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The Secret to Reaching Your Ideal Weight
There are many books and internet articles written about weight control. However, if you already know the stuff you should be doing, you might want to skip past the next section of this article. For those of you who are starting at the beginning, here's some useful information: Energy is measured in units called calories or kilojoules. If you want to lose weight, then the total calories that your body absorbs through eating and drinking must be less than the calories that your body expends throughout the day. And of course, if you wish to gain weight, the opposite is true. You can also help your weight control along by participating in regular daily exercise, because this helps your body burn more calories. It does this not only during the exercise session, but also for hours later, by raising your body's metabolic rate. When you exercise, you produce feel good chemicals in the brain which are called endorphins, and these often help to stop you from reaching for those high calorie snacks such as cakes, donuts and chocolate. Also, exercise changes the fat and muscle ratio in your body. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so make sure you enlist all the help you can get by exercising! So if we have all this information at our fingertips, then why do so many people have such difficulty reaching their ideal weight? Well, I must tell you that a lot of it has to do with your subconscious belief systems. Do you know all the basics, but still find yourself unable to stick to a healthy eating and exercise regimen? You're definitely not alone. At this point, I would like to say that if you want to lose weight, then I strongly suggest that you reframe the notion of "losing weight". So instead of saying you want to lose weight, I would like you to think of your goal in terms of "gaining control of your weight", or, as the title of my article suggests, "reaching your ideal weight". The reason for this, is because your subconscious mind can be a fickle beast?and when you "lose" something, what do you automatically (and subconsciously want to do? You want to find it again! So it's really important to focus your mind towards what you want, instead of what you want to lose, and this is because your subconscious mind works best with positive language. And speaking of which, how is YOUR body image? Do you continuously criticize yourself , or berate yourself for indulging in that triple choc milkshake? If so, STOP right now. If you want to reach and maintain your desired weight goals then you need to make permanent but manageable lifestyle changes, while at the same time allowing yourself the odd indulgence...without feeling guilty! So, be realistic and work at a steady pace towards reaching and maintaining a body shape that is achievable for you. If you've always had a pear shaped body, then you will not be able to slim down to a straight-up-and down shape, even if you starve yourself! Don't fall into the trap of unhealthy eating habits; depriving your body of essential nutrients is every bit as damaging as overeating. Begin by working WITH your natural body shape, not against it. Send your subconscious mind the message that you love and respect your body. One of the ways you can help yourself along is by using daily affirmations. Start today; write down any negative beliefs you have about your body, and then replace these negative statements with positive ones. Remember: You can achieve anything if you enlist the help of your subconscious *** You are licensed to publish this article free of charge, on condition that the author's name is included, and the link to her website remains visible and clickable to human readers. *** Sonia Devine is a qualified professional hypnotherapist and success coach with a caring and committed approach to healing, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can find more of her information on weight control, body image, love, relationships, affirmations and much more on her website Manifest Your Success
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Weight Loss and Dieting Secrets ? What You DONT Want to Know! Some of you will not like what I have to say, even though it is the truth. And that may be where the problem of American's health problems lies. No one wants to give you the truth. My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility lies in giving you straight talk with no sugar coating it. Hear What Your Diet Pills Say Used a diet pill recently and got depressed because you didn't lose weight? Don't blame the diet pills but hear what they have to say to you and then restart a diet pill weight loss plan more effectively. Exercise Bike Program - How to Lose Weight Your pants are a bit tight, you can't seem to stop eating junk, and you're tired all of the time. It's time to get healthy and lose weight. Combined with a more sensible diet, an exercise bike can help you achieve the results you want. Slimming Solutions Here are 5 solutions to slimming: 1-2-3, Weight Loss & Maintenance Has Become So Easy Millions of people spend billions of dollars, hoping to achieve the same thing, effective weight management. For years, many people have struggled to maintain a healthy weight and body. With a majority of Americans being overweight or even obese, the problem has grown into a crisis. Nearly 300,000 people die each year from weight-related disease. Top 10 Questions and Answers on Atkins Diet 1. What is Atkins Diet? Which is Better? Exercise or Dieting? If you want to reduce your body fat, focus on increasing the amount of exercise you get rather than decreasing your food intake. A recent national study was done using two groups of sedentary men, one group in their 20's and the other over age 65. A lot was learned from this accumulated data and it is interesting to note that there was a significant relationship between lack of physical activity and fat. Not surprisingly, the most sedentary men had the most body fat. Weight Loss Options -- Infrared Radiant Heat Saunas (IR Saunas) Infrared Radiant Heat (IRRH) is a form of radiation that penetrates the outer surface of objects, including human skin. Heat is generated as the infrared energy interacts with and penetrates the skin surface. The depth of penetration is estimated to be 2-3 inches. The IRRH reaction is exothermic. The release of heat, if localized, is believed to be therapeutic by some health experts. Today, a number of businesses sell saunas equipped with infrared radiant heat (IR Saunas). They claim that at 2-3 inches deep, the release of heat is beneficial in many ways. For instance, chronic wounds tend to heal. How? No one knows for sure, but most likely it's related to improved blood flow and oxygenation of the wound. I have no problem with the theory behind IRRH and the healing of chronic wounds. But what about weight loss? Can infrared heat cause significant weight loss? More importantly, can it lead to Healthy Weight Loss? The business owners selling IR Saunas seem to think so. So the question is, can IR Saunas lead to Healthy Weight Loss? Infrared Radiant Heat Saunas (IR Saunas) Unlike older steel counterparts, IR Saunas are ceramic-coated and tend to be more efficient, producing the same amount of heat in a shorter time period when compared to the steel based saunas. According to supporters of IR Saunas, this efficiency translates into longer exposure times, up-regulation of your body's thermoregulatory system, and weight loss. A local Dallas newspaper printed an ad for an infrared sauna that stated , "Perspiring is part of the complex thermoregulatory process of the body that increases the heart rate, cardiac output, and metabolic rate. The process requires a large amount of energy and reduces excess moisture, salt and subcutaneous fat. Fat becomes water soluble at 110 degrees (F) leading to fat loss." -- Dallas Voice, February 12th, 2005 There is no doubt that we could pick apart the ad and question it's validity. But, I decided to keep things simple and focus on one aspect of infrared weight loss...the thermoregulatory process. According to the advertisement, infrared heat penetrates deeply into tissue and up-regulates the thermoregulatory process. Is this up-regulation enough to cause significant healthy weight loss? For our purposes, healthy weight loss is defined as fat loss. Remember, a healthy diet program promotes weight loss in short increments, never losing more than 2 pounds per week. The drop in weight is from a loss of fat and nothing else. Weight loss by any other means isn't healthy and should not be considered as an option for losing weight. The Thermoregulatory Process This is a very complex topic. Many factors are involved in keeping your body temperature constant. In the human brain, the hypothalamus regulates the entire thermoregulatory process with the exception of early responses to high temperature. Things like sweating, rapid breathing, and increased blood flow to the arms and legs are examples of the early responses not regulated by the central nervous system. The question is can these mechanisms cause weight loss by "burning" fat. Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise, says no. "The amount you sweat is indicative of your body's ability to maintain its normal body temperature. You sweat when your body starts to store heat so you can experience cooling via evaporation of that sweat. So it doesn't correlate to how much energy, or calories, is being expended. You are not going to utilize stored fat simply by raising body temperature...it's not going to happen." It makes sense too. Your body loves to store fat for future emergencies and it won't give up the fat very easily. You are well protected from starvation. Joe King, editor for the Journal of Hyperplasia Research said, "Evaporation accounts for increases in total oxygen uptake, which causes the working muscles to utilize more glycogen." Glycogen is the stored form of glucose, the main energy source for your body. In short, IR Saunas do not cause weight loss through utilization of fat. Instead, the high temperatures result in glycolysis (using sugars for immediate energy needs) and the water loss accounts for the drop in weight. What does this all mean? Infrared Saunas promote unhealthy weight loss. This reminds me of what a sales representative told me a month or so ago about IR Saunas. He said, "The heart receives a workout similar to a 6-mile run in an IR Sauna." He may be right, but it's not fat that you're losing. Conclusion An infrared sauna is not a good option for losing weight. Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, MD The Weight Loss Professional Additional information on can be found at The Weight Loss Professional Website. The Right Way to Eat for Better Health and Weight Loss Did you know that how and when you eat is important for good health? Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss #1 I am so grateful that you're taking steps to take control of your life. You will be amazed when we work together how much you'll uncover about yourself. You'll understand how your thoughts have contributed to your being overweight and you will take daily steps to put together a new plan of action for yourself. I imagine that you are tired of living like this and want some new, something better for yourself. I am here to help you and I know you can do it! Weight Loss: The Strength in Setting Goals, Achieving Objectives, and The Power of Intention The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners from the losers. -Brian Tracy A New Diet -- Bowel Cleansing for Weight Loss An ancient practice from Eastern Medicine, bowel cleansing is fast becoming the next new diet for the Western world. What is bowel cleansing and does it safely cause healthy weight loss? Bowel Cleansing 101 Keeping things simple, bowel cleansing is equal to Western Medicine's laxative. Practitioners of bowel cleansing will argue that their methods are more effective, natural, and completely unrelated to using laxatives. My point is this: increasing water content in the large colon acts like a "wash" to empty the bowel lumen. Some Laxatives and "natural" substances used in bowel cleansing both do exactly this..."washing" the colon by trapping water which evacuates undigested food. Any claims made beyond trapping water simply have not been rigorously studied and represent opinion and theory, at best. Methods for bowel cleansing are too numerous to cover in this article. The only comment I'll make is about the one commonality found in all of them...non-digestible natural substances. Fiber like substances can be found to some degree in all bowel cleansing methods. Remaining in the bowel (colon) lumen, they trap water increasing the bowel's water content. This results in increased pressure and tension inside the bowel and results in a large bowel movement consisting of undigested food. This is what is called "washing" or "cleansing" the bowel. Bowel Cleansing -- A Healthy New Diet Option? A healthy weight loss method promotes fat loss while preserving muscle tissue and water content. Weight loss by bowel cleansing results primarily from water loss. This is not a healthy method for losing weight and will cause weight gain soon after the cleansing. I did find a few small studies that showed the opposite results with some bowel cleansing methods. These particular methods do seem to result in healthy weight loss. Further investigation of this apparent contradiction revealed that the bowel cleansing methods also placed dieters on a high fiber diet. Diets high in fiber are significantly lower in calories and if gradually implemented will result in healthy weight loss. Bowel Cleansing -- Is it Safe as a New Diet? Some bowel cleansing methods are safe but others can be dangerous if abused. Critical electrolytes are also lost in the "washing" or "cleansing" process and if repeated too often can lead to disturbances in your nervous system and heart rhythm. Before you start a new diet, use the new diet Safety Checklist. Make sure it's safe and won't cause you harm. As far as bowel cleansing is concerned, it's my opinion that you have better options for helping you lose weight. To Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, MD Chief Medical Consultant Diet Basics Website Whole Grains Prevent Weight Gain Research from Harvard, recently published in the highly respected peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has now proven that women who eat the most whole grains lose more weight and maintain that weight loss better than women who eat the least amount of whole grains. Want to Succeed on Your Diet, Find a Diet Buddy If you're like most people who tried losing weight on a diet and failed it's probably because you didn't have enough support. Sure family, friends and even your spouse can help but one the best ways to succeed on a diet is to choose a diet buddy. The best diet buddy is someone whose goals are similar to yours. If you have to lose 10 pounds and they have to lose 60 that's not a good match. The more weight you have to lose the closer that person should be to you physically. If you've only got five to ten pounds to lose that person could be across the street or across the country. However if you have 40 pounds to lose you really need someone who can offer you more support. One of the most effective weight loss methods is keeping a journal of what you eat and how much you exercise. You should exchange your journal with your diet buddy and help each other correct mistakes you may have made. You should meet with your diet buddy as often as possible. One of the best places is to meet at the gym every morning and compare your journals over breakfast. Another good alternative is lunchtime, this helps you make smart healthy food choices and resist the temptation to pig out. Try to avoid choosing someone who you live with as your diet buddy. Sibling rivalry or spousal spats are a natural part of life, causing stress and anxiety about not having the full support of your diet buddy leads to unnecessary anxiety and stress or emotional related eating. It?s Not Just About Dieting You may not like what I'm about to say, but dieting alone will not help you to lose weight. You have to give your body the exercise it needs. As I mentioned earlier, a couple of centuries ago, people were involved in a lot of manual labor. Dieting? More is Not Better Exercising too hard Today?s Diets ? What?s Hot! For the person who wants to shed a few pounds (or even a lot of pounds), there are many choices of diet programs. To pick the best one for your tastes and lifestyle, you need to look at the attributes of each diet plan. A listing of just a few is below. Can Eating Certain Foods Help You to Lose Weight? The best way to lose weight is by consuming fewer calories than you expend or conversely, by expending more calories than you consume. Lose 104 Pounds In A Year Did you ever think about the fact that losing 2 pounds a week adds up to 104 pounds a year? That's a LOT of weight. Burn Fat Not Sugar! You are going to be pleasantly surprised! Most people think that in order to lose weight you have to do strenuous exercise, continuously, and lots of it! Well, Guess what? NOT TRUE! ![]() |
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