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How to Increase Web Site Visitors For Relevant Terms Using Your Less Relevant Listings
Completely by accident and through no effort of my own, besides the effort to get my site spidered by Yahoo's Slurp Search Engine Spider and Google's Googlebot Search Engine spider, I've seen an accidental increase in the visitors to my web site. Suddenly, I was ranking first page for Google, Yahoo and AOL for the phrases like "picture of William Hung", and "william hung she bangs". The Good news is, this means that when the Yahoo Slurp spider came to the site and indexed my front page last Saturday, (and no, I didn't submit my site OR pay for inclusion), my results were in the search engine by Sunday apparently, which is when I started getting clicks from Yahoo for this unusual term. The Bad News is, William Hung, except for being an example of the power of Free Marketing, has NOTHING to do with my site! So how does one fix this situation? How do you turn an accidental good ranking into several good rankings for other terms? Or say you've got great rankings for a relevant, but fairly insignificant term? The solution is the same. Just give the spider more of what it wants. Google, Yahoo - and apparently their search partners - love that page. So, first thing I did was improve the page in question. At the time there was no picture of William Hung on the page that was ranking so well. It's important that you satisfy web site visitors who accidentally happen up on your site. It only happens once in a while, but sometimes the person who come by is also interested in your regular content. The next thing I did, was create other pages I believed the two sites would like. Since the articles here primarily offer resources to webmasters who want to learn how to increase the number of visitors to their sites, all I had to do was tweak some of the wording to the liking of both those visitors and the search engine spiders, and write one more article. How did I know what the search engines would like, and how that would increase the number of people who would come to the site? Well, I found out that some guarded information about the latest optimization tips for Yahoo and Google was available on the Web FREE. (If you want to know what that resource is, just download the updated Free Google Optimization Guide.) Once I had the pages optimized to my satisfaction, all I had to do was link some of those pages to the front of my site (where the article was then located) and wait for the increase in traffic to my site. Google spiders me every day like clockwork ever since I made this tiny change to my website that increased my site rank from zero to five in January. Of course, I then had to figure out if my secret technique to baiting the Google spider was going to work with Yahoo's new search engine spider. Not only did it work, but it worked faster than leading the Google spider to specific page of my site! Yahoo's spider is not back at my site on a daily basis yet, but it does come regularly, finding new pages, and reindexing the area with the most content. So there you have it. If your site has been indexed well for a term you didn't really want, first, make the page as relevant as possible to the visitors who end up at your site. Next, give the search engine spider "food" to eat that is more relevant to your site. It doesn't hurt to optimize this page. You can now download the new optimization guide for FREE here- IF you're one of the next 100 subscribers. Only 1000 copies will be available for download so get yours now. Third and last, get the spider to come on back to your site. If you know how to bait a search engine spider, great! You'll get your results faster, and since the spider finds the link on its' own, you may get better placement. Or, you can submit your site to one of Inktomi's partners, and/or Google and wait the 6-8 weeks it takes to be included. Copyright 2004 Tinu AbayomiPaul About The Author Tinu is a free traffic FANATIC> She's been offered treatment for this condition, but says it just saves too much money. Her parting words "If you don't know how to bait the Google spider, subscribe to my newsletter. I give that tip away free in the second issue. Email ftdsecrets-subscribe@topica.com or join at http://www.freetrafficdirectory.com, where you can also read more articles about getting quality visitors for free."
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Simple Steps to Increase Traffic to Your Website Every website owner wants their website to be popular; some just might not admit to it! To increase traffic to your website, I suggest the following to start with: Free Traffic Course - Day 2 This is the 2nd day of "Free Traffic Course" and it will explain how you can save much time and efforts on looking for the targeted joint-venture partners and affiliates for your web site. Increase Your Tourism Web Traffic & Sales ? Guaranteed Web sites are a major part of the tourism marketing success strategy used by international tourism promoters in the new millennium: tourism boards, Associations, lodging, tour operators, etc. If your tourism web site does not have these four primary elements clearly and quickly represented, you are missing opportunities and losing sales. More of What You Need to Know About Your Website Traffic is Contained in 3 Other Key Stats Their is an old Saying it goes something like this 'Figures Lie and Liars figures. While it is true that you can skew Statistics anyway you want, it is also true that with properly gathered statistics you can learn a great deal about your web site traffic if you know what to look for. Professional Traffic Building Tips Let's face it; the Internet is cluttered with all sorts of guides about increasing traffic to your web site. Unfortunately, most of these guides are outdated or incomplete. In fact, many of the techniques being touted in them will get you in serious trouble. Wouldn't you like to build up quality traffic that will stand the test of time? The key phrase is "test of time". You don't want to be a flash in the pan. The Rewards Of Being A Good Consumer Start building an interstate highway to your website. You're going to need it for the heavy traffic coming your way. If you're wondering what you did to deserve this heavy traffic, it's not what you did, but what you're about to do. You're about to be a consumer. How To Explode Your Web Sites Traffic With Articles Permanently! There is one golden rule, which is inherent in this free and extremely effective internet marketing strategy. First GIVE, and then TAKE. It's as simple as that. Especially if it's done properly the results could be tremendous. You provide valuable information regarding to your special field of knowledge but before that you must start a specific process. Linking to the Best Be picky about who will link to you; shoot and scatter does not always work. Satellite TV, Google, and a Stamp Unless you're building a baseball diamond in the middle of nowhere, the "If you build it they will come" principle simply will not work for your home business or online store. Driving customers to your store and visitors to your Website are essential keys to your success. This article explores some new and old ways of marketing your company. Let's begin with Satellite TV. 10 Highly Effective Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website There are many ways to promote your website for free online. Here are 10 highly effective strategies you can use right now. Link Building Strategies Well, an effective link building strategy is not building some 50-100 back links with sites with 'X' PR. It is more of getting links from the informative websites that is visited often by the people who could be your future customers. In broad sense the websites related to your focus industry. Power Packed Linking Strategies - Part Two The keyword marketing guide to a linking strategy that packs real punching power. Generating Traffic On A Budget Most webmasters keep their prized web traffic generating systems to themselves or charge an arm and a leg. I am one of the guys in the trenches. Before I share with you the simplest and easiest methods to generate website traffic I will begin with a little background information. Effective & In-effective Ways To Add Banners: Do you have your own site? Do you have any banners on your site? Site Link Popularity (Site Poularity) Just imagine ... your website having high PageRank and a TON of high quality links in. Impossible? How to Build a Website that Get Free Traffic How to get FREE traffic and vistors to your website without spending advertising cost? The answer is to get good search engine ranking. But how to get your keywords ranked high? Here is the process you can follow for every web page: Power Packed Linking Strategies - Part Three This is the third in a series of three articles showing you how to find a suitable linking strategy for your website and put it to work for you. Ten Ways To Effectively Increase Your Site?s Prominence On The Web It's a strange world, this place we call the internet. Many things here are stark opposites of their real life counterparts. Take for example the following. Whereas blind dating is a most dubious manner of meeting people in real life, it is the norm in cyberspace. Whereas multi-level marketing carries with it a stigma of disaster in the actual world, it is a venture very much sought on the web. And whereas traffic tends to irritate us in our daily existence, online denizens would kill to increase the same for their websites. Keeping Track of Your Link Exchanges All of us want to increase traffic to our web sites. It helps our search engine rankings, and provides us with potential new customers. One of the best, and certainly least expensive, ways to do that is by exchanging links with sites similar to our own. However, you don't have to accumulate very many links before it becomes difficult to keep track of them all. Many of them have similar sounding (or identical!) names, descriptions and even URL's. Let me suggest a simple way to keep track of them so you don't embarrass yourself and annoy others by requesting to exchange links with someone more than once. Marketing Tourism Online, Part Two: Attracting Visitors to your Website This is part two of an article series which will introduce some basic strategies, considerations, elements, and techniques for marketing tourism products online. We plan to update and refine these articles as situations change and when we have new knowledge to present. If you have comments or questions, or you are interested in Leave Home's travel marketing consulting services, please visit www.leave-home.com or contact the author directly. You can also request to be notified when a new article in the series is available. ![]() |
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