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Selecting Corporate ERP: Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains ? Estimation Parameters
As we could imagine, if you are reading this article ? you are in the decision making mode, probably replacing legacy system with the new one or abandoning either Unix/Mainframe or Apple direction for your corporation. In any case, nobody should make an outside influence on your decision ? you should be maximally objective. Let us give you our estimates and the parameters to check on the pool of the possible ERPs/MRPs. ? Lifecycle. Each application has its lifecycle: from inception and initial fighting for the "place under the sun", to maturing and then slowly or rapidly declining. Great Plains Software Dynamics, which is prototype of our days Microsoft Great Plains was released in 1994-95 as the first Graphical Accounting/MRP application, working on the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. Plus Great Plains Dexterity ? Dynamics platform was designed as both computer graphical platform as well as database platform independent (to some extent of course, especially when we talk about tuning it to the database platform for performance reason). So, technically Microsoft Great Plains has 10 years of history and is currently in the maturity phase. ? Database Platform. Current trends in the IT applied science are biased toward reliable and standard database platform. If you look at such product as SAP (Abap) or Navision (C/Side native database). This is probably reflection of the future multiple OS harmony: Linux, Windows, Unix systems will coexist communicating via XML (pure text) inbound and outbound streams. We'd say you should be looking for ERP which sits in the standard database: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DBII, Ingress, Sybase, Unidata. SQL is the survivor and it will stay for a very long time. It should be possible to query your data via SQL queries ? this will make your life easier when you face integration, customization and reporting needs. Microsoft Great Plains uses MS SQL Sever. ? Positions in your country. If you are in the USA ? you should know these facts about Microsoft Business Solutions. First jewel, that was bought by Microsoft was Great Plains Software, in fact Doug Burgum, GPS leader was old friend of Bill Gates. Few years before acquisition by Microsoft GPS bought Solomon Software, its old and major competitor. Currently Microsoft Solomon is targeted to Project Oriented Business ? Construction, Consulting, etc. Few years after Great Plains acquisition, Microsoft Business Solutions purchased Denmark based Navision Software. Navision had long presence in the USA, especially in the manufacturing ERP market. But, as we believe ? and this is our private opinion ? Navision acquisition allowed Microsoft to gain substantial portion of the European ERP market. We think that if you are in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, Latin America and your are not a construction company ? then Great Plains is good choice for you. ? Industry specifics. Microsoft Great Plains should be considered as ERP platform ready for tuning to your business needs and so, you should make your decision if you would prefer customization or purchasing so-called rich-functionality ERP. Great Plains is the platform for the customization. It fits to all the spectrum of industries: apparel, medical, pharmaceutical, distribution, logistics, aerospace, defense, wholesale, metals, chemicals, retail to name a few. Good luck with selection, implementation, customization and integration and if you have issues or concerns ? we are here to help! If you want us to do the job - give us a call 866-528-0577 or 630-961-5918! help@albaspectrum.com Andrew is Great Plains specialist in Alba Spectrum Technologies ( http://www.albaspectrum.com ) ? Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Microsoft CRM Partner, serving clients in California, Minnesota, Illinois, Washington, Florida, Arizona, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Canada, UK, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Russia
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Microsoft CRM: Data Conversion ? Import from Act! Best Software Act! is very popular CRM for small and mid-size organization. This system attracts business owner by its low price, plus system is very easy to use. However if your business is growing you should reach the moment to implement more advanced CRM solution. Natural question is ? how do we convert the data from Act! to new CRM solution and the mapping of your objects for conversion. You would probably like to avoid operator data entry with potential numerous errors and mistypes. Assuming that you are IT specialist, we'll give you technical side of Act to MS CRM data migration: Microsoft CRM Customization: Integration with Third Party SQL Application/Database Microsoft CRM ? Client Relationship Management package from Microsoft Business Solutions was initially designed to be customizable with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net and one of its programming languages ? C#.Net or VB.Net. You can use ADO.Net, Web Service, Transact SQL scripting and stored procedures, deploy such SQL Server tools as Linked Server to all ODBC/OLEDB compliant database, including ORACLE, Sybase, Ingress, DB2, Unidata, Pervasive SQL, Ctree and even Lotus Notes/Domino. Microsoft CRM and No-Frills Cadillacs In today's business world it's all but impossible to escape Microsoft. Either you're using MS applications, developing your own, or negotiating your company's acquisition by this techno-behemoth. I must that the company is a daily part of my life (in fact I'm typing this article on MS Word). I've found however, that although Microsoft develops many versatile business software products, the company's 'one size-fits-all mentality goes only so far. I'm referring to the Microsoft CRM system. For you lay-people out there, CRM (customer relationship management) systems are designed to help you gather and interpret customer data in order to anticipate future customer purchasing demands and trends. Who?s Watching What You Type? If someone entered your home, uninvited and installed numerous cameras and listening devices in order to monitor your activities, you would quite rightly be outraged. While such a situation, unless you are living in the Big Brother House, would be considered ridiculous, the same cannot be said for the humble home computer. Business Plan Software Review: Ultimate Business Planner? One of the main reasons business owners and entrepreneurs use business plan software is to simplify building their financial models. Even with an explosion in business plan software packages on the market today, "doing the financial projections" is still often cited as the most difficult part of completing a business plan. Yet, software can still simplify financial forecasting. How To Develop Software For Your Business Software development is a risky business. Microsoft Great Plains Food Processing ? Implementation & Customization Highlights Microsoft Great Plains might be considered as ERP platform to build your own custom solution upon or as the assembly place for the existing modules. Microsoft Great Plains has Inventory Control (IV), Bill of Materials (BM), Manufacturing modules, coming from Microsoft Business Solutions directly, plus it has third party solutions, such as Horizon Light Manufacturing. In Food Processing industry, however the manufacturing itself is so-called process manufacturing, where with variable input you have variable output. It is opposite to discrete manufacturing, where you expect exact number of parts to be assembled into exact number of finished products. In our opinion ? you should first understand your options to automate business processes and if Manufacturing module is absolute must ? only then you should purchase manufacturing and implement it. Let's give you some highlights: Corel WordPerfect 7 Macro Programming Example Case study: A secretary using Corel WordPerfect 7 is often required to carry out calculations and insert the values into invoices or other documents. Navision Attain Database access via C/ODBC in ASP.NET Application Navision Software was purchased by Microsoft and now it is supported by Microsoft Business Solutions together with Microsoft Great Plains, Axapta, Solomon, Microsoft Retail Management System and Microsoft CRM. Navision has extremely strong position on mid-size European and US markets, plus it has excellent manufacturing solution. Our goal is to help IT departments to support and tune Navision with in-house expertise and skills. The topic of this article is Navision database access from ASP.NET application via C/ODBC interface. Our goal will be ASPX page accessing Navision Customers. Review on QuarkXpress 6.0 After almost two decades of existence, Quark has become the basic building block of any print designer's toolkit. It has deservedly gained a reputation for reliable printing, offering consistent and dependable output that prevents costly mistakes. Now you can confidently add that tool to your Mac OS X workflow, because QuarkXPress 6.0 is available now and runs beautifully under Mac OS X. Microsoft Great Plains Security Setup - Overview For Consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very good fit for mid-size company and probably good budget solutions for large corporation. Former product name was Great Plains Dynamics / eEnterprise. Both versions: old and new are Great Plains Dexterity written and Dexterity itself was planned as database and computer platform independent / transferable shell back in earlier 1990th. Currently Great Plains (version 8.0 and coming 8.5) is MS SQL Server based and the last multi-database version 7.5 (available on Pervasive SQL and Ctree/Faircom). But considering former goal ? Microsoft Great Plains has security model, which is independent from MS SQL security and works in parallel with SQL Security HSphere Control Panel Tips and Tricks - Power At Your Fingertips: Part 1 The other options available in this interface are for the particular e-mail account. IT Strategy for Midsize Business: Microsoft vs. Java, Great Plains & CRM Midsize business or non-profit organization should decide if one-vendor solution would be appropriate and the associated risk acceptable. In our opinion, balancing the risk of one-vendor-approach is not economically feasible and should be avoided. This means that you need to decide if you plan to be Microsoft-oriented or Java/Unix/Linux/Oracle oriented. In the case of Java direction ? you again have to further consider your options and if possible do not deploy too many systems from different vendors. Even if you host your systems with somebody else ? we think that in the future you might have a risk of complex data conversion from one system to another. In this small article we'll show you typical way if you follow Microsoft direction: Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains and Microsoft CRM Run Your Own Search Engine Our hosted solution allow you to run your own search engine.You can have your own special search engine such as travel, games,animals, medical, software, sports, music, cars or any other category you like.We can create and host custom search engine for you by indexing only those sites which meets your selected category. You can also select to index the whole web instead of some specific category. Microsoft Great Plains Distribution, Barcoding, Consignment ? overview for consultant Microsoft Great Plains ? ERM from Microsoft Business Solutions and formerly Great Plains Software is pretty generic with its standard set of modules: GL, BR, AR, AP, IV, SOP, POP and US Payroll. However, having about twelve years of implementation and customization history ? Great Plains Dynamics, Dynamics C/S+, eEnterprise being Great Plains Dexterity written application has been and still is attractive core platform for third party software development companies to write vertical and horizontal modules, written as well in Great Plains Dexterity. If you have Microsoft Great Plains implemented or under the implementation should have your options in making in-house or outsourced customizations to fit your vertical industry needs. Let's consider consignment, barcoding and distribution/warehouse management The Opera Alternative Security flaws have long plagued Internet Explorer (IE), the market-dominating web browser from Microsoft. IE won the early browser wars, not only because it was free and bundled with Windows, but because it had some features and capabilities that its only real competitor, Netscape, didn't have. But the behind-the-scenes programming that makes those features possible is the very coding that also leaves wide gaps in IE's defenses against viruses and malicious scripting. Among several browser alternatives for Windows users, the Opera browser stands out in functionality and integration, and is gaining a wider following as a safer surfing alternative to Internet Explorer. Microsoft Great Plains: Customization Upgrade & Recovery ? Visual Studio VB 6.0 Microsoft Great Plains, former Great Plains Software Dynamics, eEnterprise has very long, about 12 years customization & integration history. In earlier 1990th ? the customization tool was mostly Great Plains Dexterity, later on when Great Plains was successfully moved to MS SQL Server 6.5, 7.0 and 2000 ? we see more historical custom projects done in SQL stored procedures and front ends coded in VB in Visual Studio 6.0. This was probably wise and natural choice in that time (around 1997-2001), but if you consider Microsoft move to .Net platform and reshaping its own programming environments (ADO, OLE, VB, etc) ? you would nowadays rather be nervous relying on VB 6.0 custom front end, calling stored procs via ADO. Let's consider your options: An Introduction to .NET Framework .Net Framework is a platform or development environment to seamlessly create web-applications that are accessible through client machines from across the globe. These web-applications adopt open standards such as eXtensible Markup Language (XML), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to interact with applications that are available in other platforms. Microsoft Great Plains eCommerce ? Stored Procedures Approach Since Version 8.0 Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains & Great Plains Standard are available on Microsoft SQL Server and MSDE (which is in fact MS SQL with database size limit of 2GB). As eCommerce designer you should be aware of several options and customization tools in your disposition, when you utilize Microsoft Great Plains 8.5 (June 2005), 8.0, 7.5, Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise 7.0, 6.0, 5.5 or 5.0 Great Plains Dynamics C/S+. When you have old versions (7.5 and prior) we assume that you are on MS SQL Server 2000/7.0, because if you are on Ctree or Pervasive SQL/Btrieve ? you should use ODBC / RDO connection tools, such as MS Access and its queries or use MS SQL Server Linked Server technique with OPENROWSET statements. So, lets assume that you are on MS SQL Server. You have basically two options eConnect (you should pay for the reg key/license and this is SDK) and custom stored procedures. We'll only consider custom stored procedures way here: Implementing Microsoft CRM: setup and configuration ? notes for IT specialist Microsoft Business Solutions CRM is web-based CRM application, deploying all the spectrum of recent Microsoft technologies. We'll try to analyze different needs and implementation scenarios attributed to specific industries and business types, based on our experience. ![]() |
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