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Does Money Grow On Trees?
"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees." Some of us even believe it. An orchard owner would say the statement is wrong. His profits grow on trees? As small business owners we are similar to tree farmers. We plant and nurture trees knowing that they will bear fruit. Some business owners grow trees with the idea of selling them when they start to produce fruit, but most of us build our orchards with the intention of selling the fruit. In the early stages the trees require much tending. Later as the trees mature, they require less effort and produce more fruit. How many trees are in your orchard? My trees are designed to produce a constant stream of fruit with little oversight. This means once I have planted the tree I can move on to the next project. Here's an example. I write ebooks. These are simple, tightly written reports on specific subjects. People buy them and then download them to read them. Each ebook explains a solution to a problem or a outlines a method to accomplish something. For example my eBay Consignment book explains consignment sales and includes material on finding consignors. There are also contracts, templates of ads, and inventory sheets. Basically everything is included a reader will need to successfully start an eBay Consignment business. This simple ebook sells itself. Or rather, there is a small army of affiliates who promote it constantly. It took me thirty hours to write the book and about 20 hours to get the marketing push started. It still sells well and I still harvest the profits. The eBay Consignment book is just one tree in my orchard. Every six to eight weeks I plant a new tree. Some trees die before bearing fruit, others are stunted and produce weak fruit, and a few trees produce large amounts of fruit. Years ago I was focused on the big trees. In fact I was so focused on the big trees I would chop down any trees that did not produce spectacular results. I never really got anywhere. I made money, but constantly switched from one project to another abandoning them as I went along. I never spent the time to nurture and grow my orchard. I actually abandoned projects that were producing thousands of dollars in monthly profits because I wanted something bigger. Two years ago I saw the error of my ways. I looked back on the things I had dropped and realized that as a group I had a nice collection of income streams. The whole group as an orchard was a good thing to have. You see, I had the common misperception of entrepreneurs. I suffered from the wage slave lottery mentality. I thought the only way to break out was with a big one. Kind of like the guy working at Wal-Mart. His only chance of getting anywhere is to win the lottery. I wanted the big one. The project with the huge payoff. Anything less than spectacular was not good enough. My expectations were too high. This is not how it works. You have to plant your trees - learn your craft, and hone your skills. Many new businesses fail because owners do not spend the time to nurture them. Years ago, I read a book called Acres Of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell. It is actually a motivational speech Conwell gave thousands of times. Anyway, Conwell shares a story about a many who sells his land to go elsewhere and search for diamonds. The man was obsessed with finding diamonds and becoming rich. After traveling for years the man gives up and commits suicide. It turns out the land he had sold to go prospecting was filled with diamonds. The man spent years looking for something that was right in front of him. Conwell goes on to share stories of people who found immense success right in front of them. This is not uncommon. Many of us learn to look for success outside of ourselves. When it is standing right in front of us. I have changed my attitude and now look at myself as an orchardist. I tend my orchard, planting new trees and nurturing the fruitful. As my orchard grows so does my income. Plant your trees and nurture them. Terry Gibbs About The Author Terry Gibbs is the author of 13 books and writes a free monthly newsletter about creating and selling information products. You can read more about Terry and sign up for his newsletter at: http://www.nalroo.com
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The Underlying Belief System Many of us do not consider the underlying belief system about money to be of any importance. You think it does not matter, because what matters is what you do now. Right, at one level, but not complete. All ideas that we have learned about money in the past are colouring our actions today. Cost Averaging - It Makes Sense (Dollars & Cents) It's no secret that the market goes UP...the market, goes DOWN. That's the basics of Investing 101. Jobless? You Stand To Be Rich! This is a true story about a homeless man from Illinois. This man slept in alleys, park benches and wherever else he could find enough space for himself. This man used to beg for food and money. He had nothing but time to himself. The Making Money Obsession - Discover The Real Truth In most societies, we are raised to believe in the myth that "it's spiritual to be poor". Or we use such phrases as "filthy rich", or "Money is the root of all evil". Our TV and movies present the big businesses as the "bad guys", and programs our minds to believe that being rich is "bad". Money Myths Of The Poor From tender age, we were exposed to myths about money and myths of being rich. Be it from our parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, or friends. The myths that we have determine our financial well being in our adult lives. Personal Finance Rules to Building Wealth Key 1 Pay your self first 8 Tips for Keeping More of Your Hard Earned Money Masters degree not required...just a little common sense, a $5.00 calculator and a realistic plan is all you'll need. The Philosophers Stone "If you know how to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher's stone" ? Benjamin Franklin Gain More Control of Your 401k - What It Can Mean to Your Future Points to ponder as you consider what can be done to maximize your 401k returns: Before There Was Wall Street, There Was Gold.. & when Wall Street is gone, there will still be Gold Paper burns and large companies can go bankrupt, but if you want a piece of the solid rock, go for Gold. Financial experts agree that the rising value of gold, which has climbed since 2001 to a 16 year high of $456 (U.S.) an ounce, is going to be spurred on in 2005. Precarious world situations, from political turmoil to flailing currencies, are taking a toll on the trade markets. The cry for stability and future security is high on the priority list for North Americans and can also be heard pulsating around the globe. Gold, along with the precious metal industries, is emerging as a reliable anchor for many investors at home and abroad. 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Six out of six people who were asked to list their highest priority in life said, "I want money". Maybe not in those exact words, but that was the gist of the request. Understand, when you ask the Universe for something the Universe must help provide it. All six of these people are getting exactly what they asked for. They are 'wanting money'. Finding Financial Freedom Do you ever get this in your email box: Find Financial Freedom! Make $150,000 from home in the next 90 days! How about 10 times a day? Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 4) Top Investment Performance How to Have MORE Fun With YOUR Tax Refund in 2005 I counsel a LOT of people about money. I see the same mistakes being made over and over again. Saving Money By Spending Wisely Why is it that the older and richer people become, the more conservative they are with their money? Have you ever done or know someone who has made an investment that promised a 10% interest or profit per month? 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It's great to have a magic product and tons of enthusiasm, but it's not enough. Follow these five rules and see your success rate climb. ![]() |
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