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A Simple Guide to Analyzing All Those Web Traffic Ideas - Part 3
Just to recap - Parts 1 and 2 of this topic outlined some of the so-called "secrets" of website traffic being offered on-line and what you might expect for your money. If you missed either of these parts you will still be able to view them by clicking on the links appearing in the resource box at the end of this, Part 3. It would seem from all the comments and attention I have received so far, that I have struck on a common complaint from website owners. So much so, that I have decided to write Part 3, which wasn't originally intended. Yes, all website owners are looking for that magic formula which will give them added traffic to their sites. You have created a brilliant site, full of wonderful information. You know people will just love it. However, there is one major problem. Nobody knows that it exists. Sound familiar? You are Michelangelo and you are confined to the Sistine Chapel where there is not a web-cam in sight for you to show your work to the world. Enough joking around! This is meant to be serious. You have already submitted to all the free search engines and directories. You wait. Weeks pass and your site is still not listed. You need traffic. You're desperate for traffic! So you do what thousands of others do, you submit to the temptation of all the clever marketeers who are out there waiting for people just like you (and me). "Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly..." (er, sorry to inform you but you are the six-legged one here) Have you noticed a few things about the "professors" of website traffic techniques? They all huddle together. They all refer to one another. They are all "cyber-friends." And, why shouldn't they be? They are using one of the best marketing techniques since the day dot! Word of mouth, or in this case, word of click. They are in the business of referral. What better way to generate leads? It's a nice cosy little arrangement. Marketer A promotes marketer B who promotes C who promotes D who promotes A. Hey presto! What do we have? We have a marketing web-ring of referring "experts" and "gurus." If you stumble into this web-ring you might just find yourself wanting to buy all those seemingly fabulous and heavily cross-referred products they offer. A, B, C and D all win. But what about you? I'm reckoning that four "information" products at an average price of US$39.95 each will set you back a cool US$159.80. Then of course, you will be bombarded with all manner of emails encouraging you to buy the latest "cutting edge" techniques as word goes out (via email) that you are hungry for information. Get yourself ready for a SPAM attack! Here's a hint - when you get those ezines full of junk and forty lines of boring advertising links, simply go to your email settings and do the following. Highlight the line containing the offending email, go to the toolbar at the top of your screen, open up "Message" then come down and highlight "Block Sender." This will divert the unwanted junk email to your "Deleted Items" list. When the list fills up you can then simply highlight the very top and bottom emails and everything in between by holding down the "Shift" key. Once they are all selected you can send them all to the rubbish tip by clicking "Delete". Of course, you can always ask for the SPAM not to be sent but all that tends to do is alert the sender to the fact that you are a real live person on the other end. This can then become a signal for them to up the ante on you even more. Sometimes it is best just not to acknowledge certain emails. This is particularly true for all those annoying pornography sites that seem to specialize in this type of acknowledgement game. It's your choice. So, you now have four or more "special reports" which you hope will reveal all the secrets of increasing web-traffic. Here's a sample: A - "How I Generated 1000's of Hits Per Day Using This Little Known Trick." B - "The Amazing Web Traffic Secrets I Literally Stumbled Across While Playing Golf." C - "The Guaranteed no-BS Way to Getting 100,000 Hits in Just Three Months." D - "How I, Homer Zantuck, a Dumb High School Drop-out Fooled the Search Engines." (Side note: Those titles are fictitious but if any budding new "gurus" would like to use them - please, be my guest!) Sure, they might all contain a little snippet of information that you might find useful. But is the $29.95 or $39.97 or $47.77 price tag worth it? My experience says no. What you usually get are a few sheets of paper, often only one or two surrounded by hype and testimonials about what a marvel the author is. That is the "report." You should be wary of testimonials. All websites use them, mine included. However, if you are basing all your hopes on what "Fred Jones from Albuquerque" or "Doreen P of East Norway" allegedly said then you should think again. Many testimonials are fictitious. The only truly credible testimonials are those which carry a "live" email or website address and even then such a person may be an "affiliate" (see Part 2). So, perform your own due diligence before you buy. If you do you will certainly save money. I have a bit more to say yet on other web traffic promises and scams. However, if I include them here it will make this article unreasonably long. Therefore, stay tuned for Part 4 where I will reveal my experiences with those schemes which promise a deluge of traffic from banner advertising on "start up pages." They are a real doozy, so make sure you have a read. Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this topic are covered by copyright. However, all three parts may be freely used providing there are no changes whatsoever to the content and the following resource box remains intact. PS: If you think this information might help a friend from falling prey to these dubious practices you can send them a copy of this article (or any related parts) or direct them to the website URL above. Let's get the word out and put a stop to this. About the author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Gary's email address is budo@iinet.net.au. Click here to go to his Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website where you can receive his "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of his highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice."
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