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Build Wealth From Home
As you sit in traffic, inching along between irate drivers, you think to yourself, "there must be a better way." You get to work, you endure another tirade from an incompetent boss, and you think, "there must be a better way." You work hard, you're underappreciated, underpaid, and fed up. After all this, you can barely pay the bills, and haven't taken a real vacation in years. There must be a better way. Now there is! You can be your own boss, work from home, and earn more money than you ever thought possible. Benefits of Working At Home Many people have a romantic vision of working at home, doing chores while making money, working at their own pace, sipping coffee poolside with laptop nearby. For most people, that dream will never come true because of unrealistic expectations and poor planning. But all of the potential benefits of working at home are in fact possible to achieve, if you choose the right business and plan properly. How do you choose the right business? First, you must avoid a retail business where customers expect you to be available during normal business hours; it means avoiding a business that requires stocking or shipping products; and it means avoiding a business that requires any serious degree of production, which is usually not practical in a home environment. So what's left? What about a business that requires no product, no shipping, no customer service, and no regular hours. Does such a business exist? Yes! It's called trading futures. Wait! Don't be intimidated by something you don't know about. Trading futures is the most profitable skill you can ever master. Trading futures is the world's fastest way to riches and freedom. This is one of very few models that meets all the realistic requirements for a successful home business. And you can trade from home even if you have absolutely no experience, and don't even know what trading is, or what futures means right now. You will soon. Here are just some of the incredible benefits of working at home:
Where Do I Start? We will start at the beginning of course! Like any new subject, at first the ideas might be a little intimidating. But we will walk you through at a gentle pace. We will start by explaining the basics of futures, then describe some old trading systems that brokers recommend but don't work. We will reveal the myths and lies on Wall Street that you have to get past to start really trading successfully. Finally we will lead to the STARS method of trading futures. STARTS stands for Securely Trading A Revolving Spread. Right now that will make no sense, but you will see later how this will change your life. What the Heck is a Futures Contract? To understand what we mean by a futures contract, let's meet Trader Bob. Our friend Bob is a buyer, meaning he wants to purchase a widget today because he believes that the widget will have more value in the future. If all goes well, Bob will buy the widget now, wait for the price to go up, then sell the widget for a small profit in a month. But where can Trader Bob obtain the widget? It so happens that Trader Sam (a seller) has in his possession the widget that Trader Bob wants. Trader Sam would like to sell the widget today because, unlike Trader Bob, he believes that the widget will have less value in the future than it does today. Trader Sam is selling today because he believes that he will make more money now than if he waits to sell in a month. So Trader Bob and Trader Sam get together and agree upon a price for the widget. Trader Bob is now the proud owner. If the value of the widget indeed increases in the future, then Trader Bob can become a seller and part with the widget with a profit. If the value of the item decreases in the future then Trader Bob will have to sell the widget for a loss. This basic relationship between buyer and seller is the foundation for all commerce. Futures are simply a variation on this theme, where instead of buying a widget now, Trader Bob contracts to buy the widget in a few months at a fixed price. The transaction still relies on the buyer believing the price will go up, and the seller believing the price will go down. Trading Critters Futures traders fall into two categories: hedgers and speculators. The primary economic purpose of the futures market is for hedging, which is buying or selling futures contracts to offsets risks of changing prices in the cash markets. Hedge traders, such as large commercial firms that may actually take delivery of certain commodities, like coffee or wheat, use futures contracts to protect (hedge) themselves against changing cash prices. Speculators, however, make up the majority of futures traders. Speculators have no commercial interest in the underlying commodity and have no interest in taking delivery of the commodity. The potential for profit is what motivates speculators to trade commodity futures. Speculators buy when they believe that prices will increase and they sell when they believe that prices will fall. Futures traders using STARS would be considered speculators. Basic Basics If a trader is a buyer, he has taken a long position. A long position involves the purchase of a futures contracts in the hope that the price of the contract will increase in the future. Let's say our friend Trader Bob contracts in March to buy a widget (a long position) in June for $10. June rolls around, and the price of a widget is now $13. That means Bob now has the right to buy the widget for $10 even though the going rate is $13. Bob goes ahead and buys the widget for $10, then turns around and immediately sells it for $13, pocketing the difference. A trader who is a seller takes a short position, which involves the sale of futures contracts in anticipation of prices falling in the future. Trader Bob in this case contracts in June to sell a widget in September for $13. Fall comes around, and the going rate for widget in September turns out to be $9. Trader Bob buys a widget for that going rate of $9, then immediately turns around and exercises his right sell the widget for $13, profiting from the difference. At first, it might seem odd that Trader Bob is contracting to sell something he does not yet own. But look at the situation this way instead: in June, Bob makes a commitment to sell a widget to Sam in September for a guaranteed price of $13. If Bob can buy the widget for less than that sometime before September, he will make a profit. All of this is made simple and easy in Trading Futures: Only One Way to Win. Like Bob, you too can make huge profits by trading the STARS method. Let us show you how to trade the right way, the only way, and a lifetime of prosperity can be yours. Just go to www.tradetofreedom.com. ©Copyright 2004. This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice). All rights are reserved About The Author Jeff Schweitzer received his Ph.D. from UCSD in 1985. Jeff was appointed as a science advisor at the White House under the Bush and Clinton Administrations for three years before devoting attention to generating wealth through trading futures. He has published more than 60 articles in diverse areas, including neurobiology, marine science, international development, environmental protection and aviation.
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So what happens? Many of us end up in an extremely large amount of debt. We can't seem to get it together even if we make more money. I found myself in this trap about 13 years ago. I had an okay job, a car, and an apartment. Nice I thought soon I would buy a house and live the "American dream". Wrong! I could never save enough to buy a house. I had plenty of credit cards, so many that I never had enough money due to many payments to put aside for my dream home. What was happening to my paychecks? Well, I was over extended in credit card debt for one. The buy now pay later syndrome was well embedded in my head. That mentality had to stop! Since, I wasn't terribly behind in my payments I was able to get some help from the creditors. I simply asked for a lower interest rate and/or the ability to skip a payment. After that call, I had to cut up and dispose of the cards. No! I didn't cancel my cards but I got rid of them just the same. Next I bought a tablet just for my budget information and bills. I also purchased a software program to keep track of my expenses. I think it is important to keep something manual that you can carry as well as a computer software tool. Next, as bills came in, I wrote them down with the name, address, phone number of the creditor, my total balance, interest rate, and minimum payment due, the due date, and if there were any annual fees acquired with the card. Review the card with the highest interest rate and pay more then the minimum due. Always ask if they can reduce your rate or seek the possibility of debt consolidation buy applying for a low interest rate loan or credit card. If you haven't cut up your credit cards do not get a consolidation loan. Because most likely once your payments are manageable you'll start using your cards again. Minimizing your spending is the key to financial freedom. Make sure to start a savings plan after you've gotten your debt under control. 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