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Learn the Language of the World Wide WebSushanth Bastawade If you are already on the web or thinking about it then you must know the terminology used on the web. Here is a Glossary of a few must know Web Terms. Visitors: The number of distinct people who visit your site. Page Views: The number of web pages that have been viewed by the visitors to your site. If a single page is viewed many times by a visitor, each view is treated as a new page view. Hits: When a visitor views a page that has 3 graphics or images on it, he / she will give you 4 hits. 1 for the HTML page and 3 for the graphics. As hits are meaningless, you must not express your site statistics in terms of Hit count. Referrer URL: It is the web site from which the visitor has arrived to your site. Assume that the xyzsite.com web site has a link to your site on all its pages. When a surfer clicks on your sites link and arrives at your site, xyzsite.com becomes your Referrer URL. Thus a referrer url indicates the sites which are giving you traffic. If surfers type the url of your site in their browsers to arrive at your site, it will be shown as a Direct Hit in the Referrer URL list. Targeted Traffic: It includes the surfers who visit your site because they want the product or service or information which is being offered by your site. Usually a Search Engine or Directory will produce Targeted Traffic to your site. Your aim should be to build Targeted Traffic to your site. A link or banner without supporting content will produce untargeted traffic. Page Creation Tools: They let you work with a single HTML document at a time. Netscape Composer is a Page Creation Tool. Site Creation Tools: They let you work with several HTML documents at once. MS Front Page is a Site Creation Tool. WYSIWYG HTML Editor: This is short for " What You See Is What You Get ". It is pronounced as We-z-Wig. A WYSIWYG HTML Editor will create the HTML page for you. All tags are automatically inserted by the editor when you click buttons. You only need to type in the text of your document. A WYSIWYG Editor is very useful while working with tables as it displays the table structure i.e. rows and columns. Netscape Composer ,which is part of the Netscape Communicator 4 & higher package, is a WYSIWYG HTML Editor. HTML Validation: It is a software program which you can install on your computer. It is used to determine if the HTML code in your web page has any errors on it. Validating your HTML code ensures that your web page will be displaced correctly by most browsers. Direct Linking: If your web host allows direct linking to servers then a file .zip, .exe from your web site can be downloaded from another web site by hyperlinking. However, most of the free web hosts like Tripod, Geocities, Angelfire etc. do not allow Direct Linking. Thus surfers will need to visit your web page to download any file. Spider: When you submit a web site to a Search Engine SE, the SE will send out spiders software program to your site. These spiders will record information about your site and bring it back to the SE. The info brought by the spiders is added to the database of the SE. This process is known as indexing. After your site has been indexed it will be ranked and listed by the SE, so that the site shows up in the search results. Yahoo doesnt use spiders. All info is added manually to the Yahoo database. Thus Yahoo is a directory and not a Search Engine. Autoresponder: It is a software that sends an automated reply or replies to emails sent to it. The reply or replies are pre written and saved on the web server by the web site owner. As the replies are automated, it saves time & effort for the web site owner. Autoresponders can be used for sending product details to customers, to handle subscription requests or to send follow up messages to prospective customers.
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Traditional businesses on the Internet Have you ever thought of putting your business on the Internet, but simply not known where to start or youre not sure whether the Internet is really meant for your business Link Popularity for a Successful Website: How Not to Go About Getting It A classic way of getting seen and noticed on the web is to make sure your site is linked to as many other sites as possible. The strategy of link-exchange has been so overused and abused that search engines are now wary of it and may penalize sites that are linking to "link farms", or to any other sites with non-relevant content. Top Five Most Profitable Color Combinations Used In Cover Design! "Two days ago, an old man stopped me on the street and asked me who my stylist is. Score BIG With The Search Engines - Maximising Your Sites Potential I often get asked, "How do I improve my sites performance in the search engines." or "I have a small budget, how can I compete with the larger sites." It can seem daunting when you type in your key search term and you see Google returning 200,000 results! Over the course of this article I am going to teach you some techniques that you can use to improve your sites ranking in the major search engines. These are not in any particular order but you should try and cover all of these if you want to perform well. The Benefits Of Outsourcing The year 2005 is expected to be the year of "outsourcing". Having Your Personal Portfolio On The Internet Will Help You Infiltrate The Workforce And Get Your Identity ‘Out There’. If you’re an up and coming graphic/web designer just out of university, you’ll know it’s quite hard to break into the workforce. You have to contact employers one by one, spend your time traveling and lugging your portfolio to their offices. Well, things have changed, and for the better let me tell you. Now you can make your own on-line portfolio on the Internet, and send its web page address to numerous design companies at once so they can all see your work easily. You don’t even have to leave your house and organizations all over the world can access your work easily. Profitable Websites for Exclusive Industries In the region where my company is located, South Bend, Indiana, the demand forweb design and associated services could be described as:leery.It’s not that the locale is horribly lacking evolvement technologically; rather that so many proprietors in this area are very uncertain as to what the internet can do and how they can go about forming profitable web sites for their exclusive industries. Hey, Client, This Is Me! Sell With Your Writing Voice. In a crowded market, clients will be seeking personality as they read what youve written -- theyll click right past pages that feel "been there, read that."Theyre looking for a voice that says, "Hey, client, this is me!" Top 10 Web Design Mistakes As a webmaster, you want to keep your visitors content so they’ll come back again.Below you will find ten common mistakes made by webmasters that may deter people from returning. How Web Design Can Affect Search Engine Rankings Uniquely built web sites can create unique issues when promoting your site on the search engines. From a basic 3 page brochure site, to a corporate site with hundreds of dynamically generated pages, every web site needs to have certain design aspects in order to achieve the full effects of an SEO campaign. Below are a few points to take into consideration when building or updating your web site. Web Hosting: To Switch or to Stay That’s a question that can only be answered by you. Depending on your current status and relationship you have with your provider, along with your evolving business objectives and needs, can determine what course of action to pursue. What are your issues and concerns Ask yourself some basic questions and see where you stand after you’ve answered them. -Are you no longer satisfied with your current provider -Did they deliver on the level of services that you signed up for -Has technical support and customer service been to your satisfaction -Or has your business grown considerably, and the hosting company cannot provide you with the level of capability and technical support you require web page building for beginners 3 An inexperienced website builder must understand that free web hosting is a great way to get more than one site up and running quickly, and that www.articlecity.com is the fastest and easiest way to fill those sites with relevant material. For instance, my site at www.saquoyah.com has one hundred and sixty pages that were written by various authors and posted at ArticleCity by the writers. This arrangement fulfills five purposes to the satisfaction of everyone involved. First the writers of the articles get to help the readers and themselves by having links back to their websites. Second, ArticleCity gets many links to their index page and that in turn keeps their site in a top placement with search engines. Third, the little website owner saves an enormous amount of writing, yet gets his or her website full of pages that link back to their index page, so the search engines will place their site a little higher in placement. Fourth, the person doing a search gets to find a lot of points of view by various writers on the one subject they are poring over. Fifth, the search engines have more pages in their database for the searchers to look through. Be Creative before you Purchase or Create a Website Before you jump into spending coutnless hours on designing and publishing your website, or spending hundreds onhaving it done by anyone else you should plan out your full design or structure. This is very important so that whenit comes time to do this long-lasting project you will be well prepared. The Proper Way To Use The robot.txt File When optimizing your web site most webmasters don’t consider using the robot.txt file. This is a very important file for your site. It let the spiders and crawlers know what they can and can not index. This is helpful in keeping them out of folders that you do not want index like the admin or stats folder. How To Create A Website In Less Than A Week Heres a really simple way... any novice can create a fully functional website in less than a week. 50 Surefire Web Design Tips Tips to brand your websiteInclude your logo in all pages. Position it at the top left or each page.Complement your logo with a tagline or catchy sentence that summarizes your business purpose. For example "Always low prices" is the tagline for Wal-Mart.Create a favicon. A favicon is that small graphic that appears next to the URL in the address bar.Have a consistent look and feel in all your pages. Use a color scheme and layout that are clearly recognized across your site.Have an About Us section, that includes all relevant information about you and your business.Include a copyright statement at the bottom of each page. ![]() |
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