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Before There Was Wall Street, There Was Gold.. & when Wall Street is gone, there will still be Gold
Paper burns and large companies can go bankrupt, but if you want a piece of the solid rock, go for Gold. Financial experts agree that the rising value of gold, which has climbed since 2001 to a 16 year high of $456 (U.S.) an ounce, is going to be spurred on in 2005. Precarious world situations, from political turmoil to flailing currencies, are taking a toll on the trade markets. The cry for stability and future security is high on the priority list for North Americans and can also be heard pulsating around the globe. Gold, along with the precious metal industries, is emerging as a reliable anchor for many investors at home and abroad. In his well documented publication '15 Reasons To Own Gold' analyst John Embry, from the Sprott Gold & Precious Metals Fund, states that on a global scale, "Gold as Money is Gaining Credence." Indeed, many countries including India, China, Russia and the Middle East are moving towards a secure hold on gold supply and a serious interest in the incorporation of gold into their monetary systems. Economist Dr. Gary North overviews the many ways to buy gold, and advises people that when looking to invest, "Promises to pay are never as reliable as gold in hand." Whether conscious or subconscious the public mind seems to agree with this persuasion. The growing trend towards gold can be seen at the grass roots level with the consumer demand for fine jewelry. According to The World Gold Council, the demand for jewelry is rising faster than the production of gold. The jewelry industry, though generally steady in its revenues, has been more of a 'buyers market' in past years, with highly competitive price war campaigns and marketing strategies. These tables may now be about to turn, as the increasing demands on the gold market are expected to affect retail prices within the year. Tom McDonald of goldmisers.ca says, "Now is the time to buy!" Gold Misers is an online jewelry outlet which sells high quality fine jewelry at wholesale prices to the public. "Being at the root level of the jewelry industry it's easy to see the coming market trend. I would advise anybody to invest in a little golden nest egg." Beulah Morgan Gold Misers 1-800-859-2152 ph Gold Misers Jewelry You may use this article on any website as long as this bio information is included copyright 2005
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Trustee Fees: How Much is Enough and How Much is Too Much? I am often amused by the ads and offers I see concerning living trusts. The PDQ? Factor It's the beginning of a brand new year: a time to set goals, make plans, and start afresh; a time to dream of making more money, having a more beautiful body, and experiencing more love. I can't help you with your body or your love life but I can show you some tools for making more money this year. Net Worth Nympho There are plenty of people who are in love with their bank books. In life, there will always be extremists. What is Your Creative Retirement Plan? The idle are a peculiar kind of dead that cannot be buried." Oriental proverb Lesson 2 - The Commodity Of Kings! What is "The Commodity of Kings" Want Money? You Got It! Six out of six people who were asked to list their highest priority in life said, "I want money". Maybe not in those exact words, but that was the gist of the request. Understand, when you ask the Universe for something the Universe must help provide it. All six of these people are getting exactly what they asked for. They are 'wanting money'. 5 Easy Ways to Save and Build Wealth 1. Pay off high-cost debt. The best investment most borrowers can make is to pay off consumer debt with double-digit interest rates. For example, if you have a $3,000 credit card balance at 19.8%, and you pay the required minimum balance of 2% of the balance or $15, whichever is greater, it will take 39 years to pay off the loan. And you will pay more than $10,000 in interest charges. Super-charge Your Dream of Retiring Rich with the Roth 401K! This retirement account is so new and unique that you may not have heard of it. For additional reasons, I describe in my home study course, corporate insiders may not want to offer it to corporate employees. This is because some executives only consider their employees canon fodder. The Making Money Obsession - Discover The Real Truth In most societies, we are raised to believe in the myth that "it's spiritual to be poor". Or we use such phrases as "filthy rich", or "Money is the root of all evil". Our TV and movies present the big businesses as the "bad guys", and programs our minds to believe that being rich is "bad". How To Be the Ultimate American Consumer Feel like a lemming lately? Ready to follow the crowd into the great plunge of Ultimate American Consumerism? Just in case you need a little help, here is a tongue-in-cheek look at how to continue the process of becoming the Ultimate American Consumer! How Should I Create Passive Income? If you're wondering where to create passive income, then you are likely not alone. There are hundreds of different ways, however, so you're sure to find something that will work for you. The one thing to remember about creating passive income, however, is that being creative is a huge benefit - and that you should try to create passive income in several different ways. Wealth Secrets: Saving Your Way to a Fortune SCENE 1: Pharaoh has just woken up from a very troubling dream and feels he must know the interpretation. Joseph gets called in and explains that there will be seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. The famine will be so bad that it will be as if there were no seven years of plenty. Steps to Financial Freedom Financial freedom is the power to do what you will with your life without being forever bound by lack of money and over burdened by debt. This worthwhile goal can be achieved by anyone through careful planning and persistence. Just follow these steps: Does Money Grow On Trees? "Money Doesn't Grow On Trees." Mastering Your Money One of the things most of us have old ideas about is money. The best way to change old ideas is to upgrade and take a new look at them. We have to do the same thing with how we think about money. We have to look at it from a different point of view. Still Using Federal Reserve Notes?(How to Beat Inflation) "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Can You Be Rich? Part 1 What does becoming rich mean to you? Is it early retirement? Perhaps it is the big house and the fancy car. Do you want the personal freedom that comes with being wealthy? Knowing you could go anywhere in the world you wish at anytime. Imagine knowing that your children and even your grandchildren will be taken care of financially after you are gone. Becoming rich is not a birthright or a random act of chance, it is a choice. So the question is, do you choose to be rich? Spiritual and Emotional Money Goals: The Keys to a Financially Free Future Are you setting the right money goals? 16 Mantras for Building Financial Wealth Everyone wants to be wealthy, but most of us do not have anyone to guide us down this road. Even if we stumble upon a mentor, most of us may think it's a scam. Most of us have beliefs that keep us struggling financially; "the more I can save the richer I will become"; "building good credit is more important than how I use it"; "if I stay with my job for 10 years I will be rich"; "the rich are greedy and take advantage of others"; "I am not smart enough to be rich"; "if I work hard for my boss I will be greatly rewarded"; "I would have to work non-stop to become rich"; "I have to give up what I love to become rich". All of these beliefs are true from a certain perspective, namely yours! Most of these negative beliefs have been forced on us as children and are constantly reinforced by friends, family, news and even sitcoms. Personal, deep-seeded beliefs are what separate the top 10% from the bottom 90% in this country. Below are some mantras to think about every day in order to replace those negative beliefs: Is Your Money Keeping Up With Inflation? In today's unpredictable global economy, you obviously never know what is going to happen next. Uncertainties and concerns regarding the Iraqi threat, North Korean crisis, and hidden terrorist cells and networks continue to loom in the back of the minds of consumers. Moreover, the stock markets and industries around the world. ![]() |
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