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Pay Yourself First - If the Only Thing You Did Was This, Youd be Rich
Bottom line. No exaggeration. No hype. If you want to be rich, all you have to do is make a decision to do something that most people don't do. And that's to PAY YOURSELF FIRST. What most people do when they earn a dollar is pay everyone else first. They pay the landlord, the credit card company, the telephone company, the government, and on and on. The reason they think they need a budget is to help them figure out how much to pay everyone else so at the end of the month-or the year, or their working life-they will have something "left over" to pay themselves. This, my friend, is absolutely, positively financially backwards. And because this system does not work, people wind up trying some pretty strange ways to get rich. When you boil it down, there are basically six routes to wealth in this country. You can:
Let's quickly review each of these methods. Win It: Can you guess the No. 1 way average hard-working people try to get rich in this country? They play the lottery. People in this country spend more than $8 billion a year on lottery tickets. That's more than $250 for every person, including those not old enough to buy a ticket. Can you imagine if these same dollars had been invested in retirement accounts? Now let me ask you something else. Have you ever won the lottery? Do you know anyone who has? Did that person share any of their winnings with you? Exactly. So let this one go. Marry It: How's this working for you so far? There's a saying that it's as easy to marry a rich person as a poor one. Really? The truth is that people who marry for money generally end up paying for it for the rest of their lives. So let's skip this one too-unless, of course, you really do fall in love with someone who happens to have money. Inherit it: This obviously isn't worth thinking about unless your parents are rich. And even if they are, isn't there something a little sick about visiting them during the holidays, asking how they are, and then thinking "bummer" when they say, "I feel great"? Sue for it: This one is big in the United States, where more than three-quarters of the world's lawyers practice and upwards of 94 percent of the world's lawsuits are filed. But Canadians are becoming more litigious too. While Canadians have usually left it to the Americans to sue each other for spilling coffee in their laps or abandoning the wheel of an RV on cruise control, some Canadians feel that, rather than earn, save, and invest, a better strategy is find 'em. sue 'em, and sock it to 'em. In any case, it's not a real system that can be counted on to build wealth. Budget for it: You can scrimp, brown bag it, clip coupons, track every penny you spend, never have fun, and put off living for thirty years in the hopeful expectation that someday you'll be able to retire and start enjoying your life. Yuck. That sounds terrible. No wonder this rarely works. This leaves us with the one proven, easy way to get rich. And that is... PAY YOURSELF FIRST Pay Yourself First means just what it says. When you earn a dollar, the first person you pay is you. Most people don't do this. When most people earn a dollar, the first person they pay is the government. They earn a dollar and, before it even makes it onto their paycheque, Canadians pay the government something like 30 cents and Americans pay somewhere around 18 cents in federal income taxes (often more). On top of that, for Canadians there's the Canada Pension Plan, provincial health insurance and employment insurance. In the end, they wind up paying the government first as much as 35 or 40 cents of their hard-earned dollar. Seems like everyone is getting paid but the person who earned the paycheque. The Secret is the Way Your Money Flows You have a right to legally avoid federal and provincial taxes on the money you earn. The key word is "legally." You can legally Pay Yourself First, instead of the government, simply by using what is called a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) for Canadians or a 401(k) plan for Americans. You can hold a large number of investments in an RRSP or 401(k). Who You Work for is Waiting for You at Home As much as our employers would like us to believe otherwise, the reason most of us go to work each morning isn't the company mission statement or even serving the customer. It's ultimately about us. When it comes down to it, the reason most of us go to work is for the sake of ourselves and our families. We go to work to protect those we love. Everything else is secondary. We are our first priority. Or are we? The truth is that we are not raised to put ourselves first. We are raised to be nice. We are raised to share. We are raised to help others. These are wonderful values, and I believe in them. But there's something else I also believe: the old saying that the Lord helps those who help themselves. I think there is timeless truth in this. So before you start laying out a financial plan, really focus on these questions: Are we helping ourselves? Are you helping yourself? Are you REALLY working for yourself? I'm not asking if you're self-employed. I'm asking whether you're really working for your own benefit and that of your family when you go to your job each morning. Visit InvestorGazette.com today for articles about retirement income planning for the individual investor. The Investor Gazette - weekly edition of investment properties and investment opportunities.
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Investors - What Separates the Good Traders from the Bad Traders? There are many forms of investing online. While I can give you a list that is a mile long, these are the most common forms of successful investments. Some of the following know how to invest terms are: Financial Planning For Singles Financial planning often gets a bad rap. Part of the problem is self-inflicted, since some industry participants would rather sell you a product than address your financial concerns. The process of planning is important, though, whether done with a professional or on your own. After all, you wouldn't leave on a long trip without looking at a map ? a poor analogy for some of us men, but you get the idea. Early Retirement The Dream of the Working Classes Everyone dreams of early retirement. The idea of no longer having to work at an early age is very attractive to some people and they dream and wish all day long about the day that they can afford to say, "Take this job and?" well, you know. Unfortunately, for many people, early retirement is a dream that will never be realized. It is not because they are in a job that won't allow early retirement or because they love their work so much that they can't bear to leave it. It is simply because they spent their time dreaming about early retirement rather than planning for it. Build Wealth From Home As you sit in traffic, inching along between irate drivers, you think to yourself, "there must be a better way." You get to work, you endure another tirade from an incompetent boss, and you think, "there must be a better way." You work hard, you're underappreciated, underpaid, and fed up. After all this, you can barely pay the bills, and haven't taken a real vacation in years. Learn To Budget Do you like so many others feel, that even if they are earning well, are spending even more? Do you want to change all that and live in sound financial health and within your budget? Is there such a thing as a realistic budget? Are you skeptical that you can make a budget that takes into account all your necessities and provides for luxuries? You can live well and within a budget, and it starts with changing your attitudes towards money, expenditures and budget setting. Wealth And Your Net Worth Most people know it's important to keep and organize all of your vital financial information. But knowing you should and knowing how are two different things! Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich! As many people have observed, "Success leaves clues." If you want to achieve extraordinary success in the coming year, study the experts, do what they do, and modify their techniques to suit your particular situation. It's easy! Online Retirement Opportunity: Freelance Copywriting For most of us, the idea of retiring simply on our pension is not a happy prospect. Turn Your Job Loss Into the Opportunity of a Lifetime There are few things in life that are more stressful than the loss of a job. You may think that the loss of your steady paycheck puts financial freedom that much further off, but nothing can be further from the truth. Plan For Wealth One very important wealth creating habit is to set up a concrete plan that you can actually follow. You see, wealth takes planning, and is usually the result of taking a set of orderly, progressive steps from where you are now to where you want to be financially. The Three Step Plan To Prosperity You have $100 in your bank account, your rent is past due, your creditors are calling, your business is dwindling and to top it all off, someone sideswiped your car and now it won't start. You Can`t Cheat An Honest Man Author: James Walsh ISBN: 1563431696: Publisher: Silver Lake Publishing The Morphing of Thought and Cash Here are some thoughts about the morphing of thought and cash. What do I mean by morphing? I mean the transformation of something from one form to another. If you have seen movies like TERMINATOR 2, X MEN, or MATRIX, you have an idea of what I'm talking about. In these movies, some characters literally change physical shape from one form to another. What I'm speaking about is a kind of mental "alchemy." Rich or Poor - Get the Knowledge Most people work hard all their lives only to "retire" poor then try to live off meagre savings or a small (rapidly disappearing) Government pension. They are forced to live out their twilight years struggling with constant money problems. Many of them have to buy only the cheapest food and are unable to enjoy the little pleasures of life like going to an occasional movie, eating out or taking short trips. They have to watch every cent they spend. Before There Was Wall Street, There Was Gold.. & when Wall Street is gone, there will still be Gold Paper burns and large companies can go bankrupt, but if you want a piece of the solid rock, go for Gold. Financial experts agree that the rising value of gold, which has climbed since 2001 to a 16 year high of $456 (U.S.) an ounce, is going to be spurred on in 2005. Precarious world situations, from political turmoil to flailing currencies, are taking a toll on the trade markets. The cry for stability and future security is high on the priority list for North Americans and can also be heard pulsating around the globe. Gold, along with the precious metal industries, is emerging as a reliable anchor for many investors at home and abroad. Ben Franklin Didnt Quite Get it Right When Ben Franklin said "a penny saved is a penny earned", he didn't quite get it right. Actually, a penny saved is worth more than a penny earned. Do you find this statement shocking? I am about to prove to you that what I'm saying is true. Finding Financial Freedom Do you ever get this in your email box: Find Financial Freedom! Make $150,000 from home in the next 90 days! How about 10 times a day? 16 Mantras for Building Financial Wealth Everyone wants to be wealthy, but most of us do not have anyone to guide us down this road. Even if we stumble upon a mentor, most of us may think it's a scam. Most of us have beliefs that keep us struggling financially; "the more I can save the richer I will become"; "building good credit is more important than how I use it"; "if I stay with my job for 10 years I will be rich"; "the rich are greedy and take advantage of others"; "I am not smart enough to be rich"; "if I work hard for my boss I will be greatly rewarded"; "I would have to work non-stop to become rich"; "I have to give up what I love to become rich". All of these beliefs are true from a certain perspective, namely yours! Most of these negative beliefs have been forced on us as children and are constantly reinforced by friends, family, news and even sitcoms. Personal, deep-seeded beliefs are what separate the top 10% from the bottom 90% in this country. Below are some mantras to think about every day in order to replace those negative beliefs: The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 4 At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true. 10 Ways to Save $50 Per Month: The Art of Pinching a Penny Until It Screams 1. Save up to 50% per month on convenience cleaner cloths by cutting them into half, i.e. dryer softener cloths, face cleanser cloths, etc. ![]() |
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