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Rich or Poor - Get the Knowledge
Most people work hard all their lives only to "retire" poor then try to live off meagre savings or a small (rapidly disappearing) Government pension. They are forced to live out their twilight years struggling with constant money problems. Many of them have to buy only the cheapest food and are unable to enjoy the little pleasures of life like going to an occasional movie, eating out or taking short trips. They have to watch every cent they spend. If only these people had saved, on a consistent basis, just a small percentage of their earnings and set it aside. George Classon, in his marvelous book called "The Richest Man in Babylon" suggests that putting aside just "ten percent of what we earn and investing it", is enough to make for a comfortable retirement. Let me ask you a question. Are you saving a percentage of what you earn or are you like most people who spend everything? Alarmingly, there are new statistics which suggest that most people, in fact, are spending more than what they earn. The latest studies are saying people are currently spending 104% of their income. It sounds impossible, doesn't it? It's not! The advent of credit cards has led to spiraling debt. Multiple credit cards and "store" cards allow people to buy now and pay later. I call this "payment by the twelfth". I refer, of course to that famous Johnny Mathis song "The Twelfth of Never". Many use the "roundabout" system of using one credit card to pay for another and so on. This is a recipe for disaster. I recommend you purchase "The Richest Man in Babylon" and study it. The information it contains can make a positive impact on the way you handle your finances. At least if you read the book and understand it you can make a conscious choice to ignore its wisdom. You are then in a position to decide whether you want to be rich or poor because you will have the knowledge. There is no better time than right NOW to start becoming responsible with money and investing for your future. What you keep putting off today will eventually return to haunt you when you have a diminished capacity to do anything about it. In other words, the longer you leave it the more difficult it will become. You cannot work forever. Eventually, the day will come when you will either want to retire or you will be forced to retire. Rich or poor - get the knowledge! [If you like this article and would like to use it on your own website or ezine you may do so ONLY if the article is not changed in any way and the final paragraph: "About the author", with all links intact, is included.] About the author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Gary's email address is budo@iinet.net.au. Click here to go to his Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website where you can receive his "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of his highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice."
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7 Golden Rules to Financial Prosperity Not Enough Money? Business Ownership, Cash in Your Pocket - Today! Yesterday we learned that 74% of all wealth is created by people who own their own business. Below are a few facts about owning your own business, specifically a home-based business that you may not be aware of. A New Paradigm Shift In Earthly Wealth Hello, Retirement Planning the Offshore Way Retirement Planning the Offshore Way Why do so many of us constantly push the thought of retirement planning to the back of our minds? Reluctance?! 1 Reluctance to save for an event that seems so far off 2 Reluctance to tie in to an inflexible pension scheme 3 Reluctance to put a large portion of our current income out of reach for the long term But in terms of retirement planning, putting off until tomorrow that which you could get done today will end up costing you very dearly. Every month you delay your retirement savings planning, you significantly reduce the value of your future potential retirement fund. Still Using Federal Reserve Notes?(How to Beat Inflation) "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Clearing Blockages to Increase the Flow of Money into Your Life Money is probably the most challenging thing for many people to manifest. It can also be easiest. Just look at those who have millions or billions of dollars. It doesn't matter what the economy is doing, there will still be a great many people with an abundance of money. What are they doing differently? Are they just "lucky"? Residual Income - 3 Ideas for Long Term Profits A residual income is one that comes in no matter what--even when you are not working (or can't work.) It's something all of us will someday want and possibly need. Mastering Your Money One of the things most of us have old ideas about is money. The best way to change old ideas is to upgrade and take a new look at them. We have to do the same thing with how we think about money. We have to look at it from a different point of view. Personal Budget Programs Do you have financial problems? Then a budget is the answer if you are tired of wondering where your income went. A budget is the answer, if you don't have savings. A budget is also the only solution to getting out of credit card debt. You?re Eating Your Retirement Money Ever think about how eating all those fast food meals for lunch are effecting your pocketbook. Let's do the math. You eat out 5 days a week at an average cost of $5 to $7 a day. Saving Money By Spending Wisely Why is it that the older and richer people become, the more conservative they are with their money? Have you ever done or know someone who has made an investment that promised a 10% interest or profit per month? Everyone wants to make above average profits. It is amazing how many people will send their very hard earned money across the world to Nigeria or to Boca Rattan, Florida on the promise of a telephone acquaintance to make them much richer. People give their money to complete strangers in hopes of making more money. How Should I Create Passive Income? If you're wondering where to create passive income, then you are likely not alone. There are hundreds of different ways, however, so you're sure to find something that will work for you. The one thing to remember about creating passive income, however, is that being creative is a huge benefit - and that you should try to create passive income in several different ways. What it Means to be Rich Many people have a false understanding of what it actually means to be rich. If you were to ask a stranger what makes a person rich, he or she would say "A person is rich if they have a lot of money and can buy whatever they want!". But that isn't what it means to be rich. This is what it means when a person is rich: The person's assets create enough cashflow every month, to cover his or her expenses. So basically being rich means that whether you work or not, money will still be flowing into your pockets. Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 4) Top Investment Performance Lesson 2 - The Commodity Of Kings! What is "The Commodity of Kings" Do You want to Live on Macaroni and Cheese when You Retire or Filet Mignon? How Much Money Will I Need to Earn to Retire? Financial Freedom, Is It Only A Dream or Just Steps Away? Almost all of us go to work everyday and do the same routine over and over again. We work so hard until we caught up in the routines for years. With the salary that we earn every day, we try to pay all of our bills. We always expect to get a higher salary, getting promotion or our business running better so we can earn more money. But we do not realize that when we get more income, we also have spent more money on our needs. After we work for two, five, or even ten years we just realize that we have been in the rat race of our financial troubles. The Predicament of the Newly Rich They are the object of thinly disguised envy. They are the raw materials of vulgar jokes and the targets of popular aggression. They are the Newly Rich. Perhaps they should be dealt with more appropriately within the academic discipline of psychology, but then economics in a branch of psychology. To many, they represent a psychopathology or a sociopathology. Pennies From Heaven I want to share an experience I had in common as a child with Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of the bestselling book, The Power of Intention. I'll bet many of you had similar experiences too. Early Retirement The Dream of the Working Classes Everyone dreams of early retirement. The idea of no longer having to work at an early age is very attractive to some people and they dream and wish all day long about the day that they can afford to say, "Take this job and?" well, you know. Unfortunately, for many people, early retirement is a dream that will never be realized. It is not because they are in a job that won't allow early retirement or because they love their work so much that they can't bear to leave it. It is simply because they spent their time dreaming about early retirement rather than planning for it. ![]() |
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