Site Promotion Information

11 High Powered Ways To Increase Your Traffic

1. Trade links with other web sites. They should be related to the subject of your web site. Instead of trading links, you could also trade banner ads, half page ads, classified ads, etc.

Getting Unlimited Traffic From Search Engines

Search engines have become so intimidating lately - most people think that search engines are just out to get them - everyones becoming afraid... They also think that getting #1 rankings is near impossible.

Work With The Search Engines - Dont try to Outsmart the Search Engines

Contrary to the claims of high-priced SEO firms, optimizing your web site for search engines is not brain surgery. But you must first accept the fact that "spiders" - the search engine programs that read web pages - run away from non-HTML code. This is why the first thing any SEO expert does - before researching keywords or rewriting your copy - is look at your web site code.

Source Code: Places You May Not Have Thought To Put Keywords

We all know its good practice to put in-context keywords into page titles, meta tags and alt tags. But here are a few places you may not have thought about.

A Search Engine Optimizers New Years Resolutions

With the ringing in of the New Year, I resolve to become a better search engine optimizer SEO. Below is a list of resolutions that I have made in order to make my clients web sites the absolute best on the web.

Submitting your Web Site to Free Directories

Submitting your website to the various online directories is an important part of any Link Popularity campaign. Whilst your traffic from many directories may be minor or irrelevant, relevant incoming links to your website will help in your overall search engine link popularity.

5 Things to Keep an Eye on in the SEO World in 2005....

After the latest PR update at Google and MSN’s beta search going live, there is one thing for certain in 2005: the world of search is in for some major changes. There has been growing speculation around the SEO world that reciprocal linking is a thing of the past. Rumors are abound that PR means less and less, if anything. Bill Gates came out of his cave to say that “Today’s search is nothing” and that it won’t be that way for long. There are quiet rumblings in the SEO back alleys of a new, state-of-the-art search engine currently indexing the internet. Websites are dropping off the face of the planet. And we’re all left to sit here and put together the pieces. So what is in store for 2005

The One Most Overlooked SEO Secret

Most internet business owners know the basics when it comes to getting ranked well in search engines. Put the keyword in the title. Put the keyword in your headline, the text, etc...

Google PageRank: Not Worth The Worry

I notice that a lot of webmasters are obsessed with Google PageRank Entire sections of SEO forums are even devoted to PR. Web sites do not live and die by their PageRank. A PR 6 web site may rank lower than a site with a PR 5 due to other Search Engine Optimization factors. Search engine results are not proportional to a web sites PageRank value.

Blogging and Pinging- Powerful Backdoor Into Major Search Engines For Free

Most of you know what a blog is. But have you ever had to ping a web site Did you know that the two together, blog and ping have become the talk of the seo forums lately on how powerful these two techniques together can be at getting any web site no matter how small or large, indexed almost immediately by the major search engines and for free.

Sphinx of Gizeh: Surprising Human FACE image in aerial photo

I discover in Sterns aerial photo a new HUMAN FACE image carved very near of the Maadi hill, and also equidistant of the mysterious Sphinx of Gizeh. This proximity is very important. Its not a casuality because the causeway to the biggest pyramids there WAS NO OPEN, due the ancient wall at the queen Khenthawes "Pyramid Village".

How To Obtain Free Adversting For Your Onine Business


Finding the Right SEO Company

I often talk to people who have lost faith in Search Engine Optimization SEO firms because of bad experiences. Either they saw no results, felt that they were tricked into subscribing to a service that could not work, or that they wasted money on a firm that did them no good. Although I agree that there are bad SEO firms out there, I know that there are also many good ones. It’s your job to make sure you find an SEO firm that will work for you.

Google Rank Cake


The Most Beneficial and Most Under-Used Web Site Promotion Tool

Of all the methods of Web Site Promotion, the Press Release is by far the most beneficial tool available. It is also one of the least used tools. When thinking of Web Site Promotion, a web site owner or his delegate has to consider what method of promotion will bring the best results. But, a majority of these people fail to recognize the significance of the Press Release.

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