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Busy Fish: Tips for Changing Your Day from Chaos to CalmDr. Robert Eubanks Syndicated columnist Dale Dauten recently wrote, One of lifes great joys that weve lost is that of the empty day, a day given over to quiet, to reading and contemplation. Our planners and PDAs give the illusion of importance and of being in control. A beautiful statement but what Dale doesnt acknowledge is that weve become such slaves to busyness and mental stimulation that spending a day given over to quite would drive most of us mad! It would be nothing short of a drug detox. Any book on brain research will tell you that the brain will eventually create a tolerance to an increase in stimuli. Looking at the stimuli in our lives we find work, relationships, TV/media, music, kids, the list is almost endless. These are all good things and very important to our daily lives but the high level of stimuli has become status quo and the thought of quiet contemplation has been drowned in the mire of pure busyness. Recently, I called my wife on my cell phone while driving in rush hour traffic with the radio blaring in the background. What was I thinking I recently had high-speed DSL installed in my house because the three second wait between web pages was killing me! Heres another fine example, last weekend I had some free time around the house and thought I was going to loose it! I had plenty of things I could do but had no interest in doing them and the necessities of the day were all taken care of. The nothingness nearly drove me to scrub the bathroom tiles! Like an addict hitting bottom, I took the first step of recognizing and admitting that I had a problem. Then I thought back to my grad school training and began using some stress management techniques to ease my anxiety and slow down my mind. Sitting comfortably I closed my eyes and began taking a few deep breaths. I progressively relaxed my body starting with my feet and working my way to the top of my head. This took all of five minutes and when I opened my eyes I felt a world of difference. This was the starting point of realizing the sacredness of silence, the importance of a calm spirit and they joy of a quite mind. Many great thinkers have had their most profound moments in times of silence and solitude. Ever hear of the bathroom break epiphany Unlike many of the great minds of years past, we live in an information age that moves at a different pace but we do have a choice as to the pace that we will live our lives. By creating time to give over to quiet, to contemplation and to a calm mind we can not only begin reaping the numerous benefits touted by all the health and medical journals about reducing stress, but we will also be creating time to truly be in control of our lives so that the rest of our time we can give ourselves to our day rather than be swept away in the current of busyness. Heres a few links for additional information on stress management techniques: http://www.wholeperson.com/wpa/tr/gig/imagery.htm, http://www.holistic-online.com/stress/stress_imagery.htm. © 2004 by Dr. Robert A. Eubanks Article URL: http://www.bridgetosolutions.com/pages/7/index.htm Terms of use: This article may be published electronically or in print, as long as the byline at the end of the article is included without alteration.
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Eight Ways to Motivate Part Time Employees In most cases, part-time employees present a special challenge when it comes to motivation. They do the “grunt” work, have little career choices, are often focused on other goals outside of your organization college, hobbies, etc., and are treated as outsiders by full-time employees. So what’s a manager to do How do we turn our part-time employees into outstanding employees Stress and Depression are Killing Us! A short generation ago, families could set their watch by the time the father got home from work each day. My dad always walked through the front door at precisely 6 PM and supper was served at 6:10. We’d all sit around the table discussing the events of the day and then go out on the street to spend time with the neighbors when the kitchen chores were done. Anger and Your Health: How Your Outlook Influences Health and Your Ability to Control Anger The situation: Jane and Anthony have differing ways of viewing the world. Jane is a pessimist the glass is half-empty, while Anthony is an optimist the glass is half-full. These outlooks influence how they experience similar situations. 7 Successful Stress Management Techniques Everyone needs successful stress management techniques. Easy to learn and easy to implement, you can use them for your own stress management or teach them to help others manage theirs. Setting Yourself Free in Three Quick Steps Lilly Tomlin said, "The problem with the rat race is even if you win, youre still a rat." A lot of us are running a rat race - feeling caged into a life of running and giving to everyone else FIRST, sometimes at your own expense. We are pulled in so many different directions - work, family, finances. It is time we put our foot down and stop feeling controlled - by people and circumstance. 7 Solutions for Practical Stress Management Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get used to feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has its place, unless it is backed up by practical wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. What is Intution and How do I use it Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. Unfortunately, not many people know what it is or how to use it. The word intuition means “in to you” in Latin. Florence Scovel, a theologian, once said, “Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn’t explain; it seemingly points the way.” It’s also been said that intuition is your divine Spirit talking to you. If you will stop for a moment and acknowledge this, you will begin to realize the incredible perspective you have at your fingertips. You have this very amazing power! And you don’t even have to get any special training to start using it. All you need to do is raise your awareness about it and set your intention to harness it. 4 Steps to Assertive Communication “Dr. Fiore,” my 42 year old married patient Mary began, “once again my family expects me to host Christmas dinner and I am simply too exhausted; what should I do” Show Your Customers You Care I recently went to a major computer/electronics store to buy an expensive software package. I felt good that I was able to find the software at a substantial discount. But by the time I was through paying for my purchase I never wanted to come back to the store again. To Hell In A Handbasket; Men Who Crash And Burn What’s up with men Why do we push our bodies to extremes Why do we so often ignore our body’s signals that we’re doing too much, going too fast, trying too hard Why do we indulge in excess, and constantly exceed our” envelope of tolerance” Ten Customer Service Secrets to Win Back Customers Recently I was facilitating an Outstanding Customer Service program and broke for lunch. Knowing that the restaurants in the area had much to desire as far as service I gave the students an extra fifteen minutes for lunch. Five Leadership Secrets for Challenging Times We consistently face new and ever growing challenges in the workplace such as reorganizing, downsizing, and “left out sizing.” We are faced with the question, “How do we lead in this storm of change” It may seem difficult at times and the decisions we make define our short-term and long- term outcomes. I will share with you five leadership techniques guaranteed to keep you on track during these difficult times. The High Cost of Anger - Part 1 Learn to manage your feelings for better health. Suppose you are standing in the ‘express’ lane of a supermarket checkout. You see that the third person ahead of you has about 25 items and is paying by check when the signage clearly restricts this isle to 10 items and cash-paying customers. 5 Steps to Adjusting Your Expectations Dateline: January 4th. Orange County Anger Management class participants review anger triggers of the week. How to Recognize Stress Before it Turns Into Anger After a stressful day as a computer programmer, Jim pulled into his driveway. The children’s toys were scattered on the walkway to the house. Five Ways to Reduce Environmental Stress Life is stressful enough without allowing the physical environment - air quality, lighting, noise, and other controllable factors - to intensify day-to-day stress. Especially in the Fall and Winter is where you experience less daylight and more mood swings. The Great Awakening--Menopause Menopause is a natural transition all women experience, as natural as adolescence. For your grandmother and great-grandmother, life expectancy was shorter. Reaching menopause often meant that their life was nearing an end. But this is no longer true. Today women are living longer—on average, until age 78. How you experience menopause is determined by many factors: attitude, diet, overall health, genetics, and your cultural group. Medical science views menopause as the state of your body after you had completed one full year without having a period. It is most definitely not a disease! By making wise decisions about your menopause and healthy lifestyle, you can make the most of the 20, 30, or more years afterwards! Appreciate to Motivate Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, since said, "There are two things people want more than sex and money...recognition and praise." Time and time again the one motivating factor that is at the top of most employee lists is appreciation for a job well done. It is more requested than the green stuff, money. What is Stress What is Stress Five Steps to Creating a Goal Medal Life: Part II Recently, Joy and I had the pleasure of speaking at a conference of Educational Office Professionals in Baltimore, MD. The other speakers included Ms. Deborah Phelps, mother of six-time gold medalist in the 2004 Summer Olympics swimmer Michael Phelps, and Agatha von Trapp, the 91-year-old daughter of Captain and Maria von Trapp, the family on which the movie “Sound of Music” was based. To say the least, there were a variety of subjects discussed that day. ![]() |
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