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Three Secret Keys to Persuasion Magic
Just a few critical distinctions can supercharge your communication skills: 1 Appeal To Peoplesī Values Values are the criteria by which people make sense of all the information they must process before making a decision. In simple terms, your values consist of what is most important to you. When you ask someone: what is most important to you about ....? They will tell you their values. Let's say you ask them their career values, what is most important to you about your career? They might answer: money, approval, and winning. Speak to them in terms of these values and you will have their attention, talk about what is not important to them and don't be surprised if they fall asleep! In the case of this example if you wanted to hire this person, you would grab their interest by showing them how they could have more money, approval and win more often with your company. If instead you talked at length about the modesty, politeness and punctuality of the workforce you would be wasting your time. 2 Let Go Have you ever wanted something so much that your nerves got in the way of expressing yourself clearly? That rush of excitement just seemed to burn out some critical speech circuits! When you absolutely need to be at your persuasive best ironically you must also feel that you can walk away from the deal or discussion without getting what you want. Developing emotional detachment while still pursuing your goal is a powerful skill that more people could do well to master. How can you let go of the feelings while still wanting the goal? Run through the scenario again and again in your mind, and see everything working out in your favor. Picture it, hear it and feel it going your way. Only when you have visualized this in great detail are you ready to let go. Ask yourself: could I just let go of wanting this to happen? Spend a few minutes asking this question until you feel at peace about your goal, when you feel at ease you will know that you have let go. Letting go is vital if you are to be at your persuasive best. The best influencers prepare emotionally in advance of the big event, you now know how to join them. 3 Be Persistent And Count To Ten I once worked for the best salesperson I have ever come across. I could never figure out what it was he did differently to everyone else. What was the secret to doing so much better than everyone else? One day I asked Paul what his secret was and he told me. He said that he will listen to *No* ten times before he even considers giving up on a prospect. Whereas most salespeople grow weary or give up after hearing No the fifth time, Paul is only getting started! I took on board his philosophy and immediately found that I was catching more of those tricky sales as well as enjoying the selling game a little more. Be persistent with a smile on your face and count to ten! Peter Murphy is a freelance business writer. He publishes a free weekly ezine full of practical tips for communicating at your best under pressure. All new subscribers receive a free e-book with powerful strategies for being at your best.
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Sell Without Feeling Like A Used Car Salesman Many business owners and professionals are appalled at the thought of having to sell their products or services. If you are going to be successful though, regardless of your profession, you are also going to be in the business of selling. But you don't have to don a plaid jacket and adopt the sales techniques that have made the used car salesman infamous. 5 Steps to Selling Anything Technical One of the most difficult things we deal with as tech companies is trying to sell our services or products to prospective clients, would you agree? A major problem we face is conveying why our future clients need our services using terminology they will understand and pay attention to. One of the sales secrets I am going to let you in on, is that you can make sales without the client even knowing the name of your product or service or ever saying a word like: Search Engine Optimization, gigabyte, meta tags or even computer. Sales Predator Or Professional Sales Rep From a customer's perception, it's easy for a salesperson to come across as a predator. If the customer views you as the predator, he probably sees himself as the prey. Your initial impression will greatly influence if there is going to be a lasting relationship. Is It Time To Rethink Your Sales Training Program or Is Your Sales Training Delivering Results? Sales is still a must for any company who wishes to stay in the marketplace. A recent Internet search uncovered over 471,000,000 hits on the words sales or selling. Visiting an Internet bookstore revealed similar interest with almost 11,400 titles including the key word of sales, over 8,208 titles with the key word of selling and 4,700 titles with the key words of sales and marketing. 10 Blockbuster Ways To Ignite Your Sales 1. Sign-up to win web site awards. When you win, some award sites publish your web site link, name and description on their site. How To Achieve Excellence In Sales Most people are always striving to better themselves. It's the "American Way". For proof, check the sales figures on the number of self-improvement books sold each year. This is not a pitch for you to jump in and start selling these kinds of books, but it is a indication of people's awareness that in order to better themselves, they have to continue improving their personal selling abilities. Customers For Life Who's talking to your customers? Is it your competition? Why or why not? When you stop to think about it, these are valid questions. Most people rely on some sort of clientele for their business, and can improve on customer relations. A more holistic approach to this process incorporates the more global question: More Sales - You Must Keep Asking I bought a second pair of reading glasses from my local Optician recently. I need this pair to help me find the first pair which inevitably go missing. While in the Opticians I remember thinking that I needed to buy some solution and some of those tissues for cleaning my mucky glasses. Want to Make More Money? Fish in a Bigger Pond! Setting prices is a dilemma most service business owners encounter at one time or another. This week, it was Susan's turn. "When I first started my business, I felt uncomfortable charging for my services. Since I was doing it to make a living, I finally just picked a price I thought wouldn't scare too many people away. Now, based on my available work hours, I can't really take on more clients but at the rate I'm charging them, I'm not going to make enough money to keep the business alive. How do I raise my prices without losing my clients?" she wanted to know. The 6 Secrets To Sales Success There is no magic pill, trick, teqnique, system or secret to success. However there are many beliefs and habits that will bring you the desired results that you wish to have. It is your choice to develop the appropriate beliefs and habits that produce the results that you wish to have. If you honestly are not happy with the results that you are having then you must change the actions, which are producing those results. The following are 6 of the habits, which I have found will rapidly accelerate your sales and income to heights, which only you will limit. Make Your Referrals Count Just because we receive a referral, it doesn't mean that the sale is ours and the deal is closed even before we make contact. Three Fast, Short, Simple Ways to Escalate Your Sales 1. Sell an inexpensive product to sell an expensive product. If people like your inexpensive product, they will be persuaded to buy your expensive one. Bite Your Tongue Most people don't realize how powerful a negotiating tool silence is. I discovered exactly how effective as I recently observed someone discussing a deal with a prospective customer this past week. Sales Marketing: 10 Sales Marketing Tricks To Explode Your Profits Sales marketing online is an art that you must keep revising, refining and polishing to keep pace with all the changes happening on the Internet. The Multiplying Factor In Sales Success Mark has an attitude! Mark had worked in an operational capacity in the plant of a mid-western uniform company for over eighteen years. He had held almost every job in the production end of the business, from janitor to purchasing. One morning the owner of the company called Mark into his office to discuss a new job assignment. Mark was floored when the boss asked him to become the company's sales manager and take over the marketing department, which included the areas of sales and service. Mark had never sold before, nor had he managed more than a couple of people in his operational assignments. Now he was being asked by the owner of the laundry, at my recommendation, to supervise a sales team of three people, a route sales staff of nine and three service managers. My recommendation was primarily based on my observations of Mark as he gave me a plant tour a year earlier, as I started my engagement with this client. Prospecting: Not A Wild Goose Chase... Its A HUNT Prospecting for future customers can be fun if you approach it the right way. It is not a wild goose chase; it is a wild goose HUNT. Instant Rapport: The Key to Sales Success Did you ever meet someone with whom you just clicked? Someone who was so much like you that you practically knew what he was thinking? How comfortable did you feel with that person? Did you trust him? Chances are that you have very high rapport with that person. Three Types of Salespeople "There are three kinds of salespeople; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who are wondering what happened." You've probably heard that one before. Actually, there are two different types of salespeople and they are easy to tell apart. The Reason Why They Buy If you're a business person you want to sell your product or service. If it's been a struggle, then you probably aren't giving your potential customers a good "Reason Why" they should buy from you. 5 Specific Questions Your Sales Letters Must Answer To Achieve The Best Results Here's a surefire method to guarantee you achieve the best results from your sales letters. Rather than make a sales pitch that your prospects will very likely ignore, instead present your products or services as the answer to their problems. ![]() |
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