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WARNING: The Biggest Lie About Compound Interest
Have you wondered why financial experts only tell you certain things about building wealth? Do you think its in their best interest to tell you the absolute truth? LIE: The Magic of Compound Interest: Save $X per month and you can retire RICH. FACT : Compound Interest works only for the very few. The very few who began investing in their 20's and NEVER, EVER, EVER STOPPED. They didn't stop when they bought a car, house. Got married, had kids. Paid lots of bills, mortgage payments, loan payments, credit card payments. For the rest of us life expenses cost money, and so your savings account that you had been contributing monthly to gets sucked dry. You've also seen the magical compound interest investment chart: Invest $X/mth and after 10 yrs you'll have good cat food money. Invest $X/mth and after 20 yrs you'll have gourmet Kraft dinner. Invest $X/mth and after 30 yrs you'll be a millionaire. Invest $X/mth and after 40 yrs you'll be a bazillionaire. Now follow me closely on this next point... Who in the HECK wants to work for the next 40 yrs and has the DILIGENCE to continously invest monthly without stopping your contribution or WITHDRAWING any money at all. Listen...The magic of compound interest benefits YOUR BANK. There I said it. YOUR BANK loves compound interest. Guess what they charge you on your mortgage? Guess what they charge you on your credit cards? I would smile if I was the bank president to. #1. Today's investors don't have the patience to let compound interest work its real magic. #2. The market's haven't been exactly going up in the last few years either... So, what can you do to COMBAT the lie about compound interest? You can learn the TRUTH about making money... (stayed tuned for my next article) Copyright Lincoln House Publishing Lincoln House Publishing
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You Can`t Cheat An Honest Man Author: James Walsh ISBN: 1563431696: Publisher: Silver Lake Publishing Finding Financial Freedom Do you ever get this in your email box: Find Financial Freedom! Make $150,000 from home in the next 90 days! How about 10 times a day? How Should I Create Passive Income? If you're wondering where to create passive income, then you are likely not alone. There are hundreds of different ways, however, so you're sure to find something that will work for you. The one thing to remember about creating passive income, however, is that being creative is a huge benefit - and that you should try to create passive income in several different ways. 7 Power Habits that Build Financial Independence Financial independence is having the freedom to support yourself through your own efforts. Here are seven fundamental habits that will help you achieve and maintain financial independence. My Entrepreneurial Fire-I Grabbed My First Million Before I Got Too Old My First Million took me exactly 27 months to achieve. I remember the day I made the resolution with self respect. It was a brave choice and required some faith. But looking back, faith had little to do with it. You see, I knew some things that I didnt know before after reading a book. The book made so much sense to me and was clear...so clear infact that it passed on Vision to me. Pay Yourself First - If the Only Thing You Did Was This, Youd be Rich Bottom line. No exaggeration. No hype. If you want to be rich, all you have to do is make a decision to do something that most people don't do. And that's to PAY YOURSELF FIRST. Cost Averaging - It Makes Sense (Dollars & Cents) It's no secret that the market goes UP...the market, goes DOWN. That's the basics of Investing 101. 7 Golden Rules to Financial Prosperity Not Enough Money? Lesson 1 - Why Arent You Wealthy? We will start the Financial Fitness System with the assumption that you are out of shape financially or you would not have decided to subscribe to the course. So, again, why aren't you wealthy? There are some exceptions, but for the majority of the world it's the same reason. You did not choose to be wealthy, that's it, end of story. We told you this would be simple! Turn That Fixed Rate Mortgage Into A Goldmine When you purchased your home, you most likely got a fixed interest rate mortgage with a 15 or 30 year term. These are the most popular mortgages in the industry. Even in the summer of 2004, when the interest-only or simple interest mortgage loans became popular, the average American stuck to the fixed rate. You see, the fixed rate offers security to conservative people, and the average American home buyer and home owner is a very conservative person. 3 Simple Ways to Generate Cash Flow This article focuses on generating cash as a full time job or "on the side" to support your business. These are three easy methods that will help you grow your business while generating more cash on the side. Russ Whitney - Building Wealth Through Real Estate When Building Wealth by Russ Whitney was released a few years ago it sent shockwaves through the real estate industry and uncovered some amazing insights into Real Estate and Russ Whitney. It also opened the door for many people to get involved in the Real Estate Training Investing Training World. Want Money? You Got It! Six out of six people who were asked to list their highest priority in life said, "I want money". Maybe not in those exact words, but that was the gist of the request. Understand, when you ask the Universe for something the Universe must help provide it. All six of these people are getting exactly what they asked for. They are 'wanting money'. 6 Proven Wealth Building Strategies Building wealth is as simple as saving a little bit here and a little bit there. You need not have great riches in order to accumulate wealth, but you need to have the drive, determination, and discipline to successfully increase your wealth. Let's look at 6 proven wealth building strategies you can put to use today. A College Degree or an MBA is NOT NEEDED to be Financially Free Look at Forbes' top 10 United States wealthiest people. Notice the top five "self made" billionaires (excludes the Waltons who's net worth is due to inheritance) are college dropouts. If MBA/college degrees were the answer, this would not be true. Wealth Creation - Opportunity When young men ask me how to succeed, I tell them, 'Don't spend money on yourself until you no longer need it to expand your business. Any young man willing to pay the price can rise to success.' Opportunity never stops at the door, knocks and passes on-Opportunity eats with you, works beside you and at night sleeps on the door-mat. Blame no one but yourself if you ignore her. Saving Money By Spending Wisely Why is it that the older and richer people become, the more conservative they are with their money? Have you ever done or know someone who has made an investment that promised a 10% interest or profit per month? Everyone wants to make above average profits. It is amazing how many people will send their very hard earned money across the world to Nigeria or to Boca Rattan, Florida on the promise of a telephone acquaintance to make them much richer. People give their money to complete strangers in hopes of making more money. From Debt to Financial Freedom The vast majority of working people are in debt. The vast majority of people who are now in debt are always struggling to find better jobs with higher pay checks. As strange as it may sound the more you think about it the more you will come to realise that the more money people make the deeper they get into debt. It almost seems that finding another job with better pay check is not the most effective solution to get out of debt. Turn Your Job Loss Into the Opportunity of a Lifetime There are few things in life that are more stressful than the loss of a job. You may think that the loss of your steady paycheck puts financial freedom that much further off, but nothing can be further from the truth. Spiritual and Emotional Money Goals: The Keys to a Financially Free Future Are you setting the right money goals? ![]() |
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