Site Promotion Information

Feed Those Hungry WIIFM Monsters, Get Them To Multiply

Everyone packs their website with keywords in order to feed those keyword-hungry search engines spiders.

3 Tips For Writing Content That Will Make You Sales

Content is king. Without content your website is an empty shell, a skeleton with no flesh, an empty vessel. Content can redeem the worst designed website. The right content can make your phone ring off the hook and flood your inbox with people wanting your product or service. Content is the most important ingredient in the recipe for your websites success. If you have engrossing, valuable and relevant content you are onto a winner..

The Most Valuable Asset in Marketing - Do YOU have It

The single most important attribute for a successful Network Marketer is often lacking, and yet it is the easiest to possess. Do YOU have it

The Number One Reason Most Websites Fail

Failure, just like success, is measured differently by each and every one of us. What one man treats as success another may view as failure. For the purposes of this article a website that fails is one that fails to attract and convert enough targeted visitors into paying customers. Yeah - positive feedback from your website visitors is great but lets face it - were all in this ultimately to make more money.

5 Sure Fire Ways To Send Visitors Away For Good

So your traffic is going through the roof yeah Its all becoming a bit too much Youre getting lots of sales enquiries through your website every day You want to send visitors away from your site for good Just follow these five Sure Fire Ways and your site will be a tumbleweed ghost town in no time.

3 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Website

Before you start worrying about marketing your website on the internet it always pays dividends to look at the website itself and get the fundamentals right before looking to shout about it from the virtual mountain-tops.

How Can You Can Go From Zero To Hero Overnight Viral Marketing!

Everyone has heard about viral marketing but what is it and how long will it survive

Speed Up Or Lose Out! How To Improve Your Websites Download Speed

So your web sites online and youve got high rankings in the search engines attracting lots of visitors. But the statistics tell you most of them are leaving after viewing just one page, whats gone wrong

The 2 Best-Kept Secrets Of The Internet

Its a difficult creating a website that brings you business. Its full-time job where things seem easy at first but as soon as you start to explore the possibilities and appreciate the complexity of the task at hand it can soon start taking up ever increasing amounts of your time. There is a plethora of people out there offering you conflicting advice and its often difficult to know what to focus on.

How to Create A Homepage That Works

Want to know what the worst thing to say on a homepage is " Welcome to our homepage." And yet, time after time, we all come across such homepages on the Internet. The reason that this is such a poor opening gambit is the fact that the visitor already knows he / she is looking at your homepage, whats the point in teaching them to suck eggs

Top Six Ways To Make Your Visitors To Hate YOU!

We will take a look at why your visitors may hate you maybe already do! There are many things that make YOUR visitors dislike you, but we take a look the top sex things that make your click the back button on their browser.

Search Engine Optimization --- An Overview

Search engine optimization is one of most popular online marketing tool for any website. With most websites looking forward to increasing the online sales of their products/services, search engine optimization can be a very cost-effective tool to target and procure your customers online. In this paper, we will discuss about search engine optimization, its benefits and how you can optimize your website for top search engine rankings.

Yahoos Back!

I was all set to write an article predicting the future of search engines, when Yahoo dropped Google and replaced it with its own engine. Now thats big news. In less than twenty-four hours, Google went from about 79% of the market share to about 51%, almost overnight. And what a welcome relief it is too! Being #1 in Google was great, but when you had the misfortune of dropping even a couple of positions you really felt it. Now there will be more stability; if you drop in Google today, your hits from Yahoo will remain consistent.

Anchor Text Optimization

"Anchor text can significantly improve your page relevance. Optimized Anchor text can boost your site ranking and targeted search engine traffic."

The Most Useful Way To Utilize Traffic Exchanges

If you advertise through click-exchange traffic programs or GPTR programs, then you should have an idea of what a timed visit is. Basically, people have to view your page for a certain amount of seconds before they can get credit and move on. And that certain amount of seconds is all the time you have to catch their interest. Lets average it out at 20 seconds that your visitor has to view your site before they can move on so you need to catch them by creating a what is known as a...

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