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Clearing Blockages to Increase the Flow of Money into Your Life
Money is probably the most challenging thing for many people to manifest. It can also be easiest. Just look at those who have millions or billions of dollars. It doesn't matter what the economy is doing, there will still be a great many people with an abundance of money. What are they doing differently? Are they just "lucky"? When we understand that money is energy, only then can we began to focus on how to direct that energy flow into our lives. It all starts with each of us individually. How is your energy flowing today? One way to get our personal energy flowing is to first look at our health. What are we putting into our bodies? I've learned that some of the biggest zappers of energy are things such as sugar, white flour, white rice, processed foods, soft drinks (diet ones too), drugs, smoking, alcohol, just to name a few. And please stay away from artificial sweeteners such as aspartame which is in that blue sweetener packet. This poison will block one's energy in many ways. For details, visit Dr. Janet Hull's website at: www.sweetpoison.com Eliminating these items from our diets and replacing them with nutritious foods, especially "live" foods such as raw, fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, and lots of pure water will not only bring us good health but will greatly enhance the energy flow in our bodies. When setting out to achieve anything, the energy of it must first come through us. That is why it's so important to clear the way, so to speak, so energy flows freely. If we have blocks in this flow, these manifest outwardly into our lives, in various forms. Poor health as well as a shortage of cash flow are possible results. The next step is to look around at our immediate environment. Energy flows constantly, everywhere. The trick is directing this energy so it becomes most beneficial to our lives. If we have clutter in our homes or offices, we have blockages to energy. One excellent way to learn how to easily clear these blockages and enhance every aspect of our lives, including money and prosperity, is to learn the ancient Chinese science of feng shui (pronounced "fung shway"). Feng shui literally means "wind" and "water" and it's is fun and easy to learn. I began to successfully use this science in my home about 12 years ago and I'm still amazed at how efficiently and quickly it works! Although this science is still somewhat new to the western world, I feel one day it will be common knowledge and we will all know how to enhance our lives with this science, including wealth and prosperity. I've learned that most of the rich and famous worldwide use feng shui for their homes and businesses. One very comprehensive source of information about feng shui is the national best-selling book, Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect and Happiness by Karen Rauch Carter, professional feng shui consultant and licensed landscape architect. I interviewed her on my radio talk show and I love her great sense of humor in her approach to feng shui. Karen's website is at: http://www.fengshuipalace.com where you will find numerous articles, tips and information about this art. More recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Master Kwai Lan Chan, who has years of experience in the art of Imperial Feng Shui. She was trained and educated as a financial auditor and has a strong financial and business background to help her clients become prosperous with the energy of feng shui. A wealth of information about Imperial Feng Shui can be found on her website at: http://www.imperialfengshui.com There are many more ways we can direct energy in our lives ? these are only two methods we can use to clear any possible blockages to this flow. Once we have energy flowing positively in our bodies and homes, we will definitely begin to see the results in our lives, not only with our health and other areas of our lives but with an increased cash flow. So I repeat, how is your energy flowing today? Chyrene Pendleton, Metaphysician, Numerologist, Dowser, teaches several workshops on topics including prosperity and abundance, numerology and dowsing. Her articles have been featured in many mainstream and spiritual journals over the years and in her free, online Ezine called, The Isle of Light. Chyrene is the owner of The Isle of Light Inc., a spiritual, metaphysical online spiritual center dedicated to assisting all to become more empowered and enlightened in a wide variety of ways. She is a certified television show producer and co-produced and hosted The Isle of Light television talk show in Denver, Colorado, which continues to air biweekly. Chyrene is also the producer and host of The Isle of Light Internet radio talk show which airs 24 hours each day at Live365. Chyrene Pendleton's websites can be found at: The Isle Of Light http://www.theisleoflight.com Internet Radio Talk Show http://www.live365.com/stations/avalon22 The Isle of Light Blog http://theisleoflight.blogspot.com/
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