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7 Successful Stress Management TechniquesLyndsay Swinton Everyone needs successful stress management techniques. Easy to learn and easy to implement, you can use them for your own stress management or teach them to help others manage theirs. Manage your stress and be a healthier, happier and more pleasant person to be around. Let’s cut to the chase… 1. Make stress your friend Acknowledge that stress is good and make stress your friend! Based on the body’s natural “fight or flight” response, that burst of energy will enhance your performance at the right moment. I’ve yet to see a top sportsman totally relaxed before a big competition. Use stress wisely to push yourself that little bit harder when it counts most. 2. Stress is contagious Stressed people sneeze stress germs indiscriminately and before you know it, you are infected with stress germs too! Protect yourself from stress germs by recognising stress in others and limiting your contact with them. Or if you’ve got the inclination, play stress doctor and teach them how to better manage their stress. 3. Copy good stress managers When people around are losing their head, which keeps calm What are they doing differently What is their attitude What language do they use Are they trained and experienced Figure it out from afar or sit them down for a chat. Learn from the best stress managers and copy what they do. 4. Use heavy breathing. You can trick your body into relaxing by using heavy breathing. Breathe in slowly for a count of 7 then breathe out for a count of 11. Repeat the 7-11 breathing until your heart rate slows down, your sweaty palms dry off and things start to feel more normal. 5. Stop stress thought trains It is possible to tangle yourself up in a stress knot all by yourself. “If this happens, then that might happen and then we’re all up the creek!” Most of these things never happen, so why waste all that energy worrying needlessly Give stress thought-trains the red light and stop them in their tracks. Okay so it might go wrong – how likely is that, and what can you do to prevent it 6. Know your stress hot spots and trigger points Presentations, interviews, meetings, giving difficult feedback, tight deadlines……. My heart rate is cranking up just writing these down! Make your own list of stress trigger points or hot spots. Be specific. Is it only presentations to a certain audience that get you worked up Does one project cause more stress than another Did you drink too much coffee Knowing what causes you stress is powerful information, as you can take action to make it less stressful. Do you need to learn some new skills Do you need extra resources Do you need to switch to de-caffeinated coffee 7. Eat, drink, sleep and be merry! Lack of sleep, poor diet and no exercise wreaks havoc on our body and mind. Kind of obvious, but worth mentioning as it’s often ignored as a stress management technique. Listen to your mother and don’t burn the candle at both ends! And those are the 7 successful stress management techniques! Take time to learn them, use them and teach them, and be a great stress manager.
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How Appetizing is Your Feedback Recently, I was watching a rerun of the successful television show, The Cosby Show. The patriarch of this professional family He is a doctor and his wife is a lawyer. played by Bill Cosby, was just told by his college-bound daughter that the boyfriend she brought home to meet him was really her fiancé. He was disappointed with the news. Disappointed not in the young man or what he did he was a “maintenance engineer”, but in the way he was told about this engagement. Appreciate to Motivate Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, since said, "There are two things people want more than sex and money...recognition and praise." Time and time again the one motivating factor that is at the top of most employee lists is appreciation for a job well done. It is more requested than the green stuff, money. Why Not Live Vicariously Through Yourself Reality programming appears to be all the rage today. Survivor, Sex & the City, Desperate Housewives and the Donald’s You’re Fired; they’re on all the major networks. It seems we can’t get enough of it. Why do you think that is Five Secrets to Gaining Credibility with Your Team Towers Perrin, the corporate benefits consulting firm, surveyed over 1000 American workers and found the following: 21st Century Career Success When it comes to modern career development, one thing we can all count on is change. With the advent of technology, telecommuting, and E-commerce, how work is performed is in a state of reinvention. Self-employment and small business development will become more the norm than big business. And career changes will be more frequent due to rapidly changing organizations and industries. Finally, the line between one’s personal and professional life will become even more blurred. Since the modern world of work is rapidly changing to keep up with the demands of our fast-paced lives and lifestyles, here are some characteristics of what the new work contract will look like: Seeking more meaning from work. Equating “career success” with personal satisfaction over paycheck or status. Everyone will need their own “name-brand.” Increased use of technology. Finding work that needs doing. Changing in the way management and leadership is conducted less arrogance at the top level, more power on lower levels. Increased need for networking and self-marketing. Lifelong “trying on” of various roles, jobs, and industries. Creating a plan that is flexible, and continually assessing the “fit” of the work. Increased representation of women and minorities in the workforce. Changing career fields numerous times in a lifetime. Self-responsibility: Everyone knowing they have to chart their own career direction. However, the 21st century career also offers many advantages: More career opportunities for everyone. Freedom to choose from a variety of jobs, tasks, and assignments. More flexibility in how and where work is performed, i.e. working from home or telecommuting. More control over your own time. Greater opportunity to express yourself through your work. Ability to shape and reshape your life’s work in accordance with your values and interests. Increased opportunity to develop other skills by working in various industries and environments. Self-empowerment mindset. Allows you to create situations or positions where you can fill a need in the world that is not being filled. Opportunity to present yourself as an independent contractor or vendor with services to offer. Set Yourself Stress-Free Stress in our personal and professional lives is ever changing and constantly on the rise. Everyday we’re expected to do more and more with less and less - less resources, less energy and less time. In order to master the ability to manage stress, it’s important to first remove one of the biggest obstacles that stands between chaos and calm - SELF. Often we are one of the biggest contributors to the calamity and chaos we experience in our lives. Stress management is the recognition that life is all about the choices we make. Starting today, choose to take control and follow these simple tips to help you lead a stress-less lifestyle. Getting Back to Basics: A Customer Service Tale One hot summer day my daughter and I ventured to our local craft store with one mission in mind – purchase velvet covered coloring panels called fuzzy boards. Little did we know this simple trip would turn into such an adventure. 7 Solutions for Practical Stress Management Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get used to feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has its place, unless it is backed up by practical wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. The Secret To Beating Tiger Woods At Golf … And, Its Correlation To Success In Business! The game of Golf, although difficult to master, can nevertheless be narrowed down to three fundamental disciplines: 1 The Power Game [Driving & Iron Play], 2 The Short Game [Finesse / Shots within 100 Yards] and 3 Putting. Check Yourself for Outstanding Customer Service Recently, a business associate, Mike, mentioned that he was doing a show at a local university and stopped by the faculty dining hall to get lunch. He said that, while waiting on line, the service was poor. The line moved slowly, the counterperson was disinterested in what she was doing…and it showed. It was not a pleasant customer experience. Five Steps to Creating a Goal Medal Life: Part II Recently, Joy and I had the pleasure of speaking at a conference of Educational Office Professionals in Baltimore, MD. The other speakers included Ms. Deborah Phelps, mother of six-time gold medalist in the 2004 Summer Olympics swimmer Michael Phelps, and Agatha von Trapp, the 91-year-old daughter of Captain and Maria von Trapp, the family on which the movie “Sound of Music” was based. To say the least, there were a variety of subjects discussed that day. Five Ways to Reduce Environmental Stress Life is stressful enough without allowing the physical environment - air quality, lighting, noise, and other controllable factors - to intensify day-to-day stress. Especially in the Fall and Winter is where you experience less daylight and more mood swings. The Art of Forgiveness Forgiveness is a critical element in becoming self actualized and fully loving. Forgiving is the process by which you let go of feeling victimized or having wronged others. It allows you to climb out of the dark well of anger, bitterness, or guilt into which you can easily fall. What’s causing my Depression and Fatigue Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Depression are absolutely systemic in our society today. Recent studies done by the AMA and CMA purport one in four people in North America are suffering from some form of chronic fatigue or depression and it’s expected eight out of ten of us will experience similar afflictions in our lifetime. But numbers like these don’t speak to the cause and only tell half the story. It’s the Most Wonderful Gift of the Year It’s the most wonderful time of the year. As we deck the halls and fill the malls, we’re filled with anticipation, joy, and excitement. The holiday season is upon us, and it’s a special time we choose to show our appreciation and share our love with the special people in our lives. However, with all of the joy the holidays bring, this still tends to be one of the most stressful times of the year. Why Ten Techniques for Motivating Others through Chaos Here are ten techniques for motivating your employees to succeed during chaos: The 7 Stages of a Romantic Relationship There are seven stages in a romantic relationship: avoidance, meeting, dating, breaking up, establishing exclusivity, commitment, and keeping the love you find. Each of these stages vary in length and intensity. At each stage, there are thoughts and feelings telling you what to do and when to do it. You need to learn to listen to your intuition in each stage, so that you can make smart decisions. Busy Fish: Tips for Changing Your Day from Chaos to Calm Syndicated columnist Dale Dauten recently wrote, “One of life’s great joys that we’ve lost is that of the empty day, a day given over to quiet, to reading and contemplation. Our planners and PDAs give the illusion of importance and of being in control.” A beautiful statement but what Dale doesn’t acknowledge is that we’ve become such slaves to busyness and mental stimulation that spending “a day given over to quite” would drive most of us mad! It would be nothing short of a drug detox. 10 Action Steps to Greatness 1. Positive Affirmations How Stressed Out Are You Take this quiz and see how you rate on your stress level! Stress, America’s #1 health problem, is a leading cause of major illness. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression are just some of the harmful effects of stress. Research has shown that releasing stress and learning how to relax promotes a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. ![]() |
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