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Catapult Your Traffic With These Web Site Add-Ons
Having a website is great but, if the site doesn't have any traffic, then what good is it really doing for you? Here are some features that you can add to your site to generate more traffic and more stickiness for your site. 1. You should add a blog to your website. Blogs are a fast and easy way to add content to your site. Why is that important? Search engines love content. A frequently updated blog will attract the search engine spiders and will get your site indexed quickly. You should try to post blog entries at least a couple of times per day. 2. Add a message board to your web site. This helps your site to develop its own little community. People will visit your web site to ask questions and answer other people's questions. 3. Add a directory of web site links to your web site. People will visit your web site to find related web site links for the topic they're interested in. As an added bonus, links are also content for search engine spiders. 4. Add an article section to your web site. People will visit your web site to read and learn new info related to their interests. And this also will provide content for the search engines. 5. Add an archive of past e-zine issues to your web site. People will visit your web site to read past issues of your e-zine that they've missed. 6. People love freebies. You should add a f.ree software download page to your web site. People will visit your web site to find new software that will make their life easier. Also add a free ebook directory to your web site. People will visit your site to download, study and read new information. 7. Add a free classified ad section. People will visit your web site to place their own free classified ad and to read other offers. 8. Add a free link page to your web site. People will visit your web site to place their own link and to look at other people's links. This is a double bonus. Not only will you get traffic from the links, but, once again, links are also content that search engines love. 9. Add an "about us" page to your web site. People will visit your web site to read about your business and yourself. 10. Add a guest book to your web site. People will visit your web site to leave their opinions about your business and to list their signature file. Using the above methods to add features to your website will not only draw more traffic to your site, but they will also make your visitors want to stay on your site longer and want to come back and visit again and again. Copyright 2005 Ronald Gibson Ronald Gibson is a Web Designer and Web Marketer. He is the Webmaster of AffiliateUtopia.com, which offers information about some of the best money making opportunities on the Web. For more information, visit: http://www.affiliateutopia.com
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What Your Competition Knows About Traffic Need more traffic? There's a lot you can learn from spying on your competition. Your competition has traffic sources that you can easily swipe by following these steps. Link Popularity and Your Add URL Page With all the buzz going on about the importance of a site's link popularity, the "look and feel" of your Add URL page (or whatever you have named your add URL page) has taken on an increased importance as well. Alexa: Why You Should be Using the Toolbar Why on earth would anyone want to install a piece of spyware onto their Web browser? No sensible right minded person would ?unless you are a webmaster and you want to improve your SERPS ranking that is. The Alexa toolbar is not "technically" spyware as it doesn't retrieve any private or personal information. It does however log all the sites you visit and as webmasters we can use this to our advantage. It uses this information to compile traffic ranking statistics and a relational list. The relational list is very useful as it shows what other sites people who have looked the current website have also visited. Alexa is owned by Amazon and it is possible to make your own Alexa toolbar with your Amazon affiliate code included. You can then place this on your site and get credited when anyone buys through Amazon using the Amazon button on the toolbar you've distributed, it is also possible to include a link to your site in the toolbar. Alexa ranks sites from 1 to 5,000,000 and sometimes higher. Ranking 1 has the most traffic and so on, anything below 250,000 and you should be getting some decent traffic levels. This information can be used to determine how well your advertising campaigns are going and how traffic levels are growing over a period of time. This information can also be used to determine how you rivals are doing and keep you one step ahead of them. The Alexa information is also picked up by other search engines so you benefit from an increase in you SERPS as your site progresses up the rankings . One drawback of the Alexa toolbar is that it only works on Internet Explorer and not the tool of choice for most webmasters Firefox. However I personally feel this is a small price to pay for the benefits I get when using the tool bar for research and to check my sites daily. Checking the stats of your own site has a positive impact on your Alexa ranking as the toolbar is not generally used by the general public so every extra hit from a browser with the tool bar installed is valuable. I have 1 site that is almost exclusively used by webmasters , As webmasters are the people who use Alexa more than any other group 500 page views a day are enough to get this site into the top 500,000 Another site that has 3 times the traffic but the visitors are mostly the general public so this site is languishing in the 2,000,000 's. Why not try an experiment for a month, Download the toolbar and monitor one of your sites, once you see the data you get and the way it can be used you won't know how you survived without it. Links Exchange ? a Hazardous Business? So we gather in all the relevant information we can possibly find, and include it in all the right places, taking great care in linking our pages properly, optimise each page in turn with a list of 'keywords' - and making sure that the most relevant keywords are reflected in each pages 'title tags'.. Traffic Tips To Get People To Your Website Let's talk traffic and how to get it. Your website has at most, 10 seconds to grab the attention of your visitor, so you need to have something "interest grabbing" above the fold. That's a newspaper term for what people see when looking at the top part of a paper. With more than 50 million websites out there, your viewers will demand topic specific information that will make them bookmark you, recommend you to their friends, and make them return over and over. Power Packed Linking Strategies - Part Two The keyword marketing guide to a linking strategy that packs real punching power. Travel Your Way To More Traffic I am not a professional photographer nor am I in the travel business. However, I stay very busy these days taking scenic photographs and featuring them on my web site because my "not so" professional travel photos are bringing serious traffic to my web pages. 8 Ways To Get People To Visit Your Web Site Again and Again Getting visitors to your web site is not one of the easiest things to do especially if you've only just set up your web site. The trick here is to find as many ways as possible to get the visitors, that do visit your site, to come back again and again. Building A Business Without Advertising Your Product Are you trying to sell your product online with little or no success? Are you spending lots of money advertising all over the web and getting very few sales? Well, maybe it's time you try something a little different. Try not selling your product! You read that right. People do not want to be sold to. They do like to buy things, however. 7 Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website If you sell products or services, chances are you have a website promoting these products and services. All website owners are looking for fresh ideas on how to get qualified visitors to their website and convert these visitors into buyers. Website Add-Ons That Can Catapult Your Web Traffic! 1. Add a message board to your web site. People will visit your web site to ask questions and answer other people's questions. Email Can Be Extremely Irritating There are some extremely irritating things that have become an accepted part of life for virtually all webmasters and as the website administrator of the Wandle industrial museum, I promise you these things evan happen to the small local website’s. Proven Traffic Generating Techniques What good is a website without traffic? A website without traffic is like a mall without customers. No visitors means no prospects, no prospects means no sales, no sales means your internet business will not survive as a result. This is why generating traffic to your website is important. Without traffic, you cannot build an email list, and cannot test and track your results. Use Free Articles To Create High Quality Backlinks Part II The first part has dealt with introductory elements which could provide quality to an article. Yet, there are more to follow with a view to reach the wanted standard quality of the syndication of an article. 8 Steps for Getting Free Traffic to Your Website Want to Make Free Money on the Internet? TARGET PRACTICE - Generating The Website Traffic That Matters But a mere increase in the volume of website traffic is not the end all and be all of a successful marketing campaign online. There are countless instances of sites garnering thousands of visitors a day, with not a single sale to speak of. Surely, there would be something wrong if a marketing strategy is purely focused to increase website traffic. Top Tips for Requesting a Reciprocal Link While most webmasters agree that reciprocal linking is a very good way of increasing web site traffic, get your reciprocal link request wrong, and you won't get the link. Get More Web Site Traffic From Search Engines Considering all of the money you spend on promotion and advertising, wouldn't it be great to build a steady stream of web site traffic from the free search engines? How to Get Customers for Free There's no shortage of ways to spend money promoting your online shop - and certainly no shortage of people willing to take your money! However, search engines can be sending you qualified customers all day every day. How do you get a piece of this traffic? It's estimated that 70% of people stop at the first 10 results in most search engines and over 90% don't go beyond the first 30. If your shop isn't in the top of the search results, you're missing out. We'll go through the five steps to getting you higher in the search engine rankings. 10 Tips to Avoid Getting Ripped Off by Web Traffic Experts If you are looking at ways to increase traffic to your website there are many things you can do. Here are 10 tips to avoid getting ripped off by the mounting army of web traffic experts. Most of them will just take your money and waste your time. ![]() |
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