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Creating Money, Prosperity, and Abundance Now (Part 1)
I have given many prosperity lectures over the years and, in light of the current massive restructuring of all world and financial systems, I feel that now is the time for all of us to review our beliefs and refocus on manifesting prosperity and abundance in our lives. I do "walk my talk" and so I would love to share my experiences and knowledge with you. On the following pages, I will present you with some valuable tools that you can begin to use right away, to create money, prosperity and abundance in your life - with almost instantaneous results. I started on this spiritual/metaphysical path as a child, studying and absorbing all I could. My American family, although not billionaires, did live in a beautiful mansion owned by a very wealthy and world-famous person in Japan. As a result, we were completely surrounded by an aura of affluence and security. On the property, and in the mansion itself, were several Buddhist temples, and that is where I started my daily (and secret) meditations at the age of five. By the time I was ten - a very magical year for me (and for many children, I've learned) - I had begun to give readings on the school playground and for adults. By then, I had already publicly demonstrated my artwork in Colorado. Beginning in that tenth year, I also began to find money easily, usually on the ground. As I walked to school, I would frequently find dollar bills, sometimes five-dollar and ten-dollar bills, and once even a twenty-dollar bill sticking out of the snow. It was never that important to me, and I would always give the money to my mother, who recently had become a single parent. I would also hand over the loose change that I found in the schoolyard almost every day. When I look back on all of this, I realize that I was attracting money effortlessly, mainly because I didn't have any limiting beliefs about it. Also at this age, I was already starting to do my life's work and I believe that the Universe always supports us in every way when we are doing our life's work. As I was growing up, attracting money and good things was never a problem for me. I didn't even think about it. When I needed something, I was always able to get it. About 15 years ago, I started a metaphysical business (that was part of my life's work). I attended college to study computer science and, simultaneously, the School of Metaphysics to learn new concepts that I could teach. I have used the knowledge I acquired in all of these endeavors to enhance my life's work. While I taught workshops on various subjects, including prosperity and abundance, I held down what I refer to as "3-D" ("third dimensional") jobs. Not until I was finally laid off in the spring of 2001 did I feel truly free. On that day, I celebrated, for it was a very joyful occasion for me. I had already learned that, when we lose our job, it always means that that job wasn't for our Higher good. Always. When a job no longer "fits", when it's a chore to go to work and it's no longer enjoyable, it's either time to examine our job and see what changes we need to create to make it enjoyable, or it's time to leave that job. We'll get those whispers and nudges from our inner selves, telling us what we need to do. We'll have dreams about it. We'll begin to feel increasingly uncomfortable at our job. In my situation, I knew it was time to go several months before the layoff and, as I pondered the best way to leave the position, I decided to bring joy and a sense of play into my workplace. So many of my co-workers were feeling extremely low by the increasing rumors that swirled about of job layoffs, declines in the stock market and the depressed economy. I initiated new ways to make work fun - potlucks, anything I could think of that would help change the energy of the working environment. This worked very well for me and, when layoff day arrived, I was joyfully ready. I've learned that every situation in our lives teaches us how to love and that we can't leave something until we love it (or else we'll be tied to it). If you are in a job right now that isn't serving you anymore, find ways to bring love to your work. This alone may change the energy surrounding the job and you may find yourself enjoying it. Otherwise, you can focus on what you would really love to do (your life's work), while working at and bringing love to your current job. My Book Recommendations There are three books (among many wonderful books and sources) that I highly recommend to all who are serious about creating money, prosperity and abundance now. One is called, "Creating Money: Keys To Abundance" by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. The book is important, channeled information provided by two high-level guides named Orin and DaBen, with whom I've worked in the past (along with my spiritual guides), on various subjects. Both are available to all, at any time. This book is full of easy techniques and exercises that will help you see immediate results in your levels of prosperity. Positive affirmations are printed throughout the book to assist you. Another exceptional book is called "Merlin's Message" by Marelin the Magician. It's about reawakening and remembering who you are. "Within these pages, for those who have the 'eyes to see' and the 'ears to hear', Merlin reveals the secrets to awakening the wizard within you. He guides you into remembering and reclaiming your natural state of magic, that of the master magician you truly are". This book is highly recommended by many people and you'll find that all the book reviews on "Merlin's Message" give it the highest rating. This is the kind of book you won't put back on the shelf when you are done. You'll refer to it, time and time again, as the magic unfolds in your life. And then there is the book called, "Ten Thousand Whispers: A Guide to Conscious Creation" by Lynda Madden Dahl. This book also contains step-by-step instructions on how to consciously create exactly what you want in all areas of your life. Lynda Dahl became a millionaire; she became wealthy and free, using conscious creation and shares everything she did in this wonderful, practical book. There is a wealth of information out there on this topic and I'll include some more book suggestions at the end of this article. What Does Money and Prosperity Mean to You? In my prosperity workshops, I noticed that some people would become a little angry when their beliefs about money were challenged - especially those who are on this spiritual path. This subject can raise many interesting issues. Some strongly believe that, instead of being spiritual, a desire for money is greedy. Others believe money is evil. Many times, these beliefs originate early in life, from our parents (and they learned them from their parents), or from others who influenced us. We hold these beliefs throughout our lives, coloring our experiences regarding money and prosperity. In order to create prosperity in our lives, we must replace ALL limiting beliefs. There's no way around it. It means taking responsibility for our lives. It means being willing to change. You may have heard beliefs and sayings yourself such as, "Money is dirty"; "A penny saved is a penny earned"; "Artists have to struggle to make money"; "You have to work hard to make money"; "I don't deserve money", and so on. Our beliefs really do create our experiences and that's why I would like you to carefully examine your own beliefs about money and prosperity. I've learned that it is our birthright to have abundance, prosperity and money. We are supposed to have it. I've learned we are in the process of remembering who we truly are. We really are powerful shamans, masters, avatars, wizards, magicians and creators. All of us. We just forgot. Money is a means of exchange. Money is energy. "Creating Money," states that prosperity is based on the amount of good you contribute to the world. It says that success is creating something when you need it, it's loving and respecting yourself and others, it's growing and learning from all of your experiences and success is measured by the quality and happiness of your life. Being rich is having the money to do your life's work. And again, money is energy. Now is the time to understand exactly how energy works and how to use it in your life. As we are dipping in and out of the fourth dimension, things are manifesting faster than ever before. It's more important now than ever to make sure energy is always flowing in every area of your life, in order to create your ideal life. How is your energy flowing? Your Magic Wand You are the source of your abundance. Have you heard that one before? I believe it's really true and I've experienced it in my life. Abundance doesn't come from your job or your retirement plans or your stocks, as many of you have been taught. Abundance doesn't come from your friends or partner or anyone or anything outside of yourself. Abundance has come from you all along. If it makes you feel better to say that the Universe or God or All-That-Is is the source of your abundance, please do so. It's all the same, anyway. You really can create anything you want. I've learned that our thoughts are real, tangible things. Every day, we constantly manifest with our thoughts. When we think a thought, it takes on a form and becomes just like a magnet. It travels out there and, like a magnet, it attracts something that matches that thought. In "Merlin's Message", Merlin says that our thoughts and feelings are exactly like a magic wand and each of us holds a magic wand. Your magic wand is very powerful and very real - pay attention to where you are pointing it! When you point your wand at something (or direct your thoughts and feelings toward it), that something, eventually, will appear before your eyes like magic - whether you wanted it or not. Where are you pointing your magic wand? The Law of Attraction The Universal Law of Attraction is a very simple but powerful law that allows us to create our reality. It states that what goes out must come back. When we are directing a thought toward something with our intention - let's say it's about not having enough money - we will attract things that support that thought. We will attract more lack. That's where we are pointing our magic wands. You attract what you are paying attention to. The trick is to point our magic wands only at what we want, to see it manifest in our lives. That's all there is to it! Most of us are used to focusing on what we don't want, out of habit. We have thoughts like, "I don't have enough money to buy that" or "I can't afford to buy that". When those words and thoughts are released, they will only attract and create lack. That's the Law of Attraction. In "Creating Money", Orin and DaBen say, "If you recognize a negative thought, simply place a positive thought alongside it. If, for instance, you catch yourself saying 'I don't have enough money,' simply say 'I have an abundance of money'..." "Rather than saying, 'I can't afford to buy this,' say, 'I choose not to buy this at this time'". They also state, "Positive thoughts are far more powerful than negative ones. One positive thought can cancel out hundreds of negative ones." That's really handy to know. Again, our thoughts and words are very powerful, important and magnetic. It is to our benefit to think and talk about our abundance rather than our financial problems. That means focusing on and talking about all of the wonderful things that are happening in our lives and are about to happen. It means speaking as if you are prosperous and abundant now. This, in turn, will increase your prosperity and abundance. Acting As If Acting as if you are prosperous and abundant is another key to increasing it. For instance, if you find yourself really not having the money right now to buy that new car you've had your eye on, why not act as if you did have the money and check out the new cars? Gather all the material you can on the exact type of car you want. Test-drive it and really get the feel of it being yours. You will soon attract circumstances, people and money to you until that car (or something better) really is yours. "Acting as if" is another way to keep your magic wand pointed at what you want. Your Imagination Another extremely powerful tool you have is your imagination. Your imagination allows you to fantasize, daydream, visualize and play out your dreams. Orin and DaBen say, "Your imagination is greater in its scope than you might think. It is the closest link to your soul. It is not bound by your past programs, beliefs, and fears. Imagination was given to you so you could transcend your physical world. It gives you the ability to step outside of your personal limits and unleash your greatest potential. Your imagination can travel into any dimension or world..." As an artist, I've never stopped using my imagination since my childhood and I know how powerful it really is. What I do is sit back and use all of my senses in my imagination, making the scene as real as possible. I really "see" myself in my mind's eye doing or having what I want and I "hear" people talking and the sun really is shining and warming my skin. I play it out in my mind until I can almost touch it - it's so real. Speaking of play, learn to play just like children do, just like you did when you were a child. Children are always using their imaginations, conjuring up imaginary people and scenarios, playing make-believe. This is actually a very powerful process, a very important part of creating. We can accomplish much with play. "Creating Money" states, "if you can't believe it is possible, then you aren't going to have it". It's that simple. And if you aren't as visual in your visions and fantasies, I've learned that using your feelings is also effective. You won't attract anything until you can see it in your mind's eye or sense it. You must believe it is possible first, then see or feel it happening. Using your imagination in this way, visualizing, daydreaming with all of your senses in it, creates exactly what you want. You've been doing this all along, anyway -now you can do it on purpose! Speeding Things Up If you want to speed up the manifestation of what you desire, increase your emotions about it. Emotions energize thoughts. I've learned that strong emotion plus intention and desire will bring almost instantaneous results. For an example, think of something you really, really wanted in the past that you did get. Remember how you felt about getting it? That excitement and expectation of having it, using it, and enjoying it all drew it to you pretty quickly, didn't it? And you probably didn't even notice the process. Lynda Dahl of "Ten Thousand Whispers" writes, "Intensity is the core that draws the EE units (electromagnetic energy units) into an eventual mass, and the stronger the intensity or emotion, the sooner the mass enters this reality. It matters not whether the intensity is formed around a fearful event or a happy one, a consciously chosen event or one we entertain through unconscious focus, the result is the same." So, using your strong emotions will also bring what you don't want more quickly to you if your magic wand is pointing at something negative, such as lack or fear. This is the Universal Law of Attraction. What you want to do is to energize your thoughts with feelings of joy, excitement and expectation and be prepared to see your desire appear before you very quickly. Another powerful way to speed things up is to focus on the essence or meaning of what you want. For example, if you desire a large sum of money, think about what the essence of that money stands for. What does having that amount of money really mean to you? What is its purpose? Is it freedom, security, happiness? Once you pinpoint the essence and have a clear picture of it, focus on developing that quality or essence now. This will draw what you desire to you in ways you didn't even think of, and much faster. Doing Your Life's Work Now is the time for you to be doing your life's work, if you are not doing so already. If you don't know what your life's work is, look at your skills and talents. I believe that all of us were born with many talents and have, or will, acquire more during our lives. They will lead us toward our life's work, what we really came here to do. Little children usually provide strong clues of these talents and gifts and, many times, they will express what they came to this planet to do. Having been a numerologist for over thirty years, I've assisted many to discover their true purpose in order to get their lives started. Your soul is always nudging you in the right direction. If you are currently in a job (or without a job), thinking that you must save enough money, first, before you can do your life's work, I would ask you to reconsider that. As I mentioned, I believe when we start doing our life's work first, the Universe will always support us. Before we know it, we are meeting the right people, we are in the right place at the right time, and we are attracting whatever money we may need to accomplish our goals. Even if it's a little step toward what you really love to do while you are working at your current job, you will always be supported and many doors will begin to open. Chyrene is the owner of The Isle of Light Inc., a spiritual, metaphysical online spiritual center dedicated to assisting all to become more empowered and enlightened in a wide variety of ways. She is a certified television show producer and co-produced and hosted The Isle of Light television talk show in Denver, Colorado, which continues to air biweekly. Chyrene is also the producer and host of The Isle of Light Internet radio talk show which airs 24 hours each day at Live365. Chyrene Pendleton's websites can be found at: http://www.theisleoflight.com http://www.live365.com/stations/avalon22 http://theisleoflight.blogspot.com Chyrene can be reached by email at: cap@theisleoflight.com or by phone at 303-859-1556.
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Anthony Robbins 12 Reasons Why People Dont Get Wealthy According to Wallace Wattles, in his popular wealth treatise called the Science of Getting Rich, said that, "There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty." Dont Leave Your Financial Success To Chance Recently I was reading a book called The Millionaire Mind. The book offers an intriguing look into the minds of those that have attained over one million dollars in net worth (there's far more to it then this, but I won't get that in depth for the purposes of this commentary)... Warren Buffet: Wisdom from the Worlds Richest Investor In light of the dominant mindset overshadowing the market these days, a breath of fresh air might be welcome. This month, we're devoting this space to wisdom from Warren Buffett, the world's richest investor. Buffett is a renowned value investor who follows Benjamin Graham's timeworn principles, a standard not unlike our own focus. Alas, in times like these, value investing has fallen out of favor; a sad situation, as these times are ideal for value hunters. Buffett writes prolifically every year in his company's annual report, and provides tidbits of long-lasting wisdom. Here are some excerpts that may help bring perspective to today's investor: Investors - What Separates the Good Traders from the Bad Traders? There are many forms of investing online. While I can give you a list that is a mile long, these are the most common forms of successful investments. Some of the following know how to invest terms are: What it Means to be Rich Many people have a false understanding of what it actually means to be rich. If you were to ask a stranger what makes a person rich, he or she would say "A person is rich if they have a lot of money and can buy whatever they want!". But that isn't what it means to be rich. This is what it means when a person is rich: The person's assets create enough cashflow every month, to cover his or her expenses. So basically being rich means that whether you work or not, money will still be flowing into your pockets. You Deserve To Retire Early The fact is that most people continue to work for a living, because they don't have the means to live without that income. Do not get me wrong. You may enjoy doing what you do. If you do not have to worry about making a living out of this, could you do better, on your own terms? 5 Simple Steps for Serious Saving and Financial Growth 1) Pay off your loan, credit and store card debt and resist the temptation to keep on spending money you don't yet have. 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