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Secrets to Free Website Traffic
You have just uploaded your web-site and it looks great! You feel good about it and you're ready to make some money! There's only one problem, you need some Customers, or Traffic! There are a few ways to do this, that are free, but will take some time and work. First you will need to set-up some link pages on you web-site. Then you will need to exchange links with other web-sites that are related to yours. For example, if you have a home business you can visit Google and type in "home business". Google will then give you a few million related sites that you can start with. You will then visit these sites exchanging links. Most sites will have a "link to us" or "Add URL" page. You will click that link and follow the instructions to submit a link back to your web-site. It is good to start with at least a hundred links or more, (no more than 50 links a page). Exchange links with the first and second pages only, then you will want to type in maybe, "work from home", "best business ideas", "home careers", "computer jobs", etc. Repeat this procedure until you have enough. Sites on the first two pages of the Google search will have the most traffic, which will increase yours. The next thing you will want to do is write an article. Writing articles is a great way to market your web-site and increase your traffic. Write a simple article relating to your web-site topic, if you need some help, visit Google and type in the subject your looking for. At the end of your article you will create an author bio or resource box. In it include a brief description of you and your web-site and your web-site URL.This allows everyone who reads your article to learn more about you and your business. Now you will start submitting your article to many article directories by visiting Google and search for "article directories". By doing this your article will be posted all over the world for people to read, thus creating more traffic for your site. Last, you can create your own newsletter. This is more of a long-term strategy, but one that you should start early so that you can get the effects as soon as possible. Everyone that signs-up, 20% may return to your site from the links in your newsletter. This will build over a period of time and add lots of free traffic. A valid newsletter may consist of a single article about the subject of your site, followed by information telling them how to unsubscribe or subscribe. If you don't have time to write your own article, there are many on the Internet with permission to reprint included, just remember to include the author's bio or resource box at the end. To find these articles, go to Google and type: ?????? articles reprint. Just fill in the ?????? with your website topic. Now you will start submitting your newsletter (ezine) to many ezine directories by visiting Google and search for "ezine directories". This will help you establish links to your ezine and create more subscribers for your newsletter, thus creating another source of free traffic. Using these highly effective ways to increase traffic to your web-site will help you market your business and reach a larger consumer base. This article may be reprinted providing it is published in it's entirety, including the author's bio and link to the URL below. About The Author The author, John Baker, is the editor of Best-Home-Business-News. A newsletter dedicated to supporting the home business entrepreneur. If you're looking for some of the best home business opportunities, tools, thoughts, ideas, and support from a dependable source, come by, visit,and grab a FREE subscription today at: http://www.best-home-business-ideas.net admin@best-home-business-ideas.net
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Traffic Exchange Primer Traffic exchanges are everywhere. A traffic exchange is a clever way to get hundreds or thousands of visitors to your website. The concept is very simple and the exchange process is easy to put into action. First, you join a traffic exchange program that includes individuals with websites to promote. Next, you set up the website you want to promote. Finally, you visit the websites of the other members and they visit your website in exchange. What Do Your Site Statistics Mean, Anyway? The purpose of analyzing your web site statistics is to look for trends and to research the success level of your marketing campaigns. The numbers themselves can be misleading, as statistical packages count "hits" in different ways. If someone visits a page on your site doesn't mean that they read it completely. Get More Visitors to your Website using Free Traffic Exchanges Trying to get traffic to your new website or to your gateway pages for an affiliate program can be difficult if you are just starting out and have little or no advertising budget. No Follow Illustrates Need For Good Linking Plan The blog explosion created a great opportunity for savvy marketers--they could post their URL's in the comments of blogs and reap the benefits of links back to their sites as the search engines crawled through. Free Traffic Course - Day 5 Online statistics shows that about 10% from online visitors make immediate purchase on the web site. Other 90% of visitors may leave your web site forever, without making any purchase. Do you want to lose 90% of web site visitors that were driven with so many efforts? Using Free Publicity to Build Your Web Site Links and Traffic So, you have a great product or service, yet your web site is not getting the high rankings and traffic you desire from the top search engines like Google and MSN Search. Steer Clear of the Internet Traffic Jam Yesterday, I got stuck in a traffic jam. It wasn't the first time and unfortunately won't be the last time! 5 miles of bright beaming red tail lights flickering in my eyes. Just the thought of it makes me kind of nauseas. Especially, when all I was trying to do was go to the grocery store to pick up a gallon of milk! The Basics of Asking for a Reciprocal Link Asking another webmaster for a reciprocal link is standard practice on the Internet. Webmasters have been asking other webmasters for reciprocal links since the beginnings of the Internet. The very nature of the web is linking websites to one another. It is of even higher importance, now that AltaVista and others have changed their ranking algorithms. TARGET PRACTICE - Generating The Website Traffic That Matters But a mere increase in the volume of website traffic is not the end all and be all of a successful marketing campaign online. There are countless instances of sites garnering thousands of visitors a day, with not a single sale to speak of. Surely, there would be something wrong if a marketing strategy is purely focused to increase website traffic. Increase Online Traffic with Directory Listings Some of the best advertising available online would be getting listed in directories. This doesn't mean submitting to search engines. If you write quality ad copies and build a quality site; the important search engines will find you. 5 Tips For Increased Website Traffic There are lots of ways to get traffic to your website however most people are interested in getting the most traffic for the least amount of money, preferably for free. Targeted Traffic - How Will You Achieve It? Wouldn't it be great if your website was listed on the first page when your potential customers look for what you sell? How to Run a Successful Link Exchange Program Link Exchanges are a very time consuming project. The time it takes to find the sites to exchange with, contact them and place a link on your page can seem like an eternity. The hardest part about link exchanges isn't the research, it's the waiting. This article will give you some tips to help speed response time to your requests. A Simple Guide to Analyzing All Those Web Traffic Ideas - Part 1 There will be a lot of people unhappy about what I am going to reveal in this article. However, I think it is time somebody spoke out about what is happening on this wonderful medium we have come to know as the internet. What I am talking about are the "sharp" practices engaged in by people offering all sorts of dubious marketing plans. Marketing Tourism Online, Part Two: Attracting Visitors to your Website This is part two of an article series which will introduce some basic strategies, considerations, elements, and techniques for marketing tourism products online. We plan to update and refine these articles as situations change and when we have new knowledge to present. If you have comments or questions, or you are interested in Leave Home's travel marketing consulting services, please visit www.leave-home.com or contact the author directly. You can also request to be notified when a new article in the series is available. How to Drive Traffic to Your Website Everyone wants to know the big secret to driving traffic to their website. Every day I see an article or an ad talking about driving people to your website. Driving traffic to a website has become the "holy grail" on the internet. People are realizing that 'if you build it, they won't come... unless you give them a reason'. Website traffic just doesn't happen by itself. Your website is just one of many millions on the web and people rarely just stumble upon your site by accident. Linking Strategies That Bring Results Website link popularity is used to indicate how many other web pages link to your web page. It is calculated by counting the number of web pages that contain your link, also known as inbound links. Use Free Articles To Create High Quality Backlinks Part I Nowadays, we have created numerous methods so as to bring about well defined backlinks for a particular web site. On one hand, there is the well-known pattern to use the reciprocal link; on the other hand, some use various directories to place their site to. Moreover, there are persons who take advantage of both of these techniques. 3 Instant Traffic Techniques for Mini-Sites When building websites there are two main options: large content site or small mini-sites. Large content sites are normally more "information" focused. Mini-sites, however, normally have one purpose only, to sell. How to Quickly Gain Traffic to Your New Web Site Have you spent a lot of money on advertising with the expectation that you would get many sales from the 1000s of web site visitors that read your ad? ![]() |
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