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Tale of an Ark
The ark must have been much larger than the dimensions in the Bible, 450' x 75' x 45', simply just would not have worked. There are 350,000 kinds of beetle alone. Not counting all the other kinds of insects. That is a lot of cages. The cages had to be made very well considering that at that time there were not items available for cage construction like plastics, glass and metal. That must have been hard work just dealing with the insects. Each bug has a different diet and environment. There are 925 species of bats, 200 species of primates, 192 species of hoofed animals and 270 kinds of carnivores, just to name a few. Now wouldn't it have been difficult to keep the carnivores from thinking that all the other passengers, including Noah and family, were brought on board as their food? A kind of all you can eat buffet? There are 2000 different types of rodents. Anyone who has ever had a rodent for a pet knows that you cannot keep them in wooden cages; they chew through wood. It would have taken a really well built wooden cage to keep the lion inside from eating the antelope next to it. Or was this the time when we are supposed to believe that the big cats ate grain and nothing was caged? Have you seen the difference between a cat's teeth and a cow's teeth? Do you know why zoo animals are kept in cages or enclosures with specific species? They all do not get along. Some animals would eat each other. Enough food for all these creatures is difficult to imagine. Fresh meat for carnivores would have been difficult especially since there was no refrigeration at the time. Plant food and fresh fruit would not have lasted long with no refrigeration either. Lettuce wilts and turns brown after a week in the refrigerator. Meat gets putrid after a short time in the refrigerator. Where did Noah get fresh eucalyptus for the koalas and bamboo for the pandas? Maybe Noah used tough love and made them all eat hay. What about the dinosaurs? There were roughly 668 species of them. Some creationists say that the fossils found today are the dinosaurs that died during the flood. Why weren't they allowed on board? Did God just decide that He did not want them around anymore? Why doesn't the Bible mention these creatures, at all? Could it be because they were extinct by then? I have also heard the argument that they were on board. Has anyone seen "Jurassic Park?" Apparently not the people who include the dinosaurs on their vision of the ark. The idea that the large animals were brought on board as infants and eggs is impossible also. Make believe. How could they store all that specialized milk with no refrigeration. Who would keep all of the eggs incubated with no electricity? This was an incredibly disgusting way of ridding the world of all the sin and it obviously did not work. Why did all of the animals except one pair have to die, what did they do? The babies and children that died were being punished for their parents sins, right? Then after all this, what was the point of Noah sacrifing some of the birds and animals that he went to extremes to save? Some stories in the Bible are so implausible, how can we believe this is God's inspired word? Jackie Wellman, author of Spiritual Clarity, http://www.hoppy.bravehost.com, http://spiritualclarity.blogspot.com
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Be Careful How You Live -- Ephesians 5:15-20 There is a sharp contrast in Ephesians between the "light" and the "dark" (cf. 5:8). There is only one way to live-not as the "Gentiles," in "futility of mind" (4:17), but "in Christ," the goal and source of our maturity and spiritual growth (4:15-16). Organized Religion is Great for Humanity; Rants from Lance Organized Religion has served mankind well, by uniting civilization and societies for thousands of years. God bless organized religion indeed. More so let us pay tribute to the great religious leaders of our largest and most well organized religions. One cannot think of a better or higher authority than those who are leaders of religious organizations. For instance the new pope and former Nazi Youth, the BTK murderer who was President of his Lutheran Church or the many Bishops and Priest who molest our innocent children? All in the name of god and organized religion, isn't it so wonderful that these organization help us lowly humans with our questions, self-doubts and inadequacies. What on Earth would we do without such humble and moral leaders of our organized religion. Better Worship - 12 Marks of an Effective Music Ministry Small Beginnings Religious Tolerance and the Internet The internet is a great resource of information on all kinds of topics, including religion. Unfortunately, there is also no shortage of religious intolerance and just plain bad information on the internet as well. Resurrection Faith (Part 2) Christ died. This is a historical fact not to be denied. But it is the claim of the apostle Paul that God showed His love for us through Christ dying for sinners; this is interesting. It is interesting because we wonder what was it that encouraged Paul to believe that Jesus' death was for sinners. He could not "see" the love of God at work. Jesus had been stabbed in the back and abandoned by His disciples. His mother and a few women, together with John stood by watching Him die. Near the cross, soldiers gambled. One thief cursed God and man. The other prayed as he died. But who of those around the cross watching Jesus die was suddenly overtaken with a great sense of God's love? Who testified about how much God loved them? The Bible ? Are Some of Its Words More Important Than Others? Is the Old Testament equal in every way to the New Testament? Are the words of the prophets on a par with the words of Jesus? The answer to this question may seem incongruous but it is not, even though the answer is both, yes and no. But don't be confused by this apparent conflict because it is easily explained. The Exodus And the matter of who is doing the abusing is the most important thing we as a world full of equal people must ascertain. Who are the Benjaminites who were thrown out of Israel and later returned under Judas Maccabee? Who are these mercenaries who protected Egypt from the Elephantine stronghold? The Story of Joshua and Caleb The story of Joshua and Caleb is one of the most powerful and dramatic stories in the entire Bible. There are major lessons in this story for all Christians to grab hold of! Discipled by the Kingdom of Heaven -- Becoming a KingdomScribe! Jesus tells a story - a powerful story - that illustrates how God's Truth for today is always a new Word for today. And it also helps us understand that if all we're holding onto are "old truths", we're really holding onto no truths! Undoing a Catholic and an Orthodox Christian Feud There's an anecdote about twins still in their mother's womb. They argued about who should come out first. One of the embryos complained "I'm the most beautiful; I should be born first." Firstfruit from Death Guarantees the Coming Harvest The farmer handed buckets to us, the blueberry pickers. "You're kinda early," he said. "The main crop's not ready yet, so you're gonna have to be choosy. Pick only what is fully ripe. Leave the rest. The good part is, all of the biggest and best is still here." Behold: The Prince of Persia. . . the War in Iran has begun! DÉJÀ VU (Where have I heard this before?) The Unbelievable Becomes Believable The Path Is Winding: Slaves Songs and Freedom It may seem trite and naïve to suggest we can use the codes that slaves used in their Gospel songs to truly communicate. Unfortunately these black Americans now believe the Gospels they used to make their masters think they were happy and going along with the slave driver. It may seem paranoid to suggest we are still slaves even if we have lots of goodies or three cars in the garage. The truth of our world civilization is not very civilized. The wars and borders that keep us fighting or seeking to be chosen above 'others' in some racist ideology that includes frequent genocides is real. All religions are obviously not trying to let people know that whatever God might be it does not vary from one place to another and all life is part of it. They must start saying they all worship the same thing and tell their followers no one is better than anyone else. Evolution Simplified and Factual The study of evolution puts into perspective our relative insignificant existence. People who deny evolution must have a hard time swallowing the fact that humans are just a teeny tiny portion of all that is in our 13.7 billion year old universe. We are a microscopic speck...if that big. Creationists seem to like the theory of human beings being at the center of things. Slightly egotistical? Literal interpretation of the story of creation from the beginning of the Bible goes right along with the "flat earth" mentality. No Ishmaels Please I want to say a word about faith. Recent events in my own life have driven home just how easy it is to loose sight of what we say we believe. Just like Abraham of old, we often try to bring about results through our own efforts. For those of you not familiar with narrative found in the book of Genesis, let me summarize. Abraham had been given the promise by God of having a son in his old age. God, in fact made a covenant with Abraham, sealing the promise in the blood of sacrificial animals. Typically this looks forward, for those of us who are New Testament believers, to the blood of Christ through which we are made partakers of God's eternal covenant. But, back to Abraham. Certainly after such a dynamic demonstration (Genesis 15) of God's covenant promise, we would think that Abraham would have not doubt that God would fulfill his part of the agreement. But, instead of waiting patiently on God as he should have done, he listened to his wife, Sarah, and tried to help God out, by having a son with his handmaiden (as was the custom of the day), since his Sarah was barren. He did have a son with his handmaiden, but that was a cause of much sorrow to him, and is the cause of much conflict even today. For, you see, this son, Ishmael, is the father of Arab nations. Oh, God was still with Ishmael and provided water to keep him alive after Sarah had thown out the handmaden and her son. But Ishmael was not God's first choice for Abraham. Thus, later, God did fulfill his promise and give Abraham a son through his wife, Sarah. That son, Isaac, is the father of the Jewish people. We are all aware of the Arab-Israeli conflict which continues till today. Yet, God was gracious, and Abraham is remembered today as the Father of the faithful, and in the hall of faith, Hebrews 11, his faith is mentioned but not his lack of it in that one moment of weakness. (Thus, I don't feel that I should share the particulars of my recent Ishmael experience with you, as I know God has put it in the sea of forgetfulness.) Often we may be tempted to do what Abraham did and take matters into our own hands, instead of trusting God explicitly. But, this can only result in the production of an Ishmael, which, although God may still bless, will mean trouble for us and cause us to deviate for a time from our primary God-given goals and purpose. However, when that happens, we may be assured of God's grace in getting us back on track. May God ever keep us from producing Ishmaels. But if we do, may we run to Him for His mercy and grace and know that He is still in controll and we will not be remembered by him for our Ishmaels, but for our Isaacs--the fruit of our faith. If you feel you have no faith, perhaps you this will be a first step for you. If you feel you need more faith or need to use your faith more, perhaps this can also be a starting point for you in that direction. Peaceful Religions? If you say that Christianity is a peaceful religion according to scripture then it can be said that Islam, according to scripture is peaceful. In reality, both the Koran and the Bible present a dichotomy, promoting peace and violence. They both contain quotes that are peaceful and some not so peaceful quotes. Russia and Her Allies Will Attack Israel This next event will be a major one! The Bible says that in the latter days, Russia and what appears to be Iran, Libya, Turkey and possibly Sudan will descend upon Israel and try to destroy her. The Snake Charmers - Part 1 2 Kings 9:30-9:36. How many her today believe in the existence of, witches, war-locks and sorcerers? If you noticed, my hand was up first. Now were not talking about halloween and spook-s and goblins. witches with bumps on their noses, flying brooms or black cats or anything the like. I'm talking about, Spell Casters and Po-shun Makers and Predictors, Psychics, Mediums, Numerology, Astrology-st, Horoscope Writers, Satan Worshipers, Observers of Times, Diviners believe it or not the world is full of such people, that believe in what their doing. 3 Clues To Know Where You Fit In Ministry Part 1 Clue Number 1: You Have Talent ![]() |
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