Site Promotion Information
5 Effective Ways to Promote Your Website For Free Online
1. Generate Targeted Traffic from Online Discussion Forums.
Buzzwords vs Effective SEO Keywords
Ever see a website that seems to speak a foreign language...in English We encounter many SEO client websites that rely on buzzwords in the page copy to get the word out about their product. The problem lies with visitors who may not be familiar with those terms. This means optimizing with buzzwords may not be the best way to gain traffic. If your prospective visitors are not searching for those terms, how do they find your website
Supply & Demand - Stop Attacking Good SEO Companies!
As I read the latest news online about what Google has done to many webmasters all over the world, I am left discussed towards some of the comments people are making against SEO Companies.
Appropriate Key Words Choice
What do the key words represent
Pop-Ups Still Work. At Least For The Time Being
Do you remember playing with the jack-in-the-box toy as a child You knew that if you kept winding it up, eventually jack was going to burst out of the top and startle you!
Adding the Right Keywords to Your Website Content
Youve made your website, added a great title and keywords in the meta tags. Thats it, right
Dollars In The Details!
When it comes to your marketing message, the little things count. Trouble is, you’ll never come to respect how much, until you make a commitment to science.
How To Test The Body Of Your Sales Copy For Weaknesses
Your sales copy is the life source of your business. If your sales copy isnt pulling in a decent conservation rate, then your business is suffering.
10 Ways to Market Your Web Site and Have it Market You
Once your web site is done, it does you little good to have it sitting static on the net waiting for those visitor “clicks.” High numbers of visits to your site from potential customers or clients rarely happen by accident. They are a result of a well designed internet marketing plan.
Yes! Getting Targetted Hits To Your Website Is Still FREE!
Start getting some quality free traffic to your website and you dont even need to advertise for others!
4 Simple Secrets for NetMarketing Success
Starting an internet based business when you have zero marketing experience is, to say the least, bewildering. I speak from personal experience as I started out with no specialized knowledge. I gradually weaved my way through what seemed like hundreds of sites selling just about everything and tried to resist buying every white elephant that was offered.
Do You Submit Your Website To All The Search Engines
There is really only one search engine to worry about submitting too and that is Google and you should only submit one page your main once and maybe a sitemap a week later but never more than once a week. If you have a link coming to your new site from a site that is currently listed in Google then Google will find you quicker.
Search Engines 101 - Search Engines Explained
What Are Search Engines
My Favorite Traffic Generation Technique
Articles get exposure for me and my website. If you want to bring a continuous stream of highly targeted traffic to your website,then you should write articles related to your business. Write about topics you have learned about and are learning more about. Make it useful and informative. Don’t write a sales letter, but instead give good content so that readers will want to check out your website. You will want to include a resource box or signature at the end.
Keyword Density
We cant emphasize enough the importance of including keyword-rich content on your site to increase your ranking potential. Simply put, keywords are the words and/or word phrases people use when searching. As weve mentioned throughout the site, search engine spiders love content. Therefore, the more keyword-rich content you have, the better. When a search engine spider crawls your site, it wont recognize pictures or images. So, if you have limited amounts of text or none at all and youve got a lot of beautiful pictures or Flash animation, the spider may deem your site unworthy of listing.What Is Keyword Density Keyword density is the ratio of a keyword or key phrases to the total number of words on that page. It is one of the most critical aspects of successful search engine optimization. To improve your search engine ranking potential, your keyword density must be just right. To calculate your keyword density, divide the total number of words on your page by the number of times your primary keyword or key phrase appears. Keyword density is critical when outlining the keyword portion of your search engine optimization strategy.Naturally, there is a fine line between strategically scattering these keywords throughout your content versus grouping them all together, separated by commas. The latter is known as spamming and you will get penalized for doing it. Dont think you can fool the search engines -- they have the technology to figure out these little tricks. Using Keyword Density To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking The best way to increase your search engine ranking potential is to develop your keyword strategy by researching the most relevant and most searched for keywords or keyword phrases before you even begin building your site. So, youve already built your site No worries -- you should still consider reviewing the keywords you have selected and make any necessary changes to your meta tags and site content. No matter how nice your site looks, you wont get high search engine rankings without the right keywords. And remember, if your site has a lot of graphics or Flash animation with little content, we encourage you to consider a redesign. We understand that most site owners who fit into this category have spent a lot of money for these beautiful sites, but what is the purpose if they arent getting the high rankingsThat being said, here are a few tips on using keyword density to maximize your search engine ranking potential:1. Use our Search Term Suggestion Tool powered by Overture to research your keywords. This powerful tool will direct you to the most popular keywords for your specific business based on how many times that keyword or keyword phrase is searched for each month. You can then take that information and develop your keyword strategy based on those results.2. Incorporate these keywords or keyword phrases in your meta tags as well as your site content. People often forget that search engines will spider the heading meta tags first because they preceed and stand out from your main site content.3. Write keyword-rich content that not only satisfies the search engine algorithms but is equally informative for customers visiting your site. This is the most difficult part of writing your content - but also the most critical.4. Try to write at least 300 words for each page on your site. Again, the more content you have the better chance you will have to include those all-important keywords you diligently researched and ultimately selected. 5. Too often we see content saturated with too many keywords that, as popular as they may be, just dont relate to the site itself. Avoid doing this - it will only irritate potential customers. 6. Web sites should be updated on a regular basis -- dont let them go stale. Add new products/services, update users with new information and tools, do what you can to change your content keyword-rich content, that is! and keep users coming back for more.
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