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Links Exchange ? a Hazardous Business?
So we gather in all the relevant information we can possibly find, and include it in all the right places, taking great care in linking our pages properly, optimise each page in turn with a list of 'keywords' - and making sure that the most relevant keywords are reflected in each pages 'title tags'.. After having done everything we can possibly think of 'at home', - we become aware of the importance of having 'inbound links' from other websites, especially from ones of a similar nature to our own little masterpiece, - how a multitude of other sites referring to our site can ultimately make our site look more important to a search engines 'spider', and therefore gain in stature within the index of the search engine and move closer to the top of the list of results presented. At this point we'll probably come to the conclusion, that the least time consuming way to achieve these 'inbound links' is by joining one of the many links exchange programs available on the internet, - such as LinkMarket or InfoWizards ? to find other like-minded souls, who are also looking for fresh links into their websites. These are free to join ? although they promote paid options as well ? and on the whole work well by letting you (and other webmasters) peruse a list of sites that actively engage in one-for-one exchanges of links with their sites. ? You look at the classified listings in their directory, decide which sites you would like to 'partner with', tick a box to apply for an exchange, - which will automatically then be 'proposed' to the other sites owner for them to decide whether to 'partner' with you or not, and if they accept your proposal you'll be notified and asked to put up a link from your site to theirs. At this point one could easily get carried away thinking: - YES! Recognition at last. And - sadly - it appears that many webmasters ? especially of commercial sites ? factor this into their thinking. Knowing that ? as the proposer ? you must link to them first, they'll either take a very long time to put up a link for your site - (months) ? or simply not bother at all, hoping that you'll forget about it as you're busily chasing after more sites to exchange with. Well ? you've now been warned ? DO NOT forget about it. Having put your link up to their sites, - give them SOME time ? say a couple of weeks ? to respond. But - remember: all the time you're waiting, your links to them are likely to be producing benefits for their sites, - and if enough suckers do this, they will - in total ? have many hundreds of inbound links, for which they are not providing any return benefits at all, - thereby gaining much in Page Rank for no loss of their own! Keep your wits about you. Before proposing or accepting a trade of links visit their site and check if there is a link from their Main Page to wherever they have their out going links. Then visit the links pages ? be sure to keep an eye on the address bar in your browser ? many, many sites are now engaged in the practice of having their links on a different site to the one you're linking to, which again - usually - is an attempt to gain an unfair advantage on you. One exception would be, where they are engaging in a proper 3 way exchange simply in order for the search-engines not to detect the fact that links are being reciprocated, - which is a good idea as long as both sites on offer are 'proper' sites, - but they should be honest and tell you about this up front! All too often you'll find sites that are nothing but a device for providing 'cheap' return links to the likes of you and me. Also on the increase are sites that will put up your link pretty smartly, often from a well rated page, but then after a week or two, - having allowed you to verify that your link is where you were told it would be ? guess what? It disappears again. What a surprise! A possible tell-tale sign for you to beware of, would be sites showing a high Google PR, whilst having a very few outbound links on their links pages. I have seen quite a few sites with PR[6] or more and less than 50 outbound links in their directory! One must ask hard questions like: Are they really that good, that thousands of sites would be linking to them without a return link?? - or: Is the content that good and original, that it would warrant that high a rating simply for quality reasons, - considering that most sites struggle to achieve PR[3] or PR [4]?? All this having been said, don't be put off, - just keep your wits about you and ask yourself pertinent questions, and ? most importantly: check, check and check again . . The 'smarter' Google gets, - the harder some people will be trying to con you. - just an afterthought: Although we are told that the Google search engine increasingly tend to 'discount' ? (for Page Rank purposes) - links that are reciprocated in this way, they should nevertheless be worthwhile for another reason: - they guide the search engine's spider back into your site for another quick scan each time that page is visited, thereby helping any new content added or any changes to your site to be discovered and indexed that much quicker than if left to it's own devices. Per Dindorp created and maintains a number of popular tourism orientated sites in and about Somerset, - UK including
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Keeping Track of Your Link Exchanges All of us want to increase traffic to our web sites. It helps our search engine rankings, and provides us with potential new customers. One of the best, and certainly least expensive, ways to do that is by exchanging links with sites similar to our own. However, you don't have to accumulate very many links before it becomes difficult to keep track of them all. Many of them have similar sounding (or identical!) names, descriptions and even URL's. Let me suggest a simple way to keep track of them so you don't embarrass yourself and annoy others by requesting to exchange links with someone more than once. Create Laser Targeted Traffic to Your Online Home Based Business With These 7 Traffic Builders If you are only looking at Search Engines too send Visitors to your Online Home Based Business Web Site then you are missing out on 6 other Key Methods of Traffic Generation. With these 7 Traffic Builders anyone can create a Swarm of Laser Targeted Traffic to their Online Home Based Business Web Site. 7 Simple Ways Of Driving Traffic To Your Site Using One E-Published Tips Booklet I am not a web designer or search engine optimizer, nor do I play one on TV. However, I do know that the driving force in bringing qualified traffic to your web site is dynamic high value content. That means compelling, interesting, approachable, and immediately useful information, especially when you also directly sell products or services at your site. Increasing and maintaining traffic also demands both offline and online mechanisms to attract those visitors. Greetings! From the Island Outlaw: I just had to get into the fray! I'm new to this cyberworld you see and I was surfing the web this morning in search of ways to drum up some traffic for my website. I came across a site called freeviral.com which said it was free! And would work to drive lots of traffic to your site. So I followed the instructions on the page and Lo and Behold I discovered it was just a front for a site called marketit.com owned by one of the so called maketing gurus. Build Your Inbound Site Links Without Requesting Reciprocal Links A funny thing happened to me three months ago. I decided to practice what I preach and publish a new article online. Hey, its easy to get sidetracked on other projects online and drop or forget about what works. We all do it. Winning the Traffic Exchange Game Winning the traffic exchange game can be done. I was just starting out online and had no money so I was looking for a free way to drive traffic to my site. That is when I first found traffic exchanges. I found the concept to be great and signed up for everyone I found and started clicking and clicking and clicking. After countless hours, a blistered clicking finger and a lot of frustration I found the secret to the game. Free Traffic Programs and How to Use Them I try to use as many free traffic programs as I can to increase traffic to my web sites. But does this traffic actually make sales for me? Probably not directly but indirectly they can. Secrets to Free Website Traffic You have just uploaded your web-site and it looks great! Increase Your Website Traffic in 10 Foolproof Steps Increasing website traffic is certainly your goal if you have a website. However, creating web pages that attract visitors is significantly different than simply building an attractive website. You need to make sure you put as much effort or more into getting people to your website than you spend designing your web pages. Read the following 10 foolproof steps to increasing your web traffic and boosting your sales. Traffic Building - Understanding the Basics So, you've spent hundreds of thousands on a state-of-the-art website. Your client is happy, and your hard work has paid off. The site goes live and the telesales team is standing by for a flood of enquiries. Nothing happens. Why? If you need More Targeted Visitors to Your Site this Will get the Free Traffic Flowing If you don't know by now one the best ways to attract free traffic to your site is with articles. You find them in your email. You find them on any website that provides useful content. Take a look and you will see they are all formatted the same way. How to Run a Successful Link Exchange Program Link Exchanges are a very time consuming project. The time it takes to find the sites to exchange with, contact them and place a link on your page can seem like an eternity. The hardest part about link exchanges isn't the research, it's the waiting. This article will give you some tips to help speed response time to your requests. Email Can Be Extremely Irritating There are some extremely irritating things that have become an accepted part of life for virtually all webmasters and as the website administrator of the Wandle industrial museum, I promise you these things evan happen to the small local website’s. Time-Proven Strategies That Increase Targeted Web Site Traffic For Free Today Internet has over 36,000,000 web sites, and statistics says that most of these web sites are DEAD - they do not get targeted web site traffic. Only targeted visitors give real online life to web site, and only targeted visitors can be converted into real profits on the web site. That is why those who understand the value of targeted traffic, fight for it every day, and this fight is getting wilder and wilder. How to Keep Your Listings From Dropping Out of Sight As a home business, one of the ways you probably drive traffic to your website is through search engine traffic. You probably also rely on Google ranking your website in the top of its search engine listings. Keyword Articles: Use Magical Keywords in Your Articles and Get Lots of Traffic You get a flash of inspiration and an interesting topic for an article comes into your head. Here we go then! Building A Business Without Advertising Your Product Are you trying to sell your product online with little or no success? Are you spending lots of money advertising all over the web and getting very few sales? Well, maybe it's time you try something a little different. Try not selling your product! You read that right. People do not want to be sold to. They do like to buy things, however. What Do Your Site Statistics Mean, Anyway? The purpose of analyzing your web site statistics is to look for trends and to research the success level of your marketing campaigns. The numbers themselves can be misleading, as statistical packages count "hits" in different ways. If someone visits a page on your site doesn't mean that they read it completely. Reciprocal Linking Reciprocal linking is considered by many people the most effective way to increase traffic to your website. You often get hits from the web sites that you have exchanged your links with, and reciprocal linking also helps boost your search engine rankings. Where Do You Get Quality Content? There are three main sources for you to get the content you need. ![]() |
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