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Women as Catholic Priests: The Time for Change is Now
In ancient Rome, the cradle of democracy, women had no rights. Their place was in the home under the custody and control of the master of the house, which would often be the husband or father. Her job was to take care of the house and family. She had no vote, could not govern, nor even conduct her own affairs without the oversight of a man. These are actions viewed as crude and uncivilized by today's standards. However, even during these primitive times of democracy women were still allowed to be priestesses in Rome. The Vestal Virgins were honored and revered by men and women alike for their years of sacrifice and service to the Goddess Vesta. So how is it that over two thousand years later, the Catholic Church still refuses to ordain women for service in the Church as priests? Admittedly, it has been only very recently that most of humanity has decided to allow women the privilege of being acknowledge as an equal with men. In fact, it is only within the last century that American women have been allowed to vote or hold a political position. However, during this time women's rights have made significant advances. Women now work outside the house, hold political office ? even at a national level, have ready access to equal education, and yes, they even conduct religious services in many religions. Even Jewish congregations have women serving as rabbis. In fact, a woman was recently selected to replace the retiring male rabbi of a conservative congregation with over 500 families. This is a first for Conservative Judaism, which ordained its first female rabbi in 1985. I have the utmost respect for Scripture and its importance in society, so I do recognize the passage from the Apostle Paul requiring women to be silent in churches and saying it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in church. Paul instructs the women to wait till they get home to ask their husbands any questions they may have about the service. (1 Corinthians 14:33-35) Having acknowledged the importance of Scripture, my reverence for the Bible, and my knowledge of Paul's teaching; I now admit that I vehemently disagree with the sexism of this passage. I think it is important to recognize the culture from which Paul is speaking. In fact, Paul was a Roman citizen. He was raised in the type of backward culture we have already acknowledged as crude and uncivilized by today's standards and his remarks on this subject are no doubt a result of his cultural upbringing. The Church has always accommodated change as humanity has grown and matured. Even Pope John Paul II, who passed this week, met with the leaders of countries who were far from Christian. He met with Islamic leaders, Jewish leaders, and even rock stars like Bono from U2. These are all people the Church would have condemned or even burned at the stake for their heretical beliefs or ungodly actions during The Middle Ages. Likewise, it is time for the Catholic Church to mature to the level of accepting that women are equally viable as a candidate for priesthood as men. The times of believing women are on a lesser plane - whether intellectually, socially, or spiritually ? are long over and the Vatican would do well to acknowledge this fact. The Church's churlish remarks on women serving in the role of a priest are dated and a clear demonstration of the need for a more progressive Pope that will be more responsive to the changing times and to the disenfranchised women of the Catholic Church, whose ministerial participation has dropped significantly over the last few decades. I pray the soul of Pope John Paul II finds peace and comfort in the Kingdom of Heaven. He deserves so much for his sacrifice and service to the Church and to God, I also pray the next Pope will override John Paul II's remarks on women in the priesthood and allow the Church step into the 21st century. If this happens, perhaps one day we will have a female Pope. Now that would be something to praise God about. About the Author: Stella Ramsaroop is a western world traveler, a life-long student, a wanna-be stargazer, and an Aquarius in all its forms (if you know what that means). Her articles emphasize the importance of the continued development and protection of gender equality in all aspects of a woman's life. Visit Stella's Website at http://www.newsparade.com to read her current articles and to contribute your thoughts on women's issues.
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Spiritual Healing or Spiritual Malpractice? Christians with chronic illness need to know there is a source for healing beyond secular medicine that does not follow the pattern or knowledge of this world. That source is spiritual and comes from God! But there is a problem. Millions of Christians are being robbed the gift of spiritual healing through spiritual malpractice. Rebuilding Society and The Tax Protest Movement: Part Two Part Two continued The Afterlife and Scientology AFTERLIFE: The 'Bardol Thodol' and 'Sidpa Thodol' of the Tibetan Book of the Dead with a forward by Carl Jung and Lama Anagarika Govinda, by Evans-Wentz is a great insight to the hallucinatory nature of the images we carry forward beyond the grave. These hallucinations (beliefs) go away and the 'white light' is all that remains. The 'white light' may not be seen by those still attached to this material plane and its' obsessions or propaganda for quite some period of time. The interstitial states of purgatory and limbo(words with all kinds of fables that are far from true, associated with them) are the realms wherein these devious 'visions' play out their energy upon the soul of unenlightened 'followers' of many belief systems. That is a simplistic overview, to say the least. Money And Religion: How Christians Are Being Misled Today's Christian Evangelists, Teachers, and Preachers Are Grossly Misleading America And The World, Concerning Money Contributions. Mindset - Being Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind The Bible tells us that one of the main goals God has in store for each of us is our transformation. The Bible tells us that God wants to sanctify us - to make us more Holy like He is. He wants to make us better people - both on the inside and the outside. The Bible tells us that the way this transformation will take place is by the "renewing of our minds." Romans 12:1 states: "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." The Kabbalah of Love: Part One (This is the first article in a new series on the Kabbalah of Love ? stay tuned for upcoming articles!) Jesus Our King: Priest Forever After The Order Of Melchizedek Much confusion surrounds the person of one "Melchizedek" found in the book of Genesis, mentioned only briefly in the Psalms, and expounded upon enough to raise many more questions in the New Testament book of Hebrews. It is my hope that this brief exposition will help clear the air on this very important topic. For Christians need to know about Melchizedek, as the Bible ties Him to the very important biblical teaching of the resurrection from the dead, as we shall see. The Snake Charmers - Part 1 2 Kings 9:30-9:36. How many her today believe in the existence of, witches, war-locks and sorcerers? If you noticed, my hand was up first. Now were not talking about halloween and spook-s and goblins. witches with bumps on their noses, flying brooms or black cats or anything the like. I'm talking about, Spell Casters and Po-shun Makers and Predictors, Psychics, Mediums, Numerology, Astrology-st, Horoscope Writers, Satan Worshipers, Observers of Times, Diviners believe it or not the world is full of such people, that believe in what their doing. Balancing the Apple Cart About forty women squatted in small clusters on the floor in the room. They had assembled for a special meeting of the self-help groups that would be led by their supervisor. The poor women, whose husbands were marginal farmers, depended on the loans they could secure from the banks through their groups. Treachery in the Midst of the Land The term Scripture uses to describe the activities of those who attempt to sell-out Israel comes to mind. "Treacherous!" Mahavira | 24th Tirthankara of Jainism His Teachings and Essence Vardhamana Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism was the last of the series of 24th Tirthankars in Jainism Dharma. Jainism as we understand today is primarily focused on the teachings and essence of Bhagwan Mahavira. Why? Spring Into Gods Love Spring is springing here in the Pacific Northwest the plants and trees are blooming. We are fast approaching the Christian celebration of Easter Sunday and if my Catholic is correct we should be in Lent right now. Tom Cruise and John Travolta Prescribe to Scientology... Whats the Deal With That? CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA: Anytime a well-known name gets involved with a spiritual approach, whether it is Madonna and Kabbalah, John Travolta and Tom Cruise with Scientology, or any other "name," it creates buzz. But buzz alone doesn't guarantee that something is the most effective approach. Scientology contends that there are unresolved issues in your unconscious mind termed "engrams." These engrams are created typically during times of high stress or even inherited from a past life. Unresolved emotional issues must be resolved according to Ron Hubbard's (the founder of Scientology) philosophy by releasing all charge from them. Sound familiar? This is obviously not a new, and certainly not a unique, concept. All esoteric traditions as well as indigenous shamanism contend that these negative issues outside of your conscious awareness must be released for you to step into your full capability and power. In fact, many esoteric and mystery schools suggest that a minimum of 51% of these issues must be resolved for you to actualize your full potential. The difficulty with Scientology (with which I've had experience) is that, in my opinion, it's too similar to traditional psychotherapy. Now don't get me wrong? traditional psychotherapy works (unless you're speaking of a medicated approach), but again, in my experience it is not the most efficient. In other words, it takes large amounts of time, personal agony and money. The agonizing process I'm speaking of is the practice of reliving the issues over and over again until they are drained of their emotional charge. Again this works, but from personal experience, it's not fun, comfortable or exciting to say the least. And it takes an inordinate amount of time and money! I remember leaving my Scientology auditing sessions being totally exhausted! (As well as much lighter in my wallet with many more multiples of sessions to go.) My studies and experiences have taken me through about every change modality that exists, and I can say with confidence that they all work. That being said, there are some that are more elegant and rapid than others. A Comparison of ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY Hi, Churchless Christianity: A Move of God? There's another "move of God" that's sweeping the nations. Have you noticed? Very few of those I've spoken with actually have. There are others who don't necessarily view it as being a literal "movement" because it's not quite as defined as they like. Not to mention those who don't particularly approve of God "moving" in this direction. But as one British minister said to me several years ago, addressing all the controversies revolving around every new thing God has done since Genesis, "There's never been a tidy move of God." The Fruit, the Whole Fruit, and Nothing but the Fruit Once we become a new creature in Christ, we are given a special gift of "supernatural" vision. This is a gift of discernment in order to protect us from the things we see in the natural. This new vision takes us deeper to see the things that are seen beyond the natural. We no longer trust what our eyes see,we see what our heart sees. God knows that our eyes can be deceiving so He gave us this gift in order to protect us from the wolves in sheep's clothing. As an example,I would like to use my flower garden. Last spring I was checking on my flower garden that I had planted the year before.Much to my delight the flowers I had planted seemed to be flourishing, but soon they looked as they were taking over and nothing was blooming. End of the World | Predictions Prophecies How and When It's the End of the World as we know it... Seeking after the Knowledge of God As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list in this article, God the Father places an extremely high value on the pursuit of knowledge - especially spiritual knowledge. He says that gaining knowledge is greater than all the silver, gold and material things of this world. Development of Liberal Theology: An Overview (Part 3) As senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New York, Fosdick preached a sermon one Sunday in 1922 that aroused the righteous indignation of fundamentalists and he suddenly found himself at the center of a heated theological controversy. In order to understand the tension that existed between fundamentalism and modernism, it is necessary that I briefly delineate the fundamentalist position at that time. The Emmaus Journal ~ Strangers In A Strange Land The Emmaus Journal ![]() |
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