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5 Effective Ways to Promote Your Website For Free Online
1. Generate Targeted Traffic from Online Discussion Forums. Online discussion forums provide an excellent way to promote your website without paying any money. Nowadays, you don't even have to lurk around before you begin to post. Just browse the messages and you can start posting. There are basically three different ways to participate. You can ask questions, respond to requests for help or just post any useful information that fits with the general topic of that discussion forum. To promote your site in online discussion forums, all you have to do is enter your website address or ad in your signature line at the bottom of each message. Every time you post or respond to questions your ad will be displayed. If you post good content, people who read your threads will also check out your website. This is an excellent way to drive targeted traffic to your website at no cost to you. You can take this type of site promotion a step further by identifying the active members in each forum and contacting them for joint venture arrangements. 2. Write Articles or Free reports for other webmasters to publish. Another effective way to promote your website is to write articles or free reports for ezine publishers and webmasters to use. If you write good content, your articles will be published and many readers who like your article will go on to visit your website. You can also write simple research based articles and allow others to publish these freely on their websites. The traffic from these free articles will come from your byline. The 'byline' is the short paragraph that goes at the bottom of each article and describes who the author is and what they do. The good thing about writing this type of content is that it establishes you as the expert and therefore increases the chances of people visiting your website and signing up for whatever you're offering. 3. Do Joint Ventures with List owners and Webmasters. If done correctly, joint venture marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote a product or service. A Joint venture can take many forms but it's generally an agreement for some kind of partnership between one or more parties working together to their mutual benefit. It allows you to leverage highly targeted lists or traffic with no risk. Joint ventures are excellent for new product or service announcements because they allow you to reach a wide customer base very quickly. 4. Leverage the power of your email Signature. One of the quickest and effective ways to start driving traffic to your website at no extra cost is to add your ad or website address to your email signature. This way, every time you send an email, you'll be advertising your website. You can take this a step further by asking your friends and associates to put your website address in their email signature. Most people don't use their email signature facility in their email program so you can easily get 10 or more people to agree to do this. If you and your 10 friends each send out 10 emails per day, that's 110 exposures of your ad every day without any extra effort on your part. 5. Exchange Links with Other Webmasters. This is another effective strategy for generating targeted traffic to your website for free. It involves contacting other webmasters for a possible link exchange partnership. All you have to do is locate websites that are related to yours but that are not in direct competition and contact the webmaster to swap links. There are various free ebooks and articles available online on this topic. About The Author © Copyright. Ben Chapi owns Venister Home business and Affiliate Program Classifieds at http://www.venister.org/. He is also webmaster for http://www.best-debt-consolidation-loan.co.uk/ and http://www.home-equity-loan.org.uk/
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Online Advertising: Three Smart Online Advertising Secrets To Promote Your Online Business The shortcut to succeed in business is to do what those who have succeeded did. The Ultimate Search Engine Strategy Search engine optimisation is big business. Ezines and websites litter the Internet with strategies to boost your search engine ranking. Search engine specialists charge large amounts of money to apply their strategies to your website and will go so far as to guarantee you top listings in the webs' major search engines. Keeping It Clean Could Give You A Boost Keeping it clean could give you a boost.By Mark White Get Listed at DMOZ When you are deciding on the major search engine directories that you want your website to be listed in, you should not overlook one of the most important ones: the DMOZ (short form for Directory Mozilla). DMOZ is just another name for the Open Directory Project, one of the human-powered submission directories. The Open Directory Project (http://www.dmoz.org) was designed and is currently operated by a volunteer group of web editors and reviewers. Web Site Promotion: 10 Reasons Why Your Web Site Is Not Making Money Do you know why your website is not making money As it should? Marketing Case Study: Launching WebSiteMarketingPlan.com (2001 - 2002) The Challenge Signatures -- The Long and Short of It What is the accepted standard for signatures? Who sets these standards? The signatures in question are those blurbs that we include after the body of our main message content in our emails for the purpose of identification and contacts. Free Tee Shirt Sorry, there's not really a free tee here, but isn't it amazing how those 3 little words really grab your attention. Search Engine Friendly Ways to Build Link Popularity Acquiring relevant backlinks to your website is one of the most important parts of any Search Engine Optimization campaign. The search engine's and especially Google value backlinks to your website as an indicator of your website's importance. If a large number of webmaster's have decided to link to your content then you must be an important information hub in your target keyword marketplace. Promotion Techniques Dont Have To Be A Hassle Are you tired of writing countless eMails to other webmasters asking for a link exchange with your new website just to see them being deleted by a spam filter or just ignored? Or don't you want to go through many manual directory submissions again just to get some links and therefore potential visitors to your homepage? Then one of the many different programs that automate or simplify the process of building links to your site might be what you are looking for. However, since those services are available in many different kinds of flavor and some of them might even damage your sites ranking instead of helping it, this article will now take a deeper look at some of the more important programs to help you decide which could help your websites best. Web Site Advertising: 5 Innovative Ideas To Advertise Your Web Site For Higher Profitability Hundreds of millions of people have spent thousands of dollars to create fancy websites to promote various goods, products, and services. 4 Simple Tips for Targeted Traffic http://www.yoursite.com/page.html Increase Your Web Traffic without Breaking the Bank If you are like most webmasters, your goal is to increase your website's traffic in order to increase sales and ultimately revenue. But, you might be wondering how you can possibly perform a marketing campaign if you do not have much of an advertising budget. Fortunately, some of the best ways to increase your website traffic are free and will not break the bank. Read the following tips and implement them into your marketing plan to get more traffic to your website. SEO - How Fast Do You Want To Get To The Top? Search engine optimization by some is considered a science and by others is a game. Recently working on many sites and promoting them for over six months now has made me realize some of the basic techniques. There are many books available about the subject, and almost unlimited resources on the Internet. But the fact of the matter is, the true SEO guru's do not give up their secrets because they are very valuable and once a secret is passed out it's no longer an asset. Ten Day Plan to Online Sales Recently one of my students asked a great question: We have a product we want to sell online - and we need to make money fast. We already have a domain name. What should I do in the next 10 days? Online Advertising: 10 Smart Ways To Increase The Perceived Value Of Your Product If you have a website promoting any product or service, you can generate more sales by increasing its perceived value. Instantly Increase Your Sales and Conversions by Adding New Hover Ad Technology to Your Websites First Generation - The Popup The Quest In Advertising Your Website Website advertising, the unending quest of every website owner. And Free is a word I work towards. But free on the net has many different meanings. And many of them are just not free at all. An effective means of advertising I have found, as I am sure many of you also have discovered, are the traffic surfing sites. So gain an advantage. Register your main website url on a few traffic surfing sites, or many of them, as I choose to do. And put into the mix advertising for a few of the different traffic surfing sites themselves. Why You MUST Have A My Yahoo! Page Yahoo! allows you to set up your own front page called 'My Yahoo!'. Even if you don't use Yahoo! as your search engine, you need a My Yahoo! page which you log onto every day. That's because having a My Yahoo! page that is set up correctly can do wonders for your search engine ranking. Ten Reasons Why People Dont Buy From You Here's ten simple yet POWERFUL ideas for you to reflect on. This will help you adjust your marketing strategies...which will have a GREAT effect on everything you sell.1. You don't make people feel safe when they order.Remind people that they are ordering through a secureserver. Tell them you won't sell their e-mail addressand all their information will be kept confidential.2. You don't make your ad copy attractive. Your adlists features instead of benefits. The headline doesnot attract at your target audience. You don't list anytestimonials or guarantees included in your ad.3. You don't remind people to come back and visit.People usually don't purchase the first time they visit.The more times they visit your site, the greater thechance they will buy. The most effective way is to givethem a free subscription to your e-zine.4. You don't let people know anything about yourbusiness. They will feel more comfortable if they knowwho they are buying from. Publish a section called"About Us" on your web site. Include your businesshistory, profile of employees, contact information etc.5. You don't give people as many ordering options aspossible. Accept credit cards, checks, money orders,and other forms of electronic payments. Take ordersby phone, e-mail, web site, fax, mail, etc.6. You don't make your web site look professional.You want to have your own domain name. Your website should be easy to navigate through. The graphicsshould be related to the theme of your web site.7. You don't let people read your ad before they getyour freebie. When you use free stuff to lure peopleto your web site include it below your ad copy or onanother web page. If you list the freebie above yourad they may never look to see what you're selling.8. You don't attract the target audience that wouldbuy your product or service. A simple way to dothis is to survey your existing customers to see whatattracted them to buy. This information will helpyou improve your target marketing and advertising.9. You don't test and improve your ad copy. Thereare many people who write an ad copy and neverchange it. You have to continually test and improveyour ad copy to get the highest possible responserate.10. You don't give people any urgency to buy now.Many people are interested in your product but theyput off buying it till later and eventually forget aboutit. Entice them to buy now with a freebie or discountand include a deadline date when the offer ends. ![]() |
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