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Higher Website Traffic Conversion Made Easy
In 1993, on a moon lit, warm summer night, I was surfing the Internet attempting to discover what successful sites had in common. I was really hungry to find out the secret ingredient of websites that were making it big. You see, I was tired of traveling thousands of miles by plane and car. My mind was made up to stop living out of a suitcase. It didn't matter that I had hit a peak in my marketing and sales career by working on projects for best-selling author- Tony Robbins. I was eager to simplify my life, settle down, and work from home. I began my journey brimming with certainty about achieving my outcome. You see, years earlier I learned from Tony that every successful person has three characteristics. They take certain actions, in a specific order, and on a consistent basis. With that in mind, I knew that selling on the Internet would have it's top producers -like any other field- and all I had to do is get their materials, then read, study and implement the wisdom divulged on each page and in every word. I was elated to find out that, regardless of all the actions, the order in which the actions were taken, and the amount of consistency employed...that at the core of it all, there existed one essential skill. Believe or not, there is one skill that virtually anyone can learn, practice, and master (after 1,000 hours) to become successful at selling on the web. Warning! You may want to sit down before finding out the one skill that contributes the most to the success of website owners who earn boat loads of cash. Contrary to what I believed, it wasn't search engine marketing, pay per click or reciprocal linking. Don't get me wrong though. Those traffic generation methods are needed. But if you drive a million unique visitors to your site per day, and none of them buy anything, or at very minimum subscribe to your newsletter so that you can follow up with an offer, you won't be able to pay your mortgage, car note, hosting fees, etc. So what good are your traffic generating skills? Every online company must generate traffic, aka leads/prospects. That's what search engine ranking and other traffic generation methods are meant to do. Good news is learning the one skill all successful website owners have in common will increase your traffic too. What is the one skill that will enable you to generate more traffic and convert more of your browsers into customers? At the end of this article you'll find a resource box that contains a link to my website, click on that to find out. Deal? After you've mastered that one skill, the next step is implementing it through multiple online and offline marketing methods. Regardless of what methods you use, I promise that the one skill will pay off big if you learn... Copywriting. Direct response copywriting to be specific. By now you've heard of direct response copywriting, but have you invested time, capital, and effort in learning and implementing the skill? Chances are if you have, you are enjoying the benefits of using the skill. If you haven't learned anything about direct response copywriting, keep reading to grab some helpful tips. 2 Simple Tips for Grabbing Your Website Visitors By The Lapel and Persuading Them to Hand Over the Moolah Tip #1. Headlines Headlines are crucially important to the success of your website. Testing has proven that headlines can increase your sales as much as 1900%. The late, legendary copywriter John Caples revealed that fact during his phenomenally successful career. By the way, I define Mr. Caples' success on how many sales were made as a result of his talent as a copywriter. And I can assure you that Mr. Caples' selling success was nothing short of phenomenal. But let me get back to headlines. According to David Ogilvy, another legendary copywriter, the headline is the most important part of an ad. On average, five times (500%) as many people will read the headline as the actual body copy. That obviously means we must spend a considerable amount of time creating headlines. It's customary for professional website copywriters to write as many as 100 headlines before deciding on one to use. You may think that would be a daunting task but it's not. All you need are a few headline writing formulas. There are 11 widely used headlines. I'll share 3 with you right now. The "How To" headline is one the easiest to write for "do it yourself" types. "How To" headlines grab people's attention because of the promise of learning something of value. For example, "How to Put Words Together that Make People Beg to Buy Your Product". Get the idea? Another headline writing formula that's good for "do it yourself" types is the "If, Then" statement. Here's what I mean. "If you give me one hour of your time for 12 weeks and your promise to take action on what I recommend, I guarantee your online business sales and profits will double -- or you don't pay me a dime". How did that grab you? The last headline formula that I recommend for "do it yourself" types is the "Specific Testimonial" headline. I don't need to explain why your testimonials should be specific, do I? Okay, I'll give a brief explanation. Better yet, I'll provide you with a vague and specific testimonial headline, then you judge which one influences you the most. Deal? Vague Testimonial: "Harry Toes is fantastic!" J.A., CA. Specific Testimonial: "Harry Toes is brilliant... he shared one method that I invested $1,839 in that brought back $33,637 gross profit." Jim Baldy, President, Bald Men's Club, Gaithersburg, MD, Tip #2 Offer "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse" - Don Vito Corleone, The Godfather. In 1972, Marlon Brando verbalized what every great marketer must master. Making irresistible offers. A powerful factor in making irresistible offers is taking risk out of the transaction for your prospective customer. Let's face it, nobody want's to lose money and get stuck with a bad product. Taking away that fear will boost your online sales. Here's an example: "For only $49 you can try out "21 Secret Traffic Conversion Methods That Rich Website Owners Revealed To Help Their Fellow Online Marketers" for up to one full year. If at anytime you're not convinced that the secret traffic conversion methods will make your sells soar, simply return it and receive a refund of every penny you paid-- no questions asked and no hard feelings. Plus, as an added bonus, you can keep the FREE bonus gift "Website Traffic Conversion Secrets Revealed" just for giving me a shot. You have nothing to lose... call now!" Is that powerful? Before I wrap this article up, I'll share another example of making irresistible offers in the form of a rather famous story told to me by marketing expert Jay Abraham. Once upon a time, a father went shopping for a pony to buy for his daughter. After looking at a few dozen ponies, this man had almost decided between two ponies. They were quite similar; in fact, the price was the same. He decided to take another look so that he could make a final decision. The first farmer was eagerly attempting to sell his pony so he went on and on about how gentle and cute his pony was, but the father didn't decide. The second farmer was different in his approach. He didn't brag about the pony, he simply said... "Sir, I'm certain you're daughter will love this pony so here's what I'll do: Give me a check, and I'll hold it for 30 days. I'll bring you a saddle, bridle, the pony and 30 days of hay. If your daughter decides to keep the pony, let me know at the end of the 30 days, and I'll cash the check. Otherwise, I'll give you back your check, pick up the pony and even clean up where he's been." Which farmer would you buy from? In closing, you can convert more of your visitors into customers. It will take an investment of your capital and time, but I guarantee you the return on investment will be worthwhile. Begin writing headlines with the "How to", "If/Then", and "Specific Testimonial" format to grab your website visitors by the lapel and include irresistible offers to persuade them to hand over the moolah. About The Author Ron Hudson is an author, business growth strategist, and copywriting expert. Get a free copy of "Website Traffic Conversion Secrets Revealed!" by clicking on the website address www.bbgs.us.
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In fact, the steps I will give you below can be repeated DAILY for 30 days, an hour a day, for 30 hours of hard-core, tested, proven, traffic-nabbing, sales-producing, profit-driving, marketers' bliss. Be Number One The trick to making it REALLY big on the internet biz channel these days is to become an authority. It doesn't matter what the subject is, if you are THE authority on it, you'll be making money in no time! 13 Steps to Increasing Your Link Luck Link development can be an absolute nightmare. It takes up most of a marketerā??s time and the yield isnā??t always what we originally hoped. Worrying about PR, one way inbound links, triangle linking, where to find quality sites to exchange with, itā??s all just a huge headache. To be honest, thereā??s no real way to wash your hands of it, unless you have a huge budget for purchasing text links or to hire someone to do your linking for you. So here are 13 ways to increase your linking luck. They require a little bit of effort, but executed properly, these steps will only bring your site success. How to Increase Link Popularity Link Popularity refers to the number of links coming from other web sites to your web site (also called inbound links). The competition between search engines and webmasters has led the search engines to find new ways to measure the importance of a site. Google has been responsible for introducing link popularity as an important aspect in its algorithms. For instance, if Google reads your site and sees many inbound links from related web sites it interprets each link as a "vote" that your site is good and as a result gives you a boost in your ranking. Planning For Your Websites Future- Get Search Engine Traffic Five tips to effectively schedule your content. Got Traffic? Here's what your website must have to get lots of traffic - links pointing to your site. The more you have, the more traffic you get. 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