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Ineffective and Unethical Web Site Promotion Methods
In this article I discuss some ineffective and/or unethical website promotion tactics. I talk about them here so that you won't waste your time and resources pursuing them. Spamming If you're like me, you're sick and tired of receiving hundreds of spam messages in your mailbox every morning, and you would not consider buying anything they had to offer, even if it's something you really wanted. Needless to say, spammers are not the most decent people in the world, and it comes as no surprise that many of them are also scam artists posing as eBay or PayPal to steal your credit card information. Everday inexperienced and unsuspecting internet users continue to fall prey to unscrupulous characters from the dark corners of cyberspace. While spamming is not a completely ineffective promotion tactic, I don't recommend it as a way to promote your site at all. Not only is spamming highly intrusive and unethical, but it could also get you into a lot of trouble. Just imagine how many people you'd have to anger to make a sale or to get a visitor to your site. The search engines will ban your site when they find out that you have been spamming. Various laws are now being made to prosecute spammers. Pop-up/Pop-under Traffic Schemes Have you seen ads offering "1,000 visitors for $9.95"? Consider this: many companies are willing to pay up to $10 or more for every visitor Google or Overture sends to their site. Why wouldn't they spend their $10 to get 1,000 visitors from pop-up ad brokers, instead? Perhaps they're smart enough to realize that the 1,000 "visitors" they would get from having their sites displayed in pop-up and pop-under windows on other sites are worth less than the one legitimate visitor Google or Overture sends them. While not necessarily unethical, pop-up advertising is no longer as effective as it used to be. Most web surfers find pop-ups annoying and intrusive, and many now use pop-up blockers to avoid them. Even those who don't have blockers installed on their browsers have grown accustomed to instinctively close pop-ups and pop-unders without taking a glance at them. A pop-up exchange is a program that allows members to show pop-up windows linking to one another's site. As a member of the exchange, your site would display a pop-up linking to another member's site every time someone visits your site. There is usually an exchange ratio involved. A 2:1 exchange ratio means that for every two pop-ups you show on your site, your pop-up would be displayed once on someone else's site. Pop-up exchanges aren't especially effective for the reasons mentioned above. Furthermore, they are vulnerable to cheaters who use automated means to fraudulently inflate their credits. Surfing Exchanges Surfing exchanges are programs where you surf other people's web sites to get others to surf yours. In start-page exchanges you to set your home page to a special URL on which another member's site will be displayed every time you start your browser. Alternatively, you may simply bookmark the URL and receive credit every time you visit it. Click exchanges allow you to earn credits by clicking on other people's links. There is usually a 20- or 30-second timer that counts down the required amount of time you must spend on the site. In return your link will be exposed to other members to click on. Like pop-up exchanges, these schemes will get you traffic just for the sake of getting traffic-- little of it be of any use. Most people who join these programs are more interested in accumulating credits rather than looking through your site. Many run several traffic exchange programs simultaneously (in different windows) to gain credits on multiple programs rather than exploring a site that they're supposed to explore. Link Farming A link farm is a website that has little or no original content and is created for the sole purpose of exchanging links with other websites. Like free-for-all (FFA) pages, link farms have nothing but links to other websites. Link farming has flourished in response to the growing emphasis on link popularity for search placement by many search engines. Never exchange links with a link farm. Many search engines will penalize or even ban your site for linking to link farms. Obviously, you have no control over who links to you, so you cannot be penalized when link farms link to you. But linking back to them is another story. Free-for-all (FFA) sites allow anyone to post links on their pages. FFA's generally don't require you to link back to them, so listing your site on FFAs will not hurt your rankings. However, link popularity is not so much as about the sheer number of links to your site as it is about the number of quality links to your site. Search engines are smart enough to tell which links are relevant and which aren't. Securing a handful of inbound links from qualified sites will do you more good than having your site listed on a thousand FFAs. Article by Oudam Em. Oudam is the webmaster of Web Launch, a free resource for web site promotion, search engine optimization (SEO), and affiliate programs. Please visit his site for more free tips and tutorials on optimizing and promoting your site.
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Internet Promotion: 20 Phenomenal Ways To Make More Money From Your Customers If you desire to succeed in internet promotion, you must be skilled in knowing the desires of your customers and how to meet them. Eight Simple Ways To Use Promotional Products Online With the increase competition on the Internet, it can be hard to find ways to make your company seem different from everyone else. One thing I believe Internet marketers are failing to utilize correctly is promotional products. Increase Traffic With a Good Title There's such a thing as taking search engine optimization too far. I'm not talking about black hat versus white hat, things that might get you banned versus staying pristine. I'm talking about keyword stuffing in the title. As far as search engine optimization goes, there's nothing wrong with it. You might very well make it to #1 with a title like "Widgets, Black Widgets, Home Widgets, Cheap Widgets." How to Increase Your Website Traffic in 3 Easy Steps Promoting your website might seem like an enormous task that you cannot undertake own your own. However, increasing your website traffic and getting more people to visit your site is actually very easy to do. In fact, you can increase your website traffic in as little as three easy steps that do not take a lot of effort, time or even thought. All it really takes is action and a commitment to meeting your traffic goals. Implement the following three steps in your marketing strategy as soon as possible and watch your website traffic explode. Why Running Contests Can Help You Attract and Retain Quality Community Members Assuming that it is legal to do so in your state or province, running a contest on your website or forum is a wise idea. Contests can promote goodwill, stimulate interest in your site, and bring quality visitors back to your site time and again. The following tips will help you build a successful site without busting your advertising budget. Set Your Site on the Right Trajectory by Submitting It to Every Directory Webmasters across the globe are involved in a race to the top of the search engine listings. Everyone has their own set of racing techniques that they swear by, some work well, some not so. However, one thing is certain; if you want to get to the top of the rankings you need inbound links to your site. But how do you get inbound links? Well, you could buy them. That gets pretty expensive. For many keywords the top ranking sites have hundreds if not thousands of inbound links, so unless you have a MEGA promotion budget then you will have to find another way. Writing articles and submitting them to resource sites (such as those listed at www.info-sales.co.uk) is another way to get many inbound links. However, not everyone is an aspiring modern day Shakespeare and not everyone has the time to research, write and then submit articles. Okay, so you don't have Bill Gates' bank balance and therefore cannot buy all the links you need. You lack either the expertise or the time to write articles. What can you do? Don't panic! The secret lies in two words, music to your ears and the answer to your inbound links dilemma... Directory submission. Improve Your Website In 3 Simple Ways You may already have thought about the following 3 ways and some of you may already have them in place on your website. If so - congratulations - you're well on the way to having a website that will bring you more business. So here they are then - the 3 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Website.. The 4 Keys to Great Website Promotion ? Helping Others with Friendly & Useful Services With all the "How To" articles, and great advice available online today, great website promotion and running a successful online business still comes down to the simple act of providing great service and helping people with their concerns and/or problems. This article will give 4 key points in providing great website promotion. Web Site Promotion: 42 Deadly Ad Copy Sins To Avoid, To Ensure Rapid Success Most people who are not doing well on the internet with their website don't know the cause. 4 Simple Tips for Targeted Traffic http://www.yoursite.com/page.html How Popular Are You,... Online That Is? With the web today you "sorta haveta" have a rank in the major search engines if you want to be seen. I mean with 250,000,000, yes 250 million searches a day on Google? alone, how are your visitors and potential customers going to find you? Website Submission to Open Directory Project - DMOZ As an authorative hub a link from a DMOZ directory category to your website will give your site a boost in PageRank? and may assist in getting search engine spiders to crawl your site faster and more often. Google also uses DMOZ data for its Google directory. Why You Need Submit Articles To E-zines Ezine publishes have large amount of loyal subscribers. If you send articles to ezine publishes, readers have trust their editors' recommendation. In turn, you will get more valued visitors to your website. Every time they publish your article, your website traffic will get boosted. How to Advertise on the Internet Do you want to reach millions of potential customers for FREE? Well you can if you know how. The Internet, that massive network of thousands of computers around the world, also known as the "Information Super Highway," is your ticket to generating free leads and sales. As with any other medium, there is a correct way and an incorrect way to advertise online. One correct way is to post your message to various newsgroups that welcome advertising. If you dig around, I'm sure you'll find a couple of newsgroups that fit this description. Posting your ad to these newsgroups is a good way to start your advertising campaign because they are seen by millions and it didn't cost you a dime. Your ad will last for about two weeks and then you will need to repost your ad. Keep track of your ad response and focus your efforts on the ads that bring you the best results. Another source of free advertising is publishing articles that others can reprint freely. People such as webmasters and e-zine publishers are always in need of fresh content. Write about something you are interested in. If you have a certain area of expertise, write an article about that. Place a resource box at the end of your article with all of your pertinent contact information. Don't attempt to sell your product here. Do that when you get contacted for more information. One more source of free advertising is ezines. Some ezines allow their subscribers to advertise for free. Different ezines have different rules regarding their advertising. There are a lot of directories online that list ezines that offer free advertising. Just go to any search engine and type in ezines and you should find a considerable amount of ezines listed. You can also create what is known as a signature file. A signature file is a footer that goes at the bottom of any email that you send out. Your signature file contains information such as your company name, email address, and website. You should also include a short sales message in your signature file. Now that you know the correct ways to advertise for free online, here are a few incorrect things to do when advertising online. Don't be tempted to post ads in any newsgroup that you see. Follow their posting rules to the letter. If they say NO ADVERTISING, don't advertise. This is a good way for you to get thrown out of the group. Additionally, don't write articles that serve as sales letters. Editors will spot this rather quickly and they will not publish your article. There are many places to advertise for free online. If you utilize them, you will be well on your way to building your business online. The Quest In Advertising Your Website Website advertising, the unending quest of every website owner. And Free is a word I work towards. But free on the net has many different meanings. And many of them are just not free at all. An effective means of advertising I have found, as I am sure many of you also have discovered, are the traffic surfing sites. So gain an advantage. Register your main website url on a few traffic surfing sites, or many of them, as I choose to do. And put into the mix advertising for a few of the different traffic surfing sites themselves. Do We Need Web Directories? WEB DIRECTORIES You?ve Created a Business Website: So Now What? Congratulations! You and your designer have just finished creating your business website. It's live on the Internet, waiting for all of those hot prospects to visit and hire you. Promote Your Web Store After spending substantial time and efforts the big day came when you finally published your website on the Internet. You are now ready to show your website to the world. But, with over a billion pages vying for traffic how do you make people visiting your site? Keeping Focused: Marketing Your Site During a Tough Tourist Economy In the current competitive climate, tourism-dependant businesses in Coastal Maine are looking for every possible edge to set themselves above their competition. The internet has quickly become the ubiquitous marketing venue for tourism and travel, and our local businesses have jumped into this venue with both feet forward. How To Turn Your Clients Into Raving Fans So, you don't have a multi-million dollar advertising campaign? You don't have a staff of hundreds, venture capital backing or someone from Star Trek as your spokesperson? Then perhaps it's time to look into one of the advantages that you do have over these e-commerce giants... customer service. ![]() |
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