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Dont Be A Reciprocal Linking Turkey!
I had an email exchange with an SEO client today after his webmaster called him pushing reciprocal linking software (when all this web designer was after was to generate some extra work from a client that hasn't needed him for awhile). Then that client called me after he received my email de- nouncing the software, fully convinced by a follow-up phone call from his web designer that the reciprocal linking soft- ware WAS valuable. He had been assured that the spamming, er - I mean, linking software, would increase his visiblity for an inside page on a hot topic currently in the news. He didn't want to hear my unpopular opinion that reciprocal linking is DEAD! Halloween is over people! We don't need the mummies of yesterdays' linking schemes haunting our Thanksgiving too! Oh, it must be a Thanksgiving TURKEY! A reciprocal Linking Turkey! Can reciprocal linking Santa's be far behind? OK, I'll drop the holiday metaphors. I tried in vain to convince this client that he didn't need that software for his review of the new Myriad Pictures flm, "Kinsey" about early sex educator Professor Alfred Kinsey. We had just that morning distributed a press release online which is now posted on over 100 high visibility news sites and Yahoo news picked it up! These are hugely valuable ONE WAY inbound links that will vastly improve his search engine ranking immediately due to the topical nature and excellent timing of the release. This client is a sex educator and runs an educational web site about sex and love. His press release put down the idea of the use of the new Intrinsa© testosterone patch to cure the low sexual desire of post-menopausal women and praised the new film Kinsey. He'll be top ranked for two highly desirable and valuable (to him and his web site) keyword phrases within the week. By the way, I HIGHLY recommend this approach for those with newsworthy issues they want to promote to the press. will send your newsworthy press release to over 100 top news sites, hundreds more radio, television and newspaper reporters, and tons of journalists who have signed up to receive them. Ereleases.com is syndicated by major news organizations and you can gain hundreds of links while generating interviews and even television appearances, all for only $400! Some people will pay that much for worthless reciprocal linking software and installation by webmasters having a slow week. ;-) Back to our story... I re-affirmed my opposition to the use of the software as we ended our call and he hung up disappointed because he wanted my support and assurance that the sales pitch he got from his web designer on the reciprocal linking software was accurate and that it would do more for him than this press release. Unfortunately, we'll never know because he bought the sales pitch from the web designer, installed the software and immediately sent out a sp*m - AHEM, er, I meant to say - email to his newsletter mailing list announcing the availability of reciprocal links and asking them for links to his newsworthy new pages. When will this linking insanity end? Following is my reasoned - and decidedly calmer than I am now - email response to him. Dear Gary, This link generation scheme is standard for reciprocal link software. The value of "Reciprocal links" is far lower than the value of the ONE WAY links you already have from that press release distribution and the posting of the press release on your site which, by the way, includes linking instructions at the bottom of the relevant pages. I've written an article call "Linking Psychosis is Treatable" which discusses the foolishness of links pointing all over the web. It doesn't address reciprocal linking so much as the insanity with which webmasters persue them. Your press release has ALREADY generated a huge number of inbound ONE WAY links that will increase the visibility and rank of both Kinsey Film Review and Intrinsa© Testosterone Patch pages. Doing the reciprocal page will initially LOWER your rank because it is RECIPROCAL. There is a concept called "Authority Site" that search engines use where ONE WAY inbound links are ranked VERY highly and reciprocal links are devalued BECAUSE of software like that being promoted by link-crazy folks not willing to do the hard work of generating the more valuable one-way links. The search engines know about the software available from linking fanatics and DEVALUE pages that use it. Ultimately it can increase your visibility, sometimes, over the long run, but it just isn't that helpful in most cases. I've taken a hard line about this and get a lot of flack about it from those without SEO experience or knowledge. But smart professional SEO's agree that reciprocal linking schemes - AND ESPECIALLY SOFTWARE GENERATED PAGES - are not worth much in search engine rank. The search engines are reducing the importance of those type of pages daily because it is too easy and too commonly used by scores of webmasters looking for an easy ranking. I have written in the past that "Reciprocal Linking is Dead!" in which I outline my linking policy and encourage all reciprocal links requests to submit articles to be used on my site and that I'll link to them through the resource box of their articles - IF I decide to publish them - but that I just don't do reciprocal linking - period. I don't even require them to link to me, but I point out that I have over a hundred fifty articles on my web site available for use on their site if they use my resource box, provide author credit and link to me through my resource box. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. ;-) No matter how unpopular it makes me with software vendors selling programs or link fanatic webmasters looking for extra income and easy solutions. Don't be a linking turkey! Happy Thanksgiving! About The Author Mike Banks Valentine Here's some free link popularity software: http://website101.com/download/link-popularity-software.html This article written about experience with SEO client Dr. Gary Schubach, of and is used with his permission. You may reproduce this article on your site if you make all llnks live, maintain this resource box and provide author credit. This article available online with working links. http://realityseo.com/2004/11/reciprocal-linking-turkeys.html
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Use Free Articles To Create High Quality Backlinks Part II The first part has dealt with introductory elements which could provide quality to an article. Yet, there are more to follow with a view to reach the wanted standard quality of the syndication of an article. About Google PageRank PageRank (PR) is Google's way of measuring the quality and relative "importance" of your website to searchers. It's purpose is to give web surfers an idea of the importance of a website The Best Website Traffic Sources You have to search a lot to find what is most likely to work for your web site. Once you get an understanding for each type of advertising then you can put it to work. 5 Ways To Get Other Websites To Link To Yours In-bound links from other web sites to yours provide two avenues to success for your site. Higher Website Traffic Conversion Made Easy In 1993, on a moon lit, warm summer night, I was surfing the Internet attempting to discover what successful sites had in common. I was really hungry to find out the secret ingredient of websites that were making it big. Free Traffic Course - Day 9 Though each web site is different, it is possible to build a universal plan of actions that will bring you free targeted web site traffic and convert it into more sales. Thinking of Buying Hits To Your Website? Think Again! Online marketing is an area where you can find a LOT of hype. Make a quick search at Google for 'buy hits', 'ad blaster' or 'email blaster' and you'll have an idea how wide those big void promises of getting 'automatic' traffic to your website. But it's not a real traffic... Reciprocal Linking Ideally you don't want to be in the position of having to email other webmasters asking if they're interested in reciprocal links. You want your website to be such that people will want to link to it, whether it be because of a cool feature, generous affiliate program, whatever. The problem is unless you have at least some sites linking to you you're not going to get noticed. Increasing Site Traffic Alright, so you have a website but are lacking visitors? This article will discuss in detail the different ways to generate traffic for your site. Keep in mind that the simplest, yet most foolproof and trustworthy way of gaining targeted visitors to your site, is through your site's content. No matter how many traffic generating programs you use, or how many affiliates you obtain, your site will never become popular if it does not have clear, unique content. This article will split up the art of traffic generating into three different categories: lite, medium, and advanced. With each new level of promotion comes more traffic to your site, but also more expense (or time involved). If you are just starting out, we recommend sticking to the lite version. Targeted Traffic to Your Mini-Site Generating traffic for your mini-sites is the challenge. How to Get Traffic The future of online business rest in one word: traffic. No matter how great or sophisticated your website is, if nobody comes, your online business will fail. How To Drive Traffic To Your Website How can you have effective results in major search engines? Banner, Link, and Traffic Exchanges really work well. How do you start? The big "trigger target" for Google appears to be links. Back in the earliest days, one link equaled one positive vote, a rather clean sorting concept that worked extremely well in a much cleaner Internet environment. As Google rose to become the dominant search engine, the search marketing industry started to focus on Google. What type of links to use? Incoming and outgoing banner or traffic link exchanges are good places to start like: Free Advertising Forum http://www.freeadvertisingforum.com/ When I visited the page yesterday, there are were 210 on that page at the same time, and in the last 24-Hours: 564. Check out other forums and groups. Like: http://www.adlandpro.com/ or, http://www.bravenet.com Bravenet is one of the largest in the world with over 7 million members. Most Linking Opportunities are no cost. By adding incoming links to your website, search engine popularity grows as well. Linking sites I use that have worked well for my site are: http://www.linkalizer.com/ and, http://www.best-web-directories.com/free-directories.htm Banners Go MLM is one of the most recommeded banner exchange programs on the Internet. http://bannersgomlm.com/ These resources provide over 50% of my website traffic for: http://www.mycashforever.com/ Major search engines provide the other 50%. That will increase as I continue to edit my KEYWORDS, and resubmit, and as more links are posted to my site. My most recent report, after the last monthly submission report indicates: Engine Link Popularity Altavista 75 Google 4 MSN 175 Yahoo! 76 Total Link Popularity: 330 Considering my website did not exist five months ago, I am told by some experts that this is great progress. Use this site to optimize your website no cost for 90 days. http://www.submitnet.net/ You can review this service at my website: www.mycashforever.com Submitnet is used by many SEO companys to improve site optimization, and includes many resources for optimizing your website. Happy marketing, your online friend, Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services For more information about us, use KEYWORD: "opportunities now internet marketing services" in any major Search Engine. James A. "Jim" Holish 5250 E. Cortland Blvd. #19 Flagstaff, Arizona 85004 webmaster@mycashforever.com www.mycashforever.com Using Traffic Exchange Programs Part 1 I have an ingenious concept in store for you! 131 (Legitimate) Link Building Strategies In search engine optimization, "off page" factors have become more and more important as they relate to rankings. In particular, solid link popularity can literally make or break a site with the search engines. Do You Need to Marry The Daughter? For the sake of this article let's forget about search engines, paid leads and your own affilate programs. Let's concentrate instead on pro's and con's of putting much effort into recruiting downlines in those multi-level "viral" programs that are intended to help you promoting. How to Identify Bad Link Exchange Transactions Now that more emphasis (to get better ranking in SERPs) is put on the quality of links rather than the quantity, I will try, in this article, to identify the signs that may be precursors of bad link exchange transactions. Thinking of Using Hit Exchanges to Boost Your Adsense Revenue? Think Again! So, you've added Adsense to your site and you are getting a few clicks. You could be thinking to yourself, How do I get a massive amount of visitors to bump up my earnings? If you're anything like me, you hear those stories about webmasters that have added Adsense and are already earning five figure incomes per month, and you start to see the dollar signs. How To Get Links Without Asking Sending out link requests is a time-consuming business. So wouldn't it be wonderful if other sites linked to you without being asked? Traffic Secrets - Secrets of the Guaranteed Traffic Companies Exposed Our Story How to Increase Link Popularity Link Popularity refers to the number of links coming from other web sites to your web site (also called inbound links). The competition between search engines and webmasters has led the search engines to find new ways to measure the importance of a site. Google has been responsible for introducing link popularity as an important aspect in its algorithms. For instance, if Google reads your site and sees many inbound links from related web sites it interprets each link as a "vote" that your site is good and as a result gives you a boost in your ranking. ![]() |
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