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Free Targeted Internet Traffic
Let others help with your marketing efforts. You can have strangers pass your site to others and span the globe with viral marketing. Create viral marketing with a free e-book or inviting email, it is powerful and free. To start a viral marketing campaign that grows exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow. Pass on a free e-book with your contact details inside. Encourage others to add it to their websites and offer your branded e-book to everyone. As part of your introduction include your website and a message stating that the e-book is free and is to be passed along, so long as nothing is changed or altered. This includes your bio, contact information and links to your site. Cannot write? No problem. There are thousands of books available for you to co-brand and start your viral trail. Free Traffic and Joint Ventures Setting up joint ventures may be the most powerful free method available to increase targeted traffic. Joint ventures are simply colorations or partnerships between two or more people or businesses. It is not essential that the partnerships even be in related businesses, though helpful. Just about any combination will work. Obviously competing businesses are not a wise or practical option for a joint venture. That still leaves plenty of other partners. There is no limit to what can be done with this marketing technique. The venture can be as simple as trading client databases, or it can be an elaborate cross promotions with contests and giveaway. A joint venture is only limited by the creativity of the parties involved. If you have the right partner this will do wonders for your credibility and, the know, like, trust, buy formula for success. Free Traffic and Meta Tags Meta tags are very important. I am not an expert on tags so I highly suggest you research Meta tags optimization techniques. To have a Google spider find you and have you listed will do wonders for your traffic. Never pay to have your site listed, there are too many ways to have it listed. Too often these pay sites will not do what is promised or what you could do with a little effort. Free Traffic and Offline Marketing Techniques To maximize your online presence you have to go offline and bring foot traffic to the web as targeted web traffic. Here are a few low cost offline marketing techniques that will give you added visibility and translate to a more powerful web presence. Turn your automobile into a mini billboard. Place bumper stickers and magnet signs on your vehicle. Leave a business card wherever possible. One suggestion is to leave it with your tip at a restaurant. Hang flyers on high traffic bulletin boards, be sure to leave a pull tab. Change your body into a walking billboard for your opportunity and products instead of someone else's. How often do you promote Nike, Polo, Guess, or a professional sports team? Start promoting yourself and get your clothes embroidered. It does not have to be anything fancy, a good descriptive url will work. Free Traffic and Your URL One last tip. As I mentioned before, I get traffic from posts that are over a year old. Once something is on the internet it is there for good. The url you promote should be permanent. This is important because anything could happen. What if you are no longer with the same company? All previous links to that business are now useless. If you have one url and it either links or redirects to you business opportunity and products you simply have to change the link or redirect page. You will always get a hit when someone clicks on your link. I hope you enjoyed the article and wish you all the best with you business venture. I am sure you are well on you way to becoming a successful internet marketing professional. No matter what opportunity or product you promote via the internet you do not have a business unless you have customers. One way to increase sales is to increase your customer base, this means more visitor traffic. If you are not interested in free web traffic, congratulations, you must have deep pockets or all ready have more than you can handle. For those who are interested in free web traffic, read on. Just getting large numbers of visitors to websites is not enough. These visits have to turn into sales. A chance or uninterested visitor is little better than no visitor. Every site needs targeted visitors. Your site needs people who have seen your message and have had their interest peeked. With a targeted market approximately 3 visitors for every 100 will make purchases. Without targeted visitors this conversion rate drops significantly. Throughout this article you will encounter numerous ways to increase your web traffic. This traffic will be well targeted free leads, all through online marketing methods. Do you like to be sold, or pushed into a sale? Like most the answer is a definitive NO. One of my mentors has instilled in me the importance of building relationships as apposed to selling someone. Once the person gets to know, like, and trust you they will be more willing to join you in your opportunity or buy product from you. Remember, know, like, trust, buy! Free Traffic and Message Boards Relating this principle to free internet marketing, I suggest you visit message boards. These boards are so effective that I still receive requests and referrals from posts made over a year ago. Visit various boards post messages, meet people, ask questions, share your wisdom, and words of encouragement. Suggested tips to keep in mind when posting to message boards. Remember you are there to build relationships, you want people to know, like and trust you. Do not spam: - do not post the same thing over and over - post something meaningful and relevant to the conversation - do not advertise unless otherwise specified - do not participate in negative postings about others (criticize or flame) To make the most of message boards and insure highly targeted traffic to your website: - select boards that pertain to your product or opportunity - get your name out and popularity up, post a response to a question or simply post a question yourself - include a signature file with your name and URL, no email. This can be placed in the profile page. It is a good idea to set-up a second email because, you will get spam - spend one or two evenings a week posting on several different message boards - be genuine, helpful, and try to learn a few things - HAVE FUN and MAKE FRIENDS Free Traffic and Traffic Generation Sites Traffic generation sites can be good and bad. Most are not worth your time, however, there are a few good ones, so choose with care. I recommend Traffic Swarm. This site is better than most because people select a site from a list in topics they have selected to view ads from. An ad is then chosen based on a tag line and a short description you have written. If the visitor wants credit for their selection you have their attention for a minimum of 20 seconds. After that they may click another site without penalty. Again this is that target traffic so necessary to success. Free Traffic and Viral Marketing Let others help with your marketing efforts. You can have strangers pass your site to others and span the globe with viral marketing. Create viral marketing with a free e-book or inviting email, it is powerful and free. To start a viral marketing campaign that grows exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow. Pass on a free e-book with you contact details inside. Encourage others to add it to their websites and offer your branded e-book to everyone. As part of your introduction include your website and a message stating that the e-book is free and is to be passed along, so long as nothing is changed or altered. This includes your bio, contact information and links to your site. Cannot write? No problem. There are thousands of books available for you to co-brand and start your viral trail. Free Traffic and Joint Ventures Setting up joint ventures may be the most powerful free method available to increase targeted traffic. Joint ventures are simply colorations or partnerships between two or more people or businesses. It is not essential that the partnerships even be in related businesses, though helpful. Just about any combination will work. Obviously competing businesses are not a wise or practical option for a joint venture. That still leaves plenty of other partners. There is no limit to what can be done with this marketing technique. The venture can be as simple as trading client databases, or it can be an elaborate cross promotions with contests and giveaway. A joint venture is only limited by the creativity of the parties involved. If you have the right partner this will do wonders for your credibility and, the know, like, trust, buy formula for success. Free Traffic and Meta Tags Meta tags are very important. I am not an expert on tags so I highly suggest you research Meta tags optimization techniques. To have a Google spider find you and have you listed will do wonders for your traffic. Never pay to have your site listed, there are too many ways to have it listed. Too often these pay sites will not do what is promised or what you could do with a little effort. Free Traffic and Offline Marketing Techniques To maximize your online presence you have to go offline and bring foot traffic to the web as targeted web traffic. Here are a few low cost offline marketing techniques that will give you added visibility and translate to a more powerful web presence. Turn your automobile into a mini billboard. Place bumper stickers and magnet signs on your vehicle. Leave a business card wherever possible. One suggestion is to leave it with your tip at a restaurant. Hang flyers on high traffic bulletin boards, be sure to leave a pull tab. Change your body into a walking billboard for your opportunity and products instead of someone else's. How often do you promote Nike, Polo, Guess, or a professional sports team? Start promoting yourself and get your clothes embroidered. It does not have to be anything fancy, a good descriptive url will work. Free Traffic and Your URL One last tip. As I mentioned before, I get traffic from posts that are over a year old. Once something is on the internet it is there for good. The url you promote should be permanent. This is important because anything could happen. What if you are no longer with the same company? All previous links to that business are now useless. If you have one url and it either links or redirects to you business opportunity and products you simply have to change the link or redirect page. You will always get a hit when someone clicks on your link. I hope you enjoyed the article and wish you all the best with you business venture. I am sure you are well on you way to becoming a successful internet marketing professional. About the author: Jason Paris is an internet entrepreneur, a leader in the Robert G Allen Mentors to Wealth Team, and a Mastermind group participant with Mentoring for Free. For more articles and tips on how to build a serious home based business and work form home visit mlmwealth.blogspot.com
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5 Ways To Get Other Websites To Link To Yours In-bound links from other web sites to yours provide two avenues to success for your site. The Nuts And Bolts Of Traffic Exchanges Traffic Exchanges. What are they? How do they work? What do they do? The FREE Web Traffic Explosion Method Dear Friend, Importance of Keywords - Wrong Keywords Means No Traffic! If your new to the internet marketing world, you might not understand how vitally important choosing the right keywords for your website is. Most people who put up a website (designers included) don't realize that the right keywords on your website will improve your search engine rankability. Free Traffic Course - Day 5 Online statistics shows that about 10% from online visitors make immediate purchase on the web site. Other 90% of visitors may leave your web site forever, without making any purchase. Do you want to lose 90% of web site visitors that were driven with so many efforts? Traffic Generation: The Number One Skill That Will Generate Cash Flow (Part 1 of 3) If you're feeling a bit of confusion and frustration about how to get visitors to your website and generate more sales, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way until I stopped listening to every "big time" marketer that came along with the latest traffic generating trick. Winning the Traffic Exchange Game Winning the traffic exchange game can be done. I was just starting out online and had no money so I was looking for a free way to drive traffic to my site. That is when I first found traffic exchanges. I found the concept to be great and signed up for everyone I found and started clicking and clicking and clicking. After countless hours, a blistered clicking finger and a lot of frustration I found the secret to the game. 13 Steps to Increasing Your Link Luck Link development can be an absolute nightmare. It takes up most of a marketerā??s time and the yield isnā??t always what we originally hoped. Worrying about PR, one way inbound links, triangle linking, where to find quality sites to exchange with, itā??s all just a huge headache. To be honest, thereā??s no real way to wash your hands of it, unless you have a huge budget for purchasing text links or to hire someone to do your linking for you. So here are 13 ways to increase your linking luck. They require a little bit of effort, but executed properly, these steps will only bring your site success. How To Drive Traffic To Your Website How can you have effective results in major search engines? Banner, Link, and Traffic Exchanges really work well. How do you start? The big "trigger target" for Google appears to be links. Back in the earliest days, one link equaled one positive vote, a rather clean sorting concept that worked extremely well in a much cleaner Internet environment. As Google rose to become the dominant search engine, the search marketing industry started to focus on Google. What type of links to use? Incoming and outgoing banner or traffic link exchanges are good places to start like: Free Advertising Forum http://www.freeadvertisingforum.com/ When I visited the page yesterday, there are were 210 on that page at the same time, and in the last 24-Hours: 564. Check out other forums and groups. Like: http://www.adlandpro.com/ or, http://www.bravenet.com Bravenet is one of the largest in the world with over 7 million members. Most Linking Opportunities are no cost. By adding incoming links to your website, search engine popularity grows as well. Linking sites I use that have worked well for my site are: http://www.linkalizer.com/ and, http://www.best-web-directories.com/free-directories.htm Banners Go MLM is one of the most recommeded banner exchange programs on the Internet. http://bannersgomlm.com/ These resources provide over 50% of my website traffic for: http://www.mycashforever.com/ Major search engines provide the other 50%. That will increase as I continue to edit my KEYWORDS, and resubmit, and as more links are posted to my site. My most recent report, after the last monthly submission report indicates: Engine Link Popularity Altavista 75 Google 4 MSN 175 Yahoo! 76 Total Link Popularity: 330 Considering my website did not exist five months ago, I am told by some experts that this is great progress. Use this site to optimize your website no cost for 90 days. http://www.submitnet.net/ You can review this service at my website: www.mycashforever.com Submitnet is used by many SEO companys to improve site optimization, and includes many resources for optimizing your website. Happy marketing, your online friend, Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services For more information about us, use KEYWORD: "opportunities now internet marketing services" in any major Search Engine. James A. "Jim" Holish 5250 E. Cortland Blvd. #19 Flagstaff, Arizona 85004 webmaster@mycashforever.com www.mycashforever.com Maximum Exposure: Ten Ways To Effectively Increase Your Sites Prominence On The Web It's a strange world, this place we call the internet. Many things here are stark opposites of their real life counterparts. Take for example the following. Whereas blind dating is a most dubious manner of meeting people in real life, it is the norm in cyberspace. Whereas multi-level marketing carries with it a stigma of disaster in the actual world, it is a venture very much sought on the web. And whereas traffic tends to irritate us in our daily existence, online denizens would kill to increase the same for their websites. Online Advertising: 14 Easy Ways To Make Your Web Site Visitors Give You Their Email Addresses You may have heard many times, that getting the e-mail addresses of your website visitors and following up on them can spark up your sales and unleash a tsunami of orders. No Follow Illustrates Need For Good Linking Plan The blog explosion created a great opportunity for savvy marketers--they could post their URL's in the comments of blogs and reap the benefits of links back to their sites as the search engines crawled through. Targeted Traffic for Your Website - 3 Guaranteed Ways to Create Lift-Off Targeting traffic for your website is as easy as knowing how to simply direct traffic to your website rather than another one. The information web surfers are looking for is usually available on hundreds if not thousands of websites, so you have to make sure you are extremely diligent about keeping your website high in the search engine rankings. There are several ways you can do this which include links, keywords, and pay per click advertising. Utilize Those Traffic Exchanges. I`ve had people come to me and say "Traffic Exchanges are useless, and I don`t have time to click anyway", or they`ll say "There are too many of them, and I find it all overwhelming"Here`s what I say: Ok, the traffic may not be 100% targeted visitors, but somebody, somewhere just MIGHT like your product, affiliate program, salespage etc.The more traffic you get, the more likely you are to actually find those people. First of all, whatever you do, don`t just jump onto any old traffic exchange, read it thoroughly, make sure you get at LEAST a 2:1 credit ratio, which basically means: you visit 2 websites, in exchange for one visitor to YOUR chosen website.Next, join 4 or 5 good traffic exchanges,. Read everything you can about using the program, so you know you won`t be breaking the rules.Now on to the hard work bit: Lets call the chosen exchanges A, B, C, D and E. Pull up notepad, copy/paste your referral links to the 5 programs into it (ctrl+c to copy, ctrl+v to paste). Do the same with your surfing links, (sometimes known as startpage links), and make sure you DON`T confuse the two.You need to plug each Traffic Exchange into the other to create a circle. (example: where it asks for website put program A into program B, B into C, C into D, D into E, and finally E into A)So now, each traffic exchange is promoting one of the others. The reason for this is to build your downlines in the various exchanges. Why work hard for traffic if you can get others to work for you?Ok, next step can be tedious, but if you`ve chosen the right traffic exchanges, it can be kinda fun too. Open the 5 programs, using your Surf/Startpage link.Click away at all 5 of them vigorously, say at least 30 minutes per day, for maybe 3 weeks. This SHOULD start building your downlines in the various exchanges. If it doesn`t work at first, keep trying until it does. The key here is to never give up.Once you have a good enough downline (in YOUR opinion), and your downlines are creating traffic for you, log back into the programs, change the website link to whichever program it is you REALLY want to promote.Don`t expect your downline to build ALL of your traffic, you may still have to "click" yourself for a while, but with time, that will change. In my favourite programs, my downlines are getting me 1000 pageviews per day.That`s 5000 pageviews, on average, per day for free, and I rarely click at all any more. Maybe every once in a while just to keep my accounts active, depending on the programs rules.Give it a try, and as I said before: Don`t give up! Have Fun! How To Turning Your Online Visitors Traffic Into Buyers/Customers Traffic? Overview: 5 Top Tips For Attracting Targeted Traffic One of the most common needs of online business owners is traffic. Without traffic, your web site barely exists, and is unlikely to make any profit whatsoever. With traffic, you stand a much greater chance of success - but not just any traffic. If You Dont Like The Weather...Just Wait For 10 Minutes This old saying which addresses the variability of the weather in Montana is also applicable to the market dynamics for an online business. If there is one thing that is certain about the future of online marketing, it is that it will continue to change. Making Effective Use of Traffic Exchanges ? What are traffic exchanges? Common Sense Link Exchange Creating a simple links page to exchange links for the purpose of higher search engine ranking is a bad idea. Now you're probably saying to yourself why else would I make a links page? The answer is simple. You want to offer your visitors good quality content. Following this line of logic will help you go a lot farther in rankings and traffic than just throwing a links page together. Free Targeted Internet Traffic Let others help with your marketing efforts. You can have strangers pass your site to others and span the globe with viral marketing. Create viral marketing with a free e-book or inviting email, it is powerful and free. To start a viral marketing campaign that grows exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow. ![]() |
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