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Blow Those Fat Cells to Smitherines in Just 9 Short Days
Close kept secrets to weight loss: Give me 9 days and blow those fat cells to smitherines! Sizzling!! I bought a jumpsuit when I was 21 years old and kept it in my closet. I knew one day I would fit into it again. That day is here! I turned 50 years old on March 11 and now wear this jumpsuit with pride. It represents youth, vitality, sexy. People comment all the time about how great I look and that I don't look my age. In fact, they say I look 8-10 years younger and I get these "WOW!" statements. It feels wonderful to hear these words. Check out my picture at www.tamiclose.com under Isagenix. How did my transformation happen? When I got sick several years ago I was determined to find the products that I could promote for greater healing. So for the last nine years, I have been in search of a nutritional product line in which I can put my heart. I've tried many, many products, but never have found the right one for me and to share with others as well. They either didn't give me the results I was looking for or they were too expensive, but I did not want to give up. I knew God would lead me to it, and He did. These products offer the amazing nutritional support the body needs to be vibrant as it cleanses the toxins that are stored in your fat cells. Voila!! You shed the pounds and your body can look fabulous! You achieve the results quickly too! What more could you ask for? I've never experienced anything like these products. Look at these key people who endorse these products: Jack Canfield, Chicken Soup for the Soul; John Gray, Men Are From Mars; and several medical doctors. Taking the Isagenix products was the catalyst. See http://www.tamiclose.isgagenix.com for more information on these phenomenal products. Going down two sizes is pretty awesome, wouldn't you agree? Combined with a nutritional plan, exercise, stress reduction techniques, meditation, affirmations and other daily activities, I have found the answers to Close Kept Secrets to Fit and Fab at Fifty! I do feel 21 again and I can show you how you can to. Make this the turning point of your life and take advantage of these results-driven products. Do it today! http://www.closekeptsecrets.com Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight loss management practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others. http://www.closekeptsecrets.com
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The Myth of Fast Weight Loss You will be surprised to find out how many people are actually looking for a fast weight loss program. Why fast? Well, first of all, most of us are impatient. We live hectic lives. We want results now, we want to notice the change right away, and we don't want to work hard to achieve those results. The Psychology of Weight Loss: Part 2 ? How are You Motivated? New Years Resolutions do not work because you are really not motivated when you think you are. On the surface you may be, but deep down you are not. That is why by April, that membership to the gym, those new clothes and that new found motivation has all but disappeared. Burning Fat vs. Burning Calories To lose weight and get in shape you must have a good diet and exercise regularly to burn fat. The first thing you must understand about exercise is that just because you are burning calories does not mean you are burning fat. Your main focus when you exercise should be losing body fat, and you can't lose body fat just from burning calories. When we exercise, our bodies will start burning calories, but the calories that are burned are the calories from carbohydrates in our system. In order to burn calories from your stored fat, your body requires the presence of oxygen. There is a certain amount of oxygen that your body needs in order to start burning fat and the only way for you to measure the amount needed for your own body is to keep up with your target heart rate during exercise. Please understand that if you continue to only burn calories from carbohydrates, you will lose mostly "water weight" which leads to a decrease in your metabolism. Also, think of the calories that are burned from carbohydrates as your energy calories. If you lose too much energy calories then your muscles will not receive enough energy to increase your metabolism which indirectly burn fat. Therefore you must increase your calorie intake when you are on an exercise program to replace your burned energy calories. What is Real Hunger? In order to identify hunger, you must first understand what it is. This is not as easy as it seems. Many of you may never have let yourself experience true hunger, only a feeling of discomfort. Not knowing exactly what it was, you may have been eating past hunger for such a long time you can no longer differentiate between hunger and the feeling of anxiety, stress, boredom, or any number of other emotional or circumstantial stimuli. You haven't allowed yourself to go without eating for a long enough period of time to have felt true hunger; you may not have experienced it since childhood. Healthy Diet Answers: Want Fries With That Mister ? Yes, my healthy diet has at times suffered at the hands of fast food, I admit it ? I am addicted to fast food ? it makes me feel good, it makes us all feel good, that's why its everywhere and thats why the fast food chains make millions. Two Words That Guarantee Success (or failure) When Planning To Lose Weight Did you know that being successful with losing weight starts with just two words? Does A Quick Weight Loss Diet Really Work? Only if you're trying to fool the scale on a specific date and time. Good Food/Bad Food Whats Left to Eat? We've entered the Twilight Zone when it comes to the multitude of diets being promoted today. Starting with the Atkins Diet, then the South Beach Diet, now the Hamptons Diet and more. All�higher in protein, lower in carbs, but the distinction should be quality of carbs, not singling out one nutrient entirely. If you are on the Atkins Diet,�South Beach Diet or any other variation of a high protein/low carb diet simply adjust from eating low quality carbs like refined flour and sugar products (think if it comes in a box, it's likely low quality) to eating more whole food products like fresh vegetables and fruits - yes fruits. Obesity: Let?s Prevent A Life Threatening Disorder In life, various factors contribute to weight gain. Be it genetic, psychological or hereditary, Obesity grabs you as a severe weight disorder. It is an increasing problem in U.K where 50 percent of the adult population are overweight [BMI 25-29.5] and 20 percent are obese [BMI-30 and above]. The Most Effective Fat Burning And Muscle Building Workout That Takes Just 13 Minutes Most people who want to burn off some excess pounds and tighten and tone their bodies simply don't have 2 hours each day to spend in the gym performing the bodybuilding style workouts that most "fitness experts" recommend. The History of Tumescent Liposuction Liposuction is also referred to as lipoplasty, suction-assisted lipectomy and liposculpture. It is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery today. Since its inception in 1974, great methodological and technological advances have created more options for patients. One of the most utilized techniques in liposuction is the tumescent technique. Is There a New Fat Loss Miracle on the Horizon? For the past several years one subject has been coming up quite often and has really started to be quite a hot topic. The subject is a fat known as CLA which stands for Conjugated Linoleic Acid. According to the rumors this stuff will cure cancer, lower your cholesterol and decrease your body fat especially around the middle all at one time. Kind of like the superman of fats. Go for Scientific Weight Loss Considering the US Center for Disease Control's advice is a very good idea. Fat, although systematically proven useful to the human body, is not only a waste of food. When you're fat, if very fat, you're obese, and you do indeed have a disease. It can sneak right up on you like a homicidal lunatic. In spite of how you feel about yourself emotionally, you should really do your utmost to keep your weight from assuming immense proportions-or you'll only be dooming yourself. Weight Loss the Easy Way! With weight loss comes a lot of dedication and change of lifestyle. We can start with exercise, which is vital to all weight loss programs. A healthy body is the result of proper nutrition combined with a regular pattern of physical exercise. You weight loss will depend on how you intend to make it happen. It does not have to be difficult and you do not have to take weight loss supplements or pills. Help me, Im Addicted to Sugar A client wrote, "Help me! I thought I was finally getting a handle on my weight issue but the sugar is killing me. I had an awful day. I won't even tell you what I ate today because it is just so unbelievable. All I will say is that 90% of my food today consisted of sugar! I really, really need some help getting past these cravings. I am no doubt a sugar addict. If I could get past this there is no doubt that I will reach my goal." The Truth About Fat Fat has had a lot of bad press and for many people, just a mention of the word can evoke misery. You can try to lose it, try to hide it, try to avoid it, but your body still needs it! Did you know that fat helps to insulate our nerve cells, keeps us warm, balances our hormones, keeps skin and arteries supple, lubricates joints and is a component in every cell? Fit or Fat?! "Hey, you have reduced now, compared to the last time I saw you!" WLS Patients Take Too Long to Order Food: What?s That About? Families who dine out with their loved ones who've had gastric bypass surgery often complain the patient takes an unusually long time to order food. Rose, whose mother had gastric bypass about eight months ago asked, "What's wrong with her? It's so frustrating!" Water - How Important Is It In Our Daily Diet And With Weight Loss? The importance of drinking water is mentioned in almost every article on weight loss. It is a very important fact that we need to drink water whether we are dieting or not. It is water that assists with the dissolving and transporting of nutrients such as oxygen and minerals to the organs of the body. How To Get Over A Weight Loss Plateau Everyone who has ever tried to lose weight has hit a plateau at some point. A plateau is that point at which no matter what you do, you cannot seem to lose any more. If you have currently hit a weight loss plateau, there are a number of things that you can do to get going again on your road to successfully reaching your ideal weight. ![]() |
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