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Reflections After The Tsunami Tragedy
Over the last few months hundreds of thousands of people have reached out with genuine concern and hard cash towards the people of SE Asia. The tsunami was no respecter of a person's religion in an area where Muslims and Christians, Hindus and Buddhists, have been killed or traumatised. Our respective religions are an integral part of our self identity but so is the common spirituality that we share as human beings. Surely now is the time to reach out in a new way, with the same love and respect, in order to get to know one another better. Integral to this process is getting to know more about our different religions and learning how to honour each one. We need shared sacred space to help do this. Anglican Christians throughout Britain in particular are ideally placed to help facilitate such a process, primarily because we already have buildings in every community, sacred spaces set apart for communal use, our 'parish churches'. I see this as part of the unique ethos of Anglicanism. One of my own churches has the prophetic words from Isaiah above its main entrance: 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples'. This is our way of saying 'Welcome' in addition to the religious objects from other faiths that adorn the church and the copies of their holy books available in the sanctuary. In addition, prayers from all faiths are used regularly in our Christian worship. After all, Paul made it quite clear in one of his letters that Christians are meant to be committed to 'the fellowship of reconciliation' (2 Corinthians 5). Space can and should be made available for regular interfaith gatherings in all our churches and with an increasing number of churches becoming redundant and converted for community use, religious leaders need to meet as a matter of urgency to make sure that one room at least is set apart for use by faith-communities. Many hospitals of our land already have such spaces. Furthermore, the thousands of small rural churches in Britain are also ideally placed to offer living quarters for holy men and women, contemplatives from a wide range of faith-communities, who can pioneer new ways of celebrating our common spirituality in an increasingly secular age. I hope that my Anglican colleagues worldwide share the exciting potential of such an inter-faith project. Complementing this kind of practical spirituality is the Indian ashram movement, another catalyst to help us think and behave globally with our spirituality. The tsunami has reminded us of the reality of 'Oikumene', the Greek word for 'one world'. An authentic ecumenism is no longer just about different types of Christians coming together but about members of all religions making a fresh start on working together and celebrating their unity-in-diversity.On 1 February 2005, "Hagia Soffia", our Ashram of the Divine Wisdom, was dedicated to the memory of Fr Bede Griffiths of Shantivanam in India. An Anglican who became a Benedictine monk, Fr Bede spent most of his life bridging the great traditions of Hinduism and Christianity. His vision of an inclusive, open church is served by a sangha (community) of men and women committed to the search for truth at the heart of all religions. It is a vision with a long and noble pedigree. One of the early Christian sages, Clement of Alexandria, wrote in the 2nd Century AD that 'One indeed is the Way of Truth, but into it, as into an ever-flowing river, streams from everywhere flow.' Raimon Panikkar, the octogenarian Spanish priest-theologian, puts its even more succinctly 'Truth is many faceted.' An ashram is about ordinary religious people coming together and although it is not as structured as a monastery, being open and flexible in its orientation, the daily pattern of an ashram is the same the world over. It is as simple as it is profound. People share a sacred space that is dedicated to every religion: they take part in common prayer and share meditation; they listen to each other's scriptures and study them; they share that silence that our world craves, listening to the Divine Wisdom deep within as well as to the needs of our world. They enjoy being together, sharing table fellowship, as well as service in the community at large. Candlemass Eve this year (01.02.2005), was an extra special one in Pennal, as we re-dedicated Hagia Soffia (burnt to the ground eighteen months ago), the small inter-faith chapel that serves the Ashram. Members of faith-communities came together with lanterns and candles, for the dedication. In the words of Jalalu'l-Din Rumi: 'The lamps are different but the light is the same .... Fix thy gaze upon the light.' The words above the doorway into our chapel are in Welsh and come from our ancient native literature 'The Mabinogion': "a fo ben bid bont" (the one who'd be a leader must be a bridge). As 2005 gets underway, the challenge to faith communities in Britain is to craft a new kind of sacred space and community to combat religious ignorance, bigotry and tyranny worldwide. Fr Geraint ap Iorwerth Geraint Ap Iorwerth
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The Catholic Obsession with Martyrs and the Question of Pain and Suffering The Catholic Church is kind of like a forest sometimes. Someone on the outside looking in sees nothing but thousands of trees?and most of them look alike. They can see a definite shape to the forest, and elevations that someone inside might miss. On the other hand, they'll never see up-close nature like the plants and animals inside. They can hear about them, but never live through the experience. Does Society Need a St. Bernard? You all know the big dogs that carry rum to save Swiss or alpine skiers caught in a storm or some other trouble. That is not the St. Bernard I am contemplating but you might think this St. Bernard to be an even bigger dog once you get to know him. Pope John Paul II, The Right Man at the Right Time The world has been blessed to have Pope John Paul II for the past 27 years. Many people have called him The Man of the Century. Pope John Paul II was certainly one of the best known and most revered men on earth. Gods 4 Avenues to Reach the Lost During the Tribulation If the Church is raptured off the face of the earth before the 7 year Tribulation starts, then how does God go about getting anyone saved during the 7 year Tribulation if there is no Church or main body of believers left to preach the gospel? The Bible says that a great multitude of people will get saved during the Tribulation. For Those Who Cannot Speak For Themselves: My Own Abortion Story (Parental discretion advised) The Rapture, A coming Event; Part 2 The Rapture. Part 2. We Are From Jesus Christ Most people wonder at one time or another where do we as humans come from, or how do we breathe. Some say from evolution and some say from air. Well I like to dispute this way of thinking. Has anyone every ask them were do evolution come from, or what makes air? Let's see what the Bible says; look at Genesis 1:1 In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the earth. If you continue reading in Genesis 1 at verse 27 it says So, God created man in his own image, in the image, of God he created him; male and female he created them. This chapter also explains how the World was started. It states in John 1:3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. Now continue on to Genesis 2:7 it says the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. The Occult "Christianity posits the realization of human freedom not here on earth but only in the Kingdom of Heaven." (1) Fukayama tells us, and it seems to me he is interpreting what the dogma says; even though it fits his own slave and master concept taken by his evil predecessors. Right as he may be about Christianity, he is not right about the teaching of Jesus. Well, what good is there in such a belief system? It encourages no growth or potential for freedom while you are alive. It gives no insight to actual knowing of what exists hereafter, except through faith in someone telling you what is right. How can anyone accept such utter hogwash? Are we to be enslaved to such a cosmogony while alive? God grows too, and he would be dead if he didn't. All things around us in nature say change is a good thing. Jesus is Lord: Lets Stop Usurping His Roles In five words Paul enunciates the basic principle of the Christian life: "You are not your own" (1 Cor. 6:19). Some of the Corinthian Christians were acting like they were autonomous, as if their lives had not been bought and paid for with the precious blood of Christ. Because they ignored this principle, they were practicing sexual immorality. Paul tells them that instead they ought to "glorify God with your body" (v. 20). But this principle has broader applications than just sexual purity. Rock of Ages William Jennings Bryan said: "Christians desire that their children shall be taught all the sciences, but they do not want them to lose sight of the Rock of Ages while they study the age of rocks." Thoughts on the Road to Emmaus ". . . their eyes were opened, and they recognized him . . ." ?Luke 24:31 Gays and Lesbians Attempt to Distance Themselves From Catholic Priests There is a new term being thrown around "phenophilia", no one can spell it and I cannot even be sure if this is the correct spelling. Even fewer know what it means; it is the molesting of teenage boys, which is different then that of pedophilia, which is the molesting and petting of children. Homosexuals are saying that in fact phenophilia is not homosexuality and they do not want to be confused with what the Catholic Priests have been doing to adolescents for the past 2000 years. Real Nobility And Gods Love Real nobility feeds on its own intrinsic value, as a rightful cause that ought to be served with diligence. Whether it will be rewarded, here below or in the beyond, is a question really noble individuals consider irrelevant, though they are not insensitive to the idea of reward. Their purpose is to live bravely, wisely, fairly, and kindly for the sake of worthiness. Tribute, wealth, and heaven are dispensable pleasures that may or may not crown the delight they take in this purpose. Likewise, whether a lack of nobility on their part would be punished, here below or in the beyond, is a question they consider irrelevant, though they are not insensitive to the idea of punishment. They are noble unconditionally, even in situations of unrestricted liberty, when they could behave ignobly with impunity and do not believe in hell. Unbraveness, unwiseness, unfairness, and unkindness are negative options that offend their sense of right. Accordingly, they shun them. Praying Hands - Are You Using Yours Correctly? Do you find prayer intimidating? Have you ever said, "I don't know how to pray"? If so, you may be surprised to learn that there is no "right" or "wrong" method of prayer. Nor is prayer reserved for a handful of religious professionals. Let Her Be Covered Part One Several weeks ago, while shopping in a grocery store, my wife was approached by a woman who appeared to be very refined -- very courteous manner. She indicated that she had a question that possibly she could answer. She and her husband had observed that some women wear coverings similar to the one that my wife was wearing. Why are they worn? Her husband's opinion was that it signifies marriage. She herself did not concur with that opinion. But why DO you wear it? That was her question. In response, my companion assured her that the wearing of the headcovering is a Biblical teaching recorded in 1 Corinthians 11. To her that was news. She seemingly was not aware that this was a Bible teaching, and with gratitude in her voice, she promised to go home and read for herself from 1 Corinthians 11. Mystery, not Myth: Jesus Christ is real! In the children's section of any bookstore, books on the birth of Jesus stand next to Cinderella and Jack and the Beanstalk. The same parents who describe Santa Claus so convincingly also tell their children of Another who knows if they've been "naughty or nice." No wonder many children cast aside the Father and the Son at about the time they give up their belief in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. Water Into Wine: The Meaning of Jesus First Miracle The second chapter of John's Gospel offers a most interesting account of the beginning of Jesus's ministry of miracles and teaching. Yet, where is John going with this, and why did he include it? But before we undertake to solve this mystery, let us first read the text in question. How to Study the Bible 5 Keys This article was inspired by a book by E. W. Bullinger called How to Enjoy the Bible, it was written in the early 1900's and has inspired me to devote a lifetime of research to the Word of God, I hope this will inspire you too. Revealing It is written in Revelation 1:1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw-that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads the word of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. Learn How to Be Delivered From Witchcraft, Drugs, Sexual Perversion, Pain and all Addictions. Exposing Hidden Sin ![]() |
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