Know What You Are Selling As If You Were Buying It

Recently I wanted a new lawn mower as we have an acre of land and we have to keep it mowed pretty regular in the spring and summer and the riding lawn mower from Wally World had fallen apart and had to have something repaired every year for the short four years we limped it through. I called my Dad and asked him what he thought was the best lawnmower for the money as you lay out a hefty amount for almost any riding lawn mower these days with very little guarantee of longevity.

Hustler was the name he gave me. Just like the magazine that used to be hidden in the bottom drawer of quite a few men's dressers and different places, still is from what I understand, but this was the name of the lawn mower my Dad said would be a wise investment and how we remember the name. Nice sales gimmick too.

While I trust my Dad, I also like to know how deep a hole is before I step into it. So I went looking and found a wonderful site with tons of information about this potential buy and was quite pleased with what I was reading as my old lawn mower had a great engine but the frame and the deck were completely beaten up. This hustler frame carries a life time warranty and has a three year bumper to bumper coverage much like that of a new car. Plus the engines are to die for. Now you must think I am trying to sell you a lawn mower but this is not the case. I want you to understand how much information there is out there for consumers to find. I also would like to give you an example of poor salesmanship while a sale was still made.

I not only was able to look up all the information concerning the different models but was also able to obtain credit long before I presented anything to my husband or showed up at the store for the salesman to sell us our lawnmower. I know more about the hustler line than the sales man did or it at least felt that way and I do not sell lawnmowers. We are not rich folks so for us to spend a few thousand dollars on anything is something we really think about before we do it. When I asked a few questions of the sales man I was not impressed that he was unable to answer my questions correctly but tried to BS his way through it. It was almost comical when I went and pulled a flyer off the wall which I had also gotten off the internet and there at the very top was the answer to my question. And I was the one who looked around at the models on the floor and found one in the price range I felt was reasonable. And while I knew the differences in the models it would have been nice to hear it from someone who supposedly dealt with them on a daily basis and should have been more knowledgeable about them.

I also took my husband to the side and reminded him that just because someone gives you credit does not mean you need to use it. The sales man did not try to sell me the better mower nor did he try to upgrade the engine. He also did not really explain the differences in the price other than the deck on one was larger though I knew why the prices were different and was surprised he did not attempt to explain it any further. He could have made a larger sale but he chose not to.

He was a nice enough man but if I had just walked in off the street I doubt I would of bought a mower from him. It was really nice when the lawnmower was delivered and the delivery guy was nice enough to explain a few things to me which I would have found out from reading but will save me a lot of grief in the long run. I received better service from him in my opinion than the sales man.

I used to sell tires and auto services. I did not know everything nor do I now. I do know in order to sell someone something you need to make that person comfortable with what you are selling and with yourself. Ultimately you are selling yourself before the product as most of the products really sell themselves. You should never sell anything you do not use yourself, are willing to use, or at the very least have read the company pamphlets your customers can read. If you are asked a question and you do not know the answer, tell your customer you don't know. When you try to fly by the seat of your pants you may find yourself not only without a sale but also without much of job. Honesty is the best policy.

I sold my husband the lawnmower and the sales man just happened to be the one to make the sale. My father sold me the idea of this lawnmower first and after further investigation I agreed with him that it was the best deal. And as you attempt to sell your product be ready to offer real stories about your product and be able to explain why you recommend a certain item. Do not let the internet or a pamphlet be the deciding factor for your customer as was the case of my hustler.

Consider this as you attempt to make a sale today, what questions will your customers ask you? Will you know the answers? If you don't, will you have the gumption to find the answers for them? They may already know the answer and just want to know what type of person you really are or they may really need your help in making a good decision which is more likely the case.

Either way you may never know but I can assure you the bottom line will tell.

A Renee Grover

Semi-Retired Manager of Goodyear Tires, Painter, Poet, Collector, Photographer, Mother, Wife, Gardner, Traveler, Cook, Singer, Comedian, Small business owner, Student, Actress, Writer Mrs Grover has traveled the streets of the United States. She currently resides in Tennessee after meeting her husband and moving from Virginia Beach in 1998.

She graduated in 1983 from North East High in North Little Rock Arkansas, but claims North Pulaski as her true High School. She was a member of TAG for a brief period and also won various awards. After traveling the east coast and living in New York where Mrs Grover tried to pursue a singing career at the speakeasy on west fourth street while working at David's' Cookies, She went to school to cut hair before going into the Navy where she was asked to leave nicely in 1985 due to her inability to conform. She spent the next few years conforming so to speak and living with her Grandparents until moving to Virginia where she went to school to become a service writer and became the first female manager for Mr Kramer.

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