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My Entrepreneurial Fire-I Grabbed My First Million Before I Got Too Old
My First Million took me exactly 27 months to achieve. I remember the day I made the resolution with self respect. It was a brave choice and required some faith. But looking back, faith had little to do with it. You see, I knew some things that I didnt know before after reading a book. The book made so much sense to me and was clear...so clear infact that it passed on Vision to me. I could literally SEE how it was going to happen. I could estimate what resources I currently had available and what resources I'd require to manufacture the results I needed to achieve my goal. It was due to the concepts in this book that when I applied them to my own circumstances, everything had little choice but to fall into place for me. I don't mean to say things fell into my lap, it's just that with this new "understanding" luck or chance played no part from then on. Not having the benefit of the knowledge, that I was to actually achieve my goal so quickly, I began very tentatively despite my Vision. I started (officially) with just $100 Thats it. As much as I believed in what I was about to do, I couldn't justify risking much more money. Believe me, I am a very conservative person and the very real issues of bills and keeping a safe dry roof over my family was much more important. Vision or not, I had the reality of my current life to contend with, so that initial seed capital account of $100 went a VERY long way. The scope of this article is too short to give you the outline of the book I read, but one of the many things the Author Hayden Muller talked about that really lit up my mind to the potential of his method was "intrinsic value" He opened me to the reality that everything (All investment objects) have an actual dollar value, an intrinsic value that can't be denied at a specific point in time. That being the case, if you become aware of a prospective "investment objects intrinsic value" you can control your profit margins on those transactions. For example, if you new that this "investment object" was worth without doubt $1000 however it was being sold for $700 you would then aquire vision and see profits where others can not. To put it another way, you will attempt to buy excess "intrinsic value" on a systematic basis. If somebody was selling legal tender $1 bills for 70 cents how many would you buy? It doesnt take a genius to figure out that would be a good deal right? Well excess intrinsic value is everywhere. Its this particular concept that struck home with me and really was responsible for my inevitable interest in Haydens work and finally executing his method. Of course thats not all there is to it. Its a small part of a holistic approach that I personally believe all "High Net Worth Individuals" utilize to grow their asset base. I moved very quickly into real estate and that is what produced most of the results, but stubbornly starting with just $100 it took a good 6 months to get to the point where I had entry and exit capital for real estate deals. Its a shame I didn't know about the book I review on the site, back then. But I use the method now so all is not lost. (If you want to know how to buy and sell property with no money at all and no credit at all, go to my sitelink below and find the article called "Part 2 what to invest in" on the site) I can tell you if you really want it, you may just step up and take it. $1 million dollars is not a hec of a lot of money, but its a nice start. The method has been coined as "Opportunity Investment" and it is possible for any one to use in any part of the world. Its like nothing I have ever seen before or since. A Group of us have invested in an online resource for people wishing to discover more, I've left a link below if you are interested. Martin Thomas is a professional investor and CEO of Opportunity Investor.com http://www.opportunity-investor.com (Yes, Haydens book is available there)
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Want Money? You Got It! Six out of six people who were asked to list their highest priority in life said, "I want money". Maybe not in those exact words, but that was the gist of the request. Understand, when you ask the Universe for something the Universe must help provide it. All six of these people are getting exactly what they asked for. They are 'wanting money'. Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich! As many people have observed, "Success leaves clues." If you want to achieve extraordinary success in the coming year, study the experts, do what they do, and modify their techniques to suit your particular situation. It's easy! The Predicament of the Newly Rich They are the object of thinly disguised envy. They are the raw materials of vulgar jokes and the targets of popular aggression. They are the Newly Rich. Perhaps they should be dealt with more appropriately within the academic discipline of psychology, but then economics in a branch of psychology. To many, they represent a psychopathology or a sociopathology. Dont Leave Your Financial Success To Chance Recently I was reading a book called The Millionaire Mind. The book offers an intriguing look into the minds of those that have attained over one million dollars in net worth (there's far more to it then this, but I won't get that in depth for the purposes of this commentary)... Wealth Secrets: Saving Your Way to a Fortune SCENE 1: Pharaoh has just woken up from a very troubling dream and feels he must know the interpretation. Joseph gets called in and explains that there will be seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. The famine will be so bad that it will be as if there were no seven years of plenty. Why Get Rich When You Can Be Wealthy? "Any fool can rich, the wise get wealthy." Chris Widener Let Me Inspire You - You Aint Seen Nothing Yet! (PART-1) You know about compounding right? You understand what pyramiding your result on a weekly basis can do for your seed capital over a short time. You understand that taking just $100 and compounding it at just 8% per week, you can expect to achieve $4371.00 in just 12 months. Taken further, if that was $1000 instead of $100 your end result would be $43,710 and of course if that $1000 was $10,000 you would make nearly half a million in 12 quick months. Thought Creates Reality Even When It Comes To Money What if I told you that reading a book would also change the way you react to the demands that rest upon your shoulders by the system of money you live under. Would you click HERE to learn more about that new way of perceiving your own money situation that would change everything for you especially where money is concerned? A College Degree or an MBA is NOT NEEDED to be Financially Free Look at Forbes' top 10 United States wealthiest people. Notice the top five "self made" billionaires (excludes the Waltons who's net worth is due to inheritance) are college dropouts. If MBA/college degrees were the answer, this would not be true. Getting An Offshore Bank Account Via The Internet There is no need to use the many middleman websites you will find via a search engine. Most of these are *bogus*, even the slick-looking ones. More and more banks are offering offshore bank accounts direct. Just get a list of banks in the country you're interested in, and go to their web sites. Building Wealth by Paying Yourself First When I look around at all of my friends, and a lot of my family, I see a lot of people living from pay check to pay check, under monetary stress. These same people watch the Calendar for payday like a hawk. Pay their bills, and then open up the spending flood gates, before they know it, they are itching for their next pay check. These same people are the people who don't think they make enough money to build future wealth. They are wrong. Clearing Blockages to Increase the Flow of Money into Your Life Money is probably the most challenging thing for many people to manifest. It can also be easiest. Just look at those who have millions or billions of dollars. It doesn't matter what the economy is doing, there will still be a great many people with an abundance of money. What are they doing differently? Are they just "lucky"? How to Grow Your Very Own Money Tree Okay. So money doesn't really grow on trees. Unless you plant your own Mighty Money Tree, that is! Does Money Grow On Trees? "Money Doesn't Grow On Trees." The Hawk and the Mouse - Saving for Retirement There once was a hawk, ferocious and swift. He was young and agile with many years of life to hunt the open ranch lands. In a nearby field, a mouse scurried about the ground. The hawk saw the hurried motion and swept speedily toward the rodent. Personal Budget Programs Do you have financial problems? Then a budget is the answer if you are tired of wondering where your income went. A budget is the answer, if you don't have savings. A budget is also the only solution to getting out of credit card debt. Turbocharged Financial Planning Financial planning is an ongoing process individuals and businesses should implement by organizing all aspects of their finances. This will assist in identifying financial goals, providing a comprehensive written Financial Plan, and implementing the plan in accordance with the objectives that are most important to you. Q and A: Financial Independence Tips For Women From Coni Cecil As a woman Netpreneur, I sat down via e-mail with article-announce regular contributor, Internet marketer and women's financial consultant Coni Cecil of www.cecilfreedom.com. She shared her Internet marketing and financial wisdom for women on the Net. The quote on her site from Eleanor Roosevelt is inspiring: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Build Wealth From Home As you sit in traffic, inching along between irate drivers, you think to yourself, "there must be a better way." You get to work, you endure another tirade from an incompetent boss, and you think, "there must be a better way." You work hard, you're underappreciated, underpaid, and fed up. After all this, you can barely pay the bills, and haven't taken a real vacation in years. Tax Strategy - Theres More to Building Wealth than Clipping Coupons We talked recently about the wealth formula: ![]() |
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