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Choosing A Fund
For years I have been saying you must have a fund that is outperforming the S&P500 Index. Well, I've changed my mind. Now I think your fund should be outperforming the NASDAQ Composite Index. So far this year, March 30, the S&P is up 1.3% and the NASDAQ Composite is up 9.5 %. Have you checked your mutual funds for their performance so far this year? I don't know how important your money is to you, but it is important enough for me to check out my funds at the end of each month. I live off that income. Some day you may be doing the same so now is the time to start tracking those returns. For almost the last 20 years I have bought nothing but no-load mutual funds. There is absolutely no correlation that a fund performs better if you pay commissions. The only one who profits here is the broker, not you. In fact with an 8 1/2% front-end load you actually start 9 1/4% in the hole. Many no-load funds can be purchased at discount brokers for no commission at all. The call these NTF funds - No Transaction Fees. This is a great bargain that every investor should take advantage of. One of the things I have been preaching for years and I have not changed my mind about this is the funds you own should be the best performers available. My definition of best performer is that you should only buy a no-load fund that has the greatest increase in NAV (Net Asset Value) for the past 6 or 12 months. Your broker is definitely not going to tell you about these. You can find them yourself . Look in Mutual Fund Section of Investor's Business Daily newspaper. Usually about once a week they publish a list of 25 mutual funds with their performance record for the past 6 or 12 months. If you are going use this indicator then buy the top one, two or three and only check them out once each month to see that they remain on the list. If your fund drops below 15th or 20th or completely out of the list you will then sell it and buy the fund that is at the top. If you have a computer you may check out www.smartmoney.com as they list the top 25 performing funds. I would not buy one unless it has been on the market for at least a year. You may use the same sell strategy as the IBD above. In real estate the smart strategy is to buy right. In the stock market the smart strategy is to sell right. If you follow this plan during a bull market you will make 2 or 3 times the increase of the S&P or NASDAQ Composite. If you are willing to look at your mutual funds once each month for about 10 minutes you will be able to outperform 99% of the returns of financial planners, brokers or bankers. Is it worth it to choose your own funds? You have to answer that. Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. Copyright 2005
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How to Evaluate Load vs. No Load Mutual Funds If you have been dealing with mutual funds for any length of time, you undoubtedly have faced the question of which is better: Load Funds or No Load Funds. If you are new to investing, "load" simply refers to the commission paid to the broker selling the fund. "No load" means there is no commission on the purchase or sale. Choosing A Fund For years I have been saying you must have a fund that is outperforming the S&P500 Index. Well, I've changed my mind. Now I think your fund should be outperforming the NASDAQ Composite Index. So far this year, March 30, the S&P is up 1.3% and the NASDAQ Composite is up 9.5 %. No Load Mutual Funds: Boost Your Portfolios Returns Investors who exclusively use broadly diversified, no load mutual funds for their stock investments often lose out on opportunities to increase the reward potential of their portfolios. This article looks at two methods investors may use to enhance the performance of their portfolio of diversifed, no load mutual funds. Defining a Long-Term Investment in the Stock Market For some "long term" would mean holding a stock position over the weekend. For others, it may mean holding a security for at least 1 year for the purpose of declaring a long-term capital gain, thus saving on taxes. The 401(K): How The Insider Has Stolen Your Retirement! Mutual funds were moderately successful in creating a presence in the stock market until the advent of the investment retirement account and in particular the 401(k). Corporate insiders persuaded the federal government to allow for the 401(k) in lieu of offering employees the traditional pension. When this happened the employees lost the protection of a specialized financial manager who could manage both the return and the risk of the retirement money of the worker. Good Stock Market Tip; Good Return! Forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from your stock portfolio. That's right! Forget making a profit. The burden is now lifted - no more pressure on making a buck in the stock market. (Instead of trying to bend the spoon, that is impossible, instead just think of the spoon as ? omigosh! - I'm in the Matrix!) When you focus on the amount of money your holdings are providing in dividends ? and when those companies selected have a history of raising their dividends each year ? a lower stock price allows the dividends that are being rolled back into the stock to accelerate your income. The total value of your portfolio may go lower, but your income from that lower priced portfolio would increase dramatically. Profit by income! Small-Cap Stocks: The Beginning of the Journey When an individual investor wants to roll up his sleeves and do some research in the pursuit of the next big winner in the stock market, the place many start is in the small cap sector. Municipal Bonds Because there are so many stocks that are NOT paying dividends and also going down people are looking for a safe investment that will pay a decent return and also won't lose money. Slowly folks are beginning to think about bonds of which there are all kinds. Structured Settlement; Lawyers in NY and Mutual Funds Minority Report the movie may not be far off if the Head of the SEC has anything to say about it. At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on CSPAN, William Donaldson said that the beloved SEC can no longer sit back and "mop-up" after scandals break. This idea of Mopping up is interesting, because if the SEC has anymore regulations then everyone will be reduced to cleaning homes for a living although even Service Master owner of Merry Maids is doing lots of legal insider trading of their stock options and that alone is telling us that maybe just maybe all that Form 4 Action is a sign of things to come? More Window Dressing Two weeks ago I wrote about what the Securities and Exchange Commission was doing to regulate the mutual fund industry to help the small investor, the "poor folks". It really added up to zero. Peer Groups Whenever I see mutual fund comparisons in the trade publications and in the financial section of the newspaper they almost always mention a specific fund and tell you how good it is in relation to its peer group. A peer group is a specialized sector of mutual funds that all invest in about the same type of stocks or areas of the world or size of companies or some such categorization. Stock Market Investments If there is one term over-used when talking about making investments in the stock market I would think that term would be: buy low, sell high. Hedge Funds You read and hear a lot about hedge funds. Unfortunately, most of what you hear is negative because it comes from the major media that has an interest in reporting negatives about them because the major media is supported by so-called standard mutual funds and brokerage companies that spend big bucks for advertising. Hedge funds are NOT allowed to advertise. Protect Your 401K Checked your 401K lately? Going back to about a year ago many of these retirement accounts have shrunk by 30%, some even more. What Happened? It Cant Be Done Wouldn't it be nice if you were only in the stock market when it was going up and have everything transferred to cash while it is going down? It is called 'market timing' and your broker or financial planner will tell you "it can't be done". What that person just told you is he doesn't know how to do it. He doesn't know his job. Complacency During the month of January the Dow Jones Industrial Average, usually referred to as the DOW, had an almost 1,000 point range, most of it down and the average investor has yawned and said 'so what, this has happened many times before'. Fake Money Reach in your pocket and take out that big roll of bills. Depending on how many of them you have you feel pretty good. BUT did you know they are not worth the paper they are printed on? Huh? Let me explain. Managing Investing and Stock Market Risks Reduce your investing and stock market risks by: Getting Even I know there are a lot of you out there who would like to "get even" with the stock market. Many are on the diet of "I hope, I hope". As a professional trader I can tell you that diet will make you very sick. The Exclusive Club of Large Caps Picture one of those clubs where only the real heavyweights need apply. In the library the old aristocrats, General Motors and JP Morgan, are dozing in their leather chairs. On the terrace, a late luncheon is underway for those who have only improved their standing through marriage. ExxonMobil and Citigroup are part of the party. At the bar, a number of the"nouveau riche" have gathered - Microsoft seems to be buying for Intel and Hewlett Packard. Welcome to the world of the Large Cap Stock Club, the biggest of the worlds publicly traded companies. ![]() |
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