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Linking Strategies That Bring Results
Website link popularity is used to indicate how many other web pages link to your web page. It is calculated by counting the number of web pages that contain your link, also known as inbound links. Proper website linking strategies can help you gain inbound links which in turn can greatly improve your search engine ranking. For this reason, it's wise to maintain link popularity strategies as part of your overall search engine optimization efforts. There are several linking techniques and strategies used to obtain inbound links. Here are a few popular strategies that just may bring you the results you need: 1. Reciprocal linking This strategy involves exchanging links with other sites. You put their link on your site, they put your link on theirs. Probably the most common linking strategy, but there are a few do's and don'ts to keep in mind: - Link only to sites that have a page rank. It's my preference to link to sites that have a page rank of 4 or better, however lower ranking is certainly acceptable. I don't, however, recommend linking to sites that have no page rank at all. Sites that are penalized by the search engines for spamming or other various reasons will not achieve page rank, therefore; if you link to them you are liable to be penalized as well. This is not to say that all PR0 sites are being penalized, this is not the case at all, but since you have no way of knowing for sure, it's safer, in my opinion, to wait until the site gains some sort of page rank before you link to it. - Look for sites with high page rank but few links. The higher the page rank and the fewer the links, the better. Stay away from link farms, these are typically sites with low or no page rank and many, many links. - Link only to like sites. Link to sites that are related to your site's topic. If your website is about pet care, link only to sites that are about pet care. - Include your best keywords in the title and description that you give to your reciprocal link exchange sites. This creates association between your keywords and your site. - Place your very best link exchange sites on your home page. Don't overload your homepage with links, however it's acceptable to include a few high page rank links. - Try to make sure the links coming into as well as going out from your page are related to the content on your page. Also try to keep the text of the link itself related to your page's topic. 2. Write articles and submit them to sites that accept articles. Submit your articles with your resource box containing your name and website address. Article sites often have high page rank. Also, if someone decides to use your article on their site or in their newsletter you've just received a new inbound link. 3. Write product testimonials for products you found worthwhile and make sure the testimonial contains your website address. You will not only gain an inbound link, you can draw traffic from those that read your testimonial. 4. Include your own website's navigation as a linking strategy. Every page of your site should include links to the rest of your site. It's a good idea to include a site map as well. Keep all your site navigation links consistent on each page. 5. Create useful and unique content on your website that will compel others to link to you. This will not only help improve your link popularity but it will also satisfy the search engines and very possibly increase your keyword search ranking. 6. Join Forums. Ask questions and contribute your knowledge.This will allow you to place your site URL in your signature line, which in turn creates an inbound link for you. Elizabeth McGee has spent 20 years in the service and support industry. She has moved her expertise to the world wide web helping businesses find trusted tools, enhance customer service, build confidence and increase sales. You can visit Elizabeth's sites at: http://www.homenotion.com and http://www.pro-marketing-online.com
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7 Simple Ways Of Driving Traffic To Your Site Using One E-Published Tips Booklet I am not a web designer or search engine optimizer, nor do I play one on TV. However, I do know that the driving force in bringing qualified traffic to your web site is dynamic high value content. That means compelling, interesting, approachable, and immediately useful information, especially when you also directly sell products or services at your site. Increasing and maintaining traffic also demands both offline and online mechanisms to attract those visitors. Alexa: Why You Should be Using the Toolbar Why on earth would anyone want to install a piece of spyware onto their Web browser? No sensible right minded person would ?unless you are a webmaster and you want to improve your SERPS ranking that is. The Alexa toolbar is not "technically" spyware as it doesn't retrieve any private or personal information. It does however log all the sites you visit and as webmasters we can use this to our advantage. It uses this information to compile traffic ranking statistics and a relational list. The relational list is very useful as it shows what other sites people who have looked the current website have also visited. Alexa is owned by Amazon and it is possible to make your own Alexa toolbar with your Amazon affiliate code included. You can then place this on your site and get credited when anyone buys through Amazon using the Amazon button on the toolbar you've distributed, it is also possible to include a link to your site in the toolbar. Alexa ranks sites from 1 to 5,000,000 and sometimes higher. Ranking 1 has the most traffic and so on, anything below 250,000 and you should be getting some decent traffic levels. This information can be used to determine how well your advertising campaigns are going and how traffic levels are growing over a period of time. This information can also be used to determine how you rivals are doing and keep you one step ahead of them. The Alexa information is also picked up by other search engines so you benefit from an increase in you SERPS as your site progresses up the rankings . One drawback of the Alexa toolbar is that it only works on Internet Explorer and not the tool of choice for most webmasters Firefox. However I personally feel this is a small price to pay for the benefits I get when using the tool bar for research and to check my sites daily. Checking the stats of your own site has a positive impact on your Alexa ranking as the toolbar is not generally used by the general public so every extra hit from a browser with the tool bar installed is valuable. I have 1 site that is almost exclusively used by webmasters , As webmasters are the people who use Alexa more than any other group 500 page views a day are enough to get this site into the top 500,000 Another site that has 3 times the traffic but the visitors are mostly the general public so this site is languishing in the 2,000,000 's. Why not try an experiment for a month, Download the toolbar and monitor one of your sites, once you see the data you get and the way it can be used you won't know how you survived without it. How to Increase Web Site Visitors For Relevant Terms Using Your Less Relevant Listings Completely by accident and through no effort of my own, besides the effort to get my site spidered by Yahoo's Slurp Search Engine Spider and Google's Googlebot Search Engine spider, I've seen an accidental increase in the visitors to my web site. 10 Ways To Have People Keep On Coming Back To Your Site 1: Original and Fresh Content Present your visitors content they cannot find anywhere else. Not all your content has to be 100% original, but a good percentage of your site should have original content. People are more likely to read information they haven't read before. Add new content to your site regularly. 2: Surveys Hold a survey/poll on your site. Or have visitors email their vote or opinion. People love to give their opinion. They'll also come back to check the status of the survey and again to view the results. 3: Prize Draws Hold a monthly prize draw on your site. The prizes should be something of interest or value to your visitors and of course related to your site. Most people who enter will continually come back to your site to check the results. Keep it monthly don'y be lazy and make it tri-monthly or six monthly. You can also list your site on a prize draw directory and draw even more traffic. 4: Quizes Run a quiz or a series of trivia questions. Post the correct answers weekly on your site. The people who take part will want to come back to your site to see if they were right. 5: News Supply news stories related to your site topic. People want current and up-to-date news. If you can be their first source, they'll become repeat visitors to your site. 6: Jokes Give your visitors a little humor. Don't be so serious; tell them a joke now and then. If they associate your web site with being happy they will keep coming back. It will also make you seem more approachable and human. 7: Free Stuff Everyone loves to get free stuff. List free stuff on your site. It could be anything, software, services, sample products, e-books etc. The freebies should be related to your site topic. Keep the freebies coming and your visitors will return regulary. 8. Directories Tell your subscribers about sites related to your site topic. The sites should be helpful and/or interesting. Become your readers site directory and they will come back. 9: Forums Set up a forum on your site. When visitors post they can request they are emailed if somebody else posts to their post. They'll come back to the site when they get this email. Maybe post again or check other posts and post there. Essentially they then also build you fresh new content. 10: RSS Feeds Convert new content you add to your site into an RSS feed. Visitors can sign up to your feed and your content will be permanently displayed in their RSS aggregator. As long as you regularly update the feed visitors will come back to your site. How to Build a Website that Get Free Traffic How to get FREE traffic and vistors to your website without spending advertising cost? The answer is to get good search engine ranking. But how to get your keywords ranked high? Here is the process you can follow for every web page: Is Your Site Hungry For Traffic? For the past few years, I've been stashed away in my secret lab working on underground strategies for driving hordes of targeted to traffic to my sites. Build Your Inbound Site Links Without Requesting Reciprocal Links A funny thing happened to me three months ago. I decided to practice what I preach and publish a new article online. Hey, its easy to get sidetracked on other projects online and drop or forget about what works. We all do it. Targeted Traffic - How Will You Achieve It? Wouldn't it be great if your website was listed on the first page when your potential customers look for what you sell? 4 Ways To Use Quality Content To Increase Traffic To Your Website There are multiple ways to drive traffic to your website. You can use pay per click, search engine optimization, email marketing, ezine advertising and many more. How to Get Traffic The future of online business rest in one word: traffic. No matter how great or sophisticated your website is, if nobody comes, your online business will fail. Traffic Genereation: The Number One Skill That Will Generate Cash Flow (Part 2 of 3) If you're feeling a bit of confusion and frustration about how to get visitors to your website and generate more sales, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way until I stopped listening to every "big time" marketer that came along with the latest traffic generating trick. Website Traffic: 10 Blazing Secrets To Increase Your Sales The more traffics you get at your website, the more your chances of making a sale increases. Traffic Generation: The Number One Skill That Will Generate Cash Flow. (Part 3 of 3) If you're feeling a bit of confusion and frustration about how to get visitors to your website and generate more sales, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way until I stopped listening to every "big time" marketer that came along with the latest traffic generating trick. Using Free Publicity to Build Your Web Site Links and Traffic So, you have a great product or service, yet your web site is not getting the high rankings and traffic you desire from the top search engines like Google and MSN Search. Reciprocal Linking - A Business Partnership! Link popularity is becoming the latest "in-thing" to get your website ranking well with the Search Engines. How to Exchange Links With Other Sites As a result of search engine changes, linking with other sites is becoming an increasingly iportant way to generate traffic to your website. Links done properly will repay the effort and not be subject to the whims of the search engines. No more need to be concerned unduly about algorithmn changes and the "Google dance". TARGET PRACTICE - Generating The Website Traffic That Matters But a mere increase in the volume of website traffic is not the end all and be all of a successful marketing campaign online. There are countless instances of sites garnering thousands of visitors a day, with not a single sale to speak of. Surely, there would be something wrong if a marketing strategy is purely focused to increase website traffic. Satellite TV, Google, and a Stamp Unless you're building a baseball diamond in the middle of nowhere, the "If you build it they will come" principle simply will not work for your home business or online store. Driving customers to your store and visitors to your Website are essential keys to your success. This article explores some new and old ways of marketing your company. Let's begin with Satellite TV. How to Build Web Traffic Daily.. How to Build Web Traffic Daily Link Popularity and Your Add URL Page With all the buzz going on about the importance of a site's link popularity, the "look and feel" of your Add URL page (or whatever you have named your add URL page) has taken on an increased importance as well. ![]() |
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