Florida motorists spotted such disarming "quotes" as: * Let's meet at my house before the game. -God * C'mon over and bring the kids. -God Others messages spoke in a friendly but more serious tone: * What part of "Thou Shall Not . . ." didn't you understand? -God * That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing . . . I meant it. -God Fast forward six years and we find that God, like the rest of us, now prefers sending his messages through cyberspace. If you want to see the latest trend, here's where to go: Click onto God Speaks.com (http://www.godspeaks.org). Their graphics will grab you. Also, you'll find all eighteen of the original sayings as well as nine brand new ones at the same web site. Like the originals, these new "quotes" vary from witty to thought-provoking. For instance: * All I know . . . is everything. -God * If you must curse, use your own name. -God * The real Supreme Court meets up here. -God If you are looking for quantity of "Godspeak" messages, Inspirational Message - God's Billboard (http://skywriting. net/inspirational/messages/gods_billboard.html) wins that category with 141. And they actually invite you to send your own entry. Care to create God "quote" No. 142? On the lighter side, and most of their messages are on the lighter side: * I told Noah to swat one of those two mosquitoes. -God * Don't be afraid . . . I'll keep a light on for you. -God Others carry more of a message: * To all the unborn, I love you . . . I love you . . . I love you. -God * No matter how you nurse a grudge it won't get better. -God And their site even serves up a few puns: * Pray up in advance. * In the dark? Follow the Son. If those witticisms aren't your cup of tea, click over to Victoria Station.us (http://victoriastation.us/God's%20Bill boards.htm.) Many of these fifty-two anonymous "God speaks" come straight from the scriptures. Is it effective? See for yourself. Simple white print on black background warns us: * Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction. Don't follow the crowd. -God Or asks us: * When I was hungry, did you give me something to eat? -God Others directly challenge skeptics: * Make up your mind; is Jesus a lunatic, a liar, or my only begotten Son? -God * Would you give up your life to perpetuate a hoax? Neither would Stephen, James, Peter, or Paul. -God Still others attack the prevailing wisdom of our times: * Evolution is the mythology of fools. -God * If I didn't exist, neither would atheists. -God Say, do you think people really ought to be signing God's name to their own words? One "quote" seems to answer that very question: * My word is sufficient. Beware of those who add to it or subtract from it. -God Entertainment or inspiration, whatever the attraction, the internet "Godspeaks" continue to grow in popularity. You may smile at some, chuckle at others, and possibly wince at a few. But if you enjoyed the originals, you just might find some golden nuggets among the newer generation too. Check them out. One thing they are not, and that's boring! Mr. Boone is a sailor, author, webmaster, and cartoonist. His works include THE SAFETY LINE - EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN, an apologetic study published 1998, and Victoria Station.us a popular joke, quote, cartoon web site. He is also a contributor to "Christian Living in the Mature Years" magazine.
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The Bible ? Are Some of Its Words More Important Than Others? Is the Old Testament equal in every way to the New Testament? Are the words of the prophets on a par with the words of Jesus? The answer to this question may seem incongruous but it is not, even though the answer is both, yes and no. But don't be confused by this apparent conflict because it is easily explained. Calling Some may ask what is a calling and what shall I do when called. Well let's look at the Bible and see what it says. First look at 1Samuel 3:8 it says The Lord called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, Here I am; you called me. Then Eli realized the Lord was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. So Samuel went and lay down in his place. The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, Samuel! Samuel! Then Samuel said, Speak, for your servant is listening. And the Lord said to Samuel: See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle. Islamic World Domination The question is not whether terrorism is now a world-wide reality, but why is terrorism happening at all? And, is it possible to thwart the activities of the Islamic extremists? Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 1 Hermeneutics is the science and art of the interpretive process which begins by determining the original meaning of the Biblical text and leads to elucidation of its sense for the body of Christ today. It is concerned with the presuppositions that are brought to the interpretation of texts because it consciously or unconsciously influences conclusions drawn. Do You Have a Name For Me? MAN: Good afternoon Professor Knowledge. Let me cut to the chase. I am interested in a name whereby salvation can be found. I came to you because you were highly recommended and I need your help desperately. I have been led to believe that salvation is predicated on the schools I have attended and the academic credentials that follow behind my name. Well, I have several degrees and so now I want to know if you have a name that will help me. Do you have a name I can call out to when I get to the chilly banks of Jordan? Please, check out your libraries; your dictionaries, encyclopedias, references, concordances and anything else you have available to you, to see if you can find me a name that will help me when I'm being tossed and driven on the restless sea of time. Look among your Who's Who and see if you have a name whereby my salvation can be found. In other words professor, do you have a name that will save me? Killing Red Heads "With regard to the ancient Egyptians we have it on the authority of Manetho that they used to burn red-haired men and scatter their ashes with winnowing fans {So the atoms of energy would spread with the wind to all present.}, and it is highly significant that this barbarous sacrifice was offered by the kings at the grave of Osiris. We may conjecture that the victims represented Osiris himself... Comparative Religion 101 ? What They Wont Tell You in That Class If your view of religion is like most people, you think that religion is a list of do's and don'ts or a set of rules, laws or other directives that should be guiding your behavior. What is taught in comparative religion courses is based on this simple premise. New Testament Christianity is thrown into this generalized heap usually by people who are not Christians and have no understanding of what Christ stands for. You might say I am making an excuse for them, but I am not. The result of this assumption can produce the greatest loss any man could ever endure. Lets Restore the Word of Christ "What? Trying to spread the gospel message without quoting from the New Testament? Impossible!" That may be your first reaction, but just think about it. Scholars tell us that the first New Testament book, either Galatians or First Thessalonians, was written in about 50 CE, nearly 20 years after that glorious Pentecost when Christ crucified was first proclaimed as the only possible remedy for sinners. The last New Testament books, probably the letters of John or Revelation, were likely written in the 90s, close to three generations after the Resurrection. The New Testament as a unit was probably unavailable until the mid-second century. And yet Christianity experienced some of its most dynamic growth during this period when its Bible consisted only of the Old Testament. The Unbelievable Becomes Believable The Path Is Winding: Top Ten Religion Quotations Review your religious beliefs with these revealing quotations all about religion... Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 2 Should we be tempted to believe that our system of interpretation is the only system that has ever existed, Ramm makes it very clear in his discussion of the "historical schools" that this is not so. The "Battle for the Bible" may have, in fact, been born as the second century Christian exegetes, who were influenced by Jewish Biblical scholarship, espoused a literal reading of Scripture which assumed its historical accuracy and included a healthy respect for questions of context. Around the same time these interpreters (referred to by Ramm as the School of Antioch) were not exclusively concerned with the Bible's literal sense; they were equally concerned to interpret Scripture at a level that transcended its historical-literal dimension. This school of thought judged Scripture to be reliable and true on the basis of its conformity to orthodox Christian doctrine. In essence, Scripture judged the church, but it was the church who judged what was scriptural; and at this point the church was still involved in the process of assessing the value and authority of many Christian documents, only some of which made it into the canon. Vegetarianism Millions worldwide suffer from malnutrition and the threat of starvation. One-third of the grain in the world is being used to feed to animals to fatten up for slaughter. The amount of grain fed to animals being raised for slaughter is higher in the United States than other parts of the world. We could feed straving humans this grain instead of fattening up a cow for a fast food restaurant to make a hamburger. A vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. It makes weight loss easier and lowers cholesterol. Animals are given hormones and antibiotics, both of which humans can do without in excessive amounts. An added benefit to being a vegetarian is that we do not have to worry about mad cow disease or salmonella poisoning. Rainforests are being destroyed at a rapid rate to make room for cattle to graze. There is a lot of cruelty and abuse present when animals are being raised for slaughter. Pagan Religions Taught In Public Schools In classrooms throughout the country, Judeo-Christian beliefs are often cast aside or ridiculed. Multiculturalism studies, environmental propaganda, and Save-the-Earth classes now indoctrinate children with New-Age religious beliefs, often without parents' knowledge. Public schools sometimes try to sneak offensive pagan or new-age religions into their curriculum without parents' knowledge under the guise of multiculturalism studies. Knowledge Of The Power For it is written in Proverbs 1:7 it says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Some may ask, what is knowledge? Well let's see what the Bible says. In Proverbs 18:16 it says A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great. Now in Proverbs 19:2 it says It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, and nor to be hasty and miss the way. A Call to Action Over the last week I have received dozens of heart-rending and thought-provoking responses to my latest article, and I am thankful for each of them. Personally, I believe the tsunami and its aftermath is the most serious issue now facing humankind. The "war on terror" in Iraq and Afghanistan looks like child's play in comparison. We need to talk about it and share with one another so that it can continue to shake us-and bring us together. If you have lost a friend or relative, or if you have friends who lost loved ones, I am especially eager to hear from you. The story of each human being, rich or poor, tourist or native, survivor or victim, must concern us. Not Just Hearing the Word Welcome to the website: All about Jesus, I hope you enjoy the Revealing Facts about the Bible. I encourage you to look at your Bible and see the truth (fact) about the true living word of God and then make your decisions. My Goal is to bring as many as I can to the Glory of the salvation of Jesus in hopes that your soul may be save. How To Avoid Deception! GREAT PROPHECY TIPS Gods Billboards Invade Cyberspace Once upon a time, Americans traveled the highways searching for the latest word of God. But not anymore! Those same roadside messages, plus a batch of new ones, can now be viewed anytime at home on your own personal computer. Here?s Help for the ?I Can?t Say ?No? Blues? I hear it all the time. Cries from Christian women who want desperately to serve the Lord, but who feel overwhelmed. "I almost dread going to PTO meetings or church services anymore because I just know somebody else is going to ask me to help with something," they say. "Don't get me wrong. I want to help, but there are only so many hours in my day. I feel like I'm just going to explode if I don't get some relief." Great Seats And hath raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus: ![]() |
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