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Don?t Work for Your Money, Make it Work for You!
Well, the New Year is around the corner and so are New Year's Resolutions! It's such a great time of year to consider what the past year has brought us and what we want to create in the coming year. To help you get started thinking about the coming year, we are publishing a series of articles on top wealth creating habits. This series of articles will feature simple and practical ways that you can begin easily creating wealth in your life, no matter what your current situation. Ready? Let's dive in! Chances are, if you're reading this article, you're not wealthy yet. Chances are also that you are an employee, working for someone else, or you are a business owner but your business has not yet made you wealthy. In either case, haven't you dreamed of being a wealthy business owner, whose business generates continuous wealth and income? Most of us have?but most of us also run up against the brick wall of not knowing how. The best way to get started becoming a business owner with very productive employees is to get a business and hire some great employees. Now, most of us aren't able to do that overnight, or we would have done it already, right? Wrong! If you consider your money (assets or cash) as your employees, then you are an instant business owner. Voila! Think about it. When you invest your money or apply it toward a productive entrepreneurial venture, your money works just as hard to produce an income as you do when you go to your daily job. In fact, it works harder than most employees do ? money has no family or personal problems and doesn't argue with you. When you put what available money you have to work for you, you are now a business owner with employees (your money). When you realize that money has the potential to work just as hard as you do, then you've just enlightened yourself with one of the top wealth creating habits! Now, to get a productive business that earns a good return for you, you need to keep adding "employees" to your business by saving your money and investing it. Whether it's a dollar or twenty dollars, every "employee" counts. The wealth creating habit you want to cultivate in this regard is to save and invest your dollars rather than spending them on things that will give you short term pleasure but no long term benefit. Remember that every dollar you turn into an "employee" rather than spending in the moment will work for you for the rest of your life! Think about that the next time you feel tempted by some new trendy thing you've just got to have! How can you get started on building this wealth creating habit in your life? It's easy. At the beginning of each day, spend a few minutes experiencing what it would be like not to have to go to work every morning, but to be able to choose whether you want to work or not. During the day, as you are faced with spending choices, bring that experience back into focus to help yourself choose wisely. At night, keep a journal of your spending decisions for that day and note what percentage of the time you chose wisely. Your goal? To increase that percentage gradually to 100%. Most experts say that it takes 21 to 40 days to create a solid new habit. That's not long when you think about it. All you have to do is get started ? now. Good luck! About The Author Stephanie Yeh is deeply committed to the study and experience of prosperity and to helping other people achieve and experience prosperity. With the help of a strong 15-year network marketing business, Stephanie and her partner have helped many people achieve their prosperity goals. Her current project, the Journeyman Wealth Program, is aimed at helping 15 people a year fully achieve their dreams. Stephanie's Prosperity Abounds website works on the basic principle that "You are the creator of your own reality!". Get more details on her website at http://www.prosperity-abounds.com; info@prosperity-abounds.com
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Financial experts agree that the rising value of gold, which has climbed since 2001 to a 16 year high of $456 (U.S.) an ounce, is going to be spurred on in 2005. Precarious world situations, from political turmoil to flailing currencies, are taking a toll on the trade markets. The cry for stability and future security is high on the priority list for North Americans and can also be heard pulsating around the globe. Gold, along with the precious metal industries, is emerging as a reliable anchor for many investors at home and abroad. Budget Tips To budget, to have a budget and to be on a budget is not a bad thing; in fact, it's just about the best financial situation you can find yourself in. A budget is a valuable financial management tool which will enable you to pay your monthly expenses, save a certain percentage of your income and control your expenditures. 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