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Thieves Continue to Pull Off the Biggest Heist in History?Until Now!
Imagine being able to steal untold millions of dollars in plain view without getting caught. Impossible you say. Be careful because you are most likely a victim of this heist. In fact, you may actually be giving these thieves referrals so that they can dupe your friends and family. For a while I was not aware of how the scheme worked. It was after talking to someone who was in on it that I got to see the entire operation at work. I have to say it is quite an elaborate conspiracy. It involves so many people. I couldn't believe I fell for it for so many years. Here's how the scheme works. You go in to a bank to open a savings account. The bank representative smiles and says pleasant things to you because you brought your money to them. With a big smile the bank representative tells you that you should be happy because you will be earning 1% on your money (if you're lucky). Trust me when I tell you, the bank representative's smile gets bigger after you leave. You'll see why a little later. You go home feeling pretty good about yourself because you have finally started working on your financial independence. Good for you! It is definitely a start. The question becomes is it what you were really looking for. Don't get me wrong everyone should have a savings account. But a savings account by nature is not designed to make you money. In fact it won't save your money either. That's right you read it correctly. A savings account will not save your money instead it will help slow down your spending. Naturally you may be asking yourself how can a savings account not save my money? Here's the answer to this question. A bank pays you 1% interest on your savings account and the government guarantees your money. Meaning that if the bank should go out of business the government insures you that you will get your money back up to $100,000. A further look reveals just what the bank and the government are guaranteeing you. The bank pays you 1% interest and inflation eats away your money at 3% per year. Inflation simply means that your money will buy you less than what it bought you last year with the same money. So in other words the bank and the government are guaranteeing that you will lose at least 2% of your savings a year. This figure is arrived at by the 3% you are losing to inflation and the 1% interest paid to you by the bank, which means you are only losing 2% a year. That is until you figure in the taxes you have to pay on the 1% interest the bank paid you. However, we won't talk about the taxes in this scenario. The bank will start sending you credit card offers. You know the offers I'm talking about. The credit card offers where you can transfer your balances for 0% interest for the first 6 months. After the 6 months is over your interest rate goes up to around 9% or more. They also offer to give you other loans for 10%-12% interest. I know you may be thinking well when the 6 months of 0% interest is up I will switch to a different offer from another company. I hope you will. Part of the heist is banks pay you 1% interest when you give them money but they make you pay them 9%-12% when you borrow your money back. Remember the money is not the bank's money it is your money or another member's money. Now this part will really make you upset. Banks take your money and invest it in things such as commodities and make returns of 20%-50%. And then when you asked for it back in a loan they charge you interest. So banks can make a profit from 29%-62% on your money. When you factor in the fact that most people continue to borrow money over and over again the profits for the banks skyrocket. After learning how the banks used my money to make themselves rich I decided to use my money to help make me rich. I now teach others how to create financial freedom for themselves. Now that I have revealed the biggest heist in history I am tasking you with finding a way to make your money work for you instead of working for the banks. Sign up for my newsletter at www.themoneymotivator.com to learn how to put your money to work. Much More Success, © Copyright David D. Wells. This Newsletter and all contents are proprietary products. All rights reserved. You are welcome to forward the entire Newsletter to anyone interested. The entire Newsletter including this signature box must be intact. Often referred to as The Money Motivator, David Wells is passionate about helping people "crack the wealth code" to become money magnets. Let him teach you the techniques Hillary Clinton used to turn $1,000 into $100,000 in the course of a year. For more information visit his website at http://www.themoneymotivator.com
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The Top 10 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire There is perhaps no more important decision than to take charge of your own financial future. We live in a world of opportunity, and yet most Americans are buried in credit card and other debt. We are surrounded by people who are getting rich, but most of us are running in place. If you can read this, you are literate, have a computer, you are part of the "wired generation". You can become as financially independent as you wish to be. Here are the Top 10 keys to your financial success: Stop Losing Thousands of Dollars Every Day: Six Tips For Creating Wealth We all go to school for about twelve years, kindergarten through high school. Some of us go to college and then graduate school. Personally, I went to school for three years beyond college with law school and took financial courses after that was over. In all of that time, economics courses, accounting courses and even tax courses, no course or school ever covered what we are going to talk about. Tax Help - Girls (and Guys) Just Want to Have Fun by Using Tax Saving Tips In his best selling book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki warns people against the dangers of buying what he calls "doodads" - you know, junk, spur of the moment items. Business Ownership, Cash in Your Pocket - Today! Yesterday we learned that 74% of all wealth is created by people who own their own business. Below are a few facts about owning your own business, specifically a home-based business that you may not be aware of. Turbocharged Financial Planning Financial planning is an ongoing process individuals and businesses should implement by organizing all aspects of their finances. This will assist in identifying financial goals, providing a comprehensive written Financial Plan, and implementing the plan in accordance with the objectives that are most important to you. Understanding the Three Different Types of Income Part of learning to become financially free is to begin to understand that there are three different types of income. They are: capital gains, passive income, and earned income. They are the three types of ways to make money, and are very easy to understand. Thought Creates Reality Even When It Comes To Money What if I told you that reading a book would also change the way you react to the demands that rest upon your shoulders by the system of money you live under. Would you click HERE to learn more about that new way of perceiving your own money situation that would change everything for you especially where money is concerned? Your Own Products Can Make You Rich Although there are advantages to selling other people`s products and services, there are also drawbacks. For example, the lack of exclusive rights to your own proprietary product can mean that you are just one of thousands selling the same thing. Excessive competition can cause you to drop your prices and to lose sales, thus affecting your profits and cashflow that are so essential to your business survival. Real Estate Stories that Show You How! Let's begin easing you out of the pits. I mean, comfort zone! I'm going to slowly and methodically give you as many little sparks and insights to the relatively simple ways that ordinary people use real estate to achieve extraordinary results. If You Know These 5 Wealth Secrets Then You Are Probably Already A Millionaire Wealth Secret 1 - Decide Your Outcome Right Now. How to Grow Your Very Own Money Tree Okay. So money doesn't really grow on trees. Unless you plant your own Mighty Money Tree, that is! Get Rich Doing What Others Dont "The quickest way to wealth Are You Ready For Undesired Events? Planning for the undesired, accidents and possible unknowns in life. Recently, a remote friend of mine died during an accident. I don't feel particularly sad, but I was shocked to know because the scenario was quite dramatic. The Underlying Belief System Many of us do not consider the underlying belief system about money to be of any importance. You think it does not matter, because what matters is what you do now. Right, at one level, but not complete. All ideas that we have learned about money in the past are colouring our actions today. Does Money Grow On Trees? "Money Doesn't Grow On Trees." Trustees: Who Can You Trust? Early in my legal career I represented two young women in their early 20s. Lesson 1 - Why Arent You Wealthy? We will start the Financial Fitness System with the assumption that you are out of shape financially or you would not have decided to subscribe to the course. So, again, why aren't you wealthy? There are some exceptions, but for the majority of the world it's the same reason. You did not choose to be wealthy, that's it, end of story. We told you this would be simple! Controversial Wealth Audit Reveals Over 90 Percent of Us Could End Up Working Forever...Are You One Results from a new tool developed by UK based firm, Lean Marketing, confirm a worrying trend. Generate Savings with Smart Use of Electricity! No matter what income level you are currently at, generating savings is always a smart move to make. So what is one area you can generate a satisfying level of savings? Change your habits and how you use electricity. Yes, do these simple steps and satisfyingly watch your electrical bills dwindle. Plan For Wealth One very important wealth creating habit is to set up a concrete plan that you can actually follow. You see, wealth takes planning, and is usually the result of taking a set of orderly, progressive steps from where you are now to where you want to be financially. ![]() |
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