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Frankie The French Fry Hatches A Plan
Frankie saddled up to the bar at the We-Stuff-Em-All Diner, official headquarters of Fat For A New America. He turned to his most portly friend, Bubba the Burger, and launched a tirade. "If we don't do something now, we could lose all our progress, twenty-five years of expanding and accumulating straight down the drain--if you catch my flow." "Did you call the others?" Bubba asked. "Yeah. Sophie and Bunnie are on the way. I told them we needed an emergency meeting." "What about Mickey?" Bubba continued. "Holy preservatives, I forgot him. Let me borrow your cell." Bubba passed him the phone. Sophie The Soft Drink and Bunnie The Bun waddled through the front door, followed by Mickey The Malt a few minutes later. The group moved to the corner booth, brainstorm central for all Fat For A New America founders. "We face a potential shrinkage crisis," Frankie began. "We need to bind together and map out a new strategy." "For the love of lard, Frankie, give us a break," Sophie started. "We've already captured over two thirds of the entire population, half of them with over 30 pounds each of good ol', genuine American-made blubber. We're killin' `em out there." "You don't get it, Sophie," Frankie argued adamantly. "Even though we've trapped the overwhelming majority, not a single one of `em wants us to stick around-so to speak. If we give them any kind of opening, we're history." "Not only that," Bubba added, "our enemies the vegetables don't care. They're quite happy to be consumed and eliminated without leaving anything behind-no future, no legacy, nothing to show at all." "I never understood that mentality," Mickey piped in. "No vision whatsoever-way too small-minded, if you see what I mean." "Yeah, very thin thinking," Bunnie chimed. "For flab's sake, enough chatter," ordered Frankie. "Time to glob together. We need to neutralize the threats once and for all. Sophie, you've been dealing with enemy number two, fruit. What's your report?" "Good news on all fronts," Sophie responded. "Operation Can `Em or Juice `Em is processing at full speed. We took out most of Poppa Pear and trapped him in chemicals inside a can, turned Abe Apple into either sauce or sugar-laden drinks and created a whole line of fake juices that confuse almost everybody into believing that they're getting real fruit when actually the whole bottle has less than 10%. The rest is all water, sugar and colorings-perfect for fat conversion." "Well lumberin' love handles, that's excellent." Frankie wiped the grease from his brow. "As we grow that operation, we'll control the fruit market-get rid of those who act too fresh. Bubba, you have a another proposal?" "Yeah. It's called Salt, Sweeten & Stimulate-a movement that we have total control over." Bubba gazed around the table. "All of us play a corpulent role." Bubba chortled at his best pal. "Frankie, you first. Can you add more salt to your ingredients?" "Sure, Bubba. No problem." "More salt will cause more bloating since it can only stay in humans in saline. More bloating, more weight, less exercise, more need for stimulants, you get the drift-which leads me to you Sophie. Can you bump up your caffeine content?" "Whatever the cause calls for, Bubba." Bubba gloated chubbily. "More stimulants, higher highs, quicker crashes, more cravings for sugar. That's where you come in, Mickey. Can you double your sweetness?" "For sure, my bulbous brother." Bubba's lips dripped with oil. "More sugar, more fat storage, more spikes and less energy for anything that could dissolve us in any way." Bubba drooled with gluttony. "Bunnie, you're last-the hostess with the mostest-the one that holds us all together. I want you to do it all-more salt to your deliciously nutritionless processed flour; a sugar glazing to the top of each bun; more sugar in the mix; and chemicals that will bind and bind and bind." Bubba laughed so hard he almost lost his mustard. "If we work together, we'll form more tires than Goodyear," Bubba gleefully declared. "Our place in history forever anchored to their mid-rifts." "Outstanding," Frankie praised. "Truly gelatinous. But we still have to deal with enemy number one-those vile vegetables." "We're making some progress, Frankie," Bunnie chirped. "We got ketchup classified as a vegetable in the school system and packed it full of both sugar and salt-addict `em while they're young and defenseless." "It's not the sauces I'm worried about," Frankie espoused. "We've crammed most of them with salt or sugar or both. The greenies pose our biggest challenge, Artie Artichoke, Gretta Green Bean and our archrival, Sallie Salad. If they gain any momentum, they might get into a zone. Remember, they produce slow-burning fuel and disappear without a trace-a total waste! If humans get hip, we'll go the way of the glacier-melt city!" Frankie mopped more grease from his tubby cheeks. "As much as we all hate salads, we need more sugar and salt on those veggies-drown their virtues in creaminess, sweetness and glutomates. We need an ally on the inside. I say we call Deirdre-Deirdre The Dressing Queen. I know that's extreme, so let's take a vote." One by one, the Fat For A New America founders thrust their pudgy hands into the center of the council and gave the thumbs up. In one voice, they began to chant, faster and faster to the final, oversized crescendo: "Fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE fat, fat!!!" "Meeting adjourned," ordered Frankie. "A waist is a terrible thing to mind-let's eat." TO BE CONTINUED? Author Ridgely Goldsborough co-founded The YoungSlim Lifestyle, an integrated approach to weight-management and anti-aging that can be reviewed in streaming video at http://www.youngslim.com. Ridgely can be emailed directly at ridgely@youngslim.com.
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Is Low-Carb Weight Loss Really Just Water Loss? Any weight loss or diet plan, including low-carb plans like the induction phase of the Atkins Diet will result in water loss during the first week or two. Mesotherapy vs. Cellulite For A Knockout In the battle to look good, there's a cosmetic treatment that is going a few rounds with cellulite and small fatty deposits. Mesotherapy is knocking out fat and rejuvenating skin in people who give it a try. Chances are you're doing everything that you can to cut away cellulite and small fatty deposits. You're watching what you eat. You're using creams and lotions. But, nothing is working, right? Well, that's because cellulite is the heavy-hitting problem facing men and women alike. It is one of the hardest cosmetic problems to get rid of! 20 Ways to Lose Weight 20 WAYS TO LOSE WEIGHT Weight Loss for Good ? If Only You Had Known? Whether coming from a close friend, the nightly news or from a letter in the mail, it's hard to face the truth at times. Hear-ing it can really cut to the core of our be-ings. Questioning Cardio for Weight Loss? Q: I've heard you mention that you don't need tons of cardio to burn stubborn abdominal fat. Okay, I can live with that, but you've also said that it isn't absolutely necessary to perform direct ab work either. What gives? How The Motto Be Prepared Can Help You Lose Weight Be Prepared. For the Boy Scouts it means you are always ready in body and mind to do your duty. How can you use this motto to help you in your weight loss efforts? 4 Keys to Weight Loss First off, let me start by saying this list is by no means exhaustive. However, if you can manage these 4 important components of a weight loss program, you will be on your way to a slimmer body. Smarter Eating Dieting doesn't have to be a chore. Actually, you can eat what you like and still cut the pounds. How you ask? By smarter eating. For example, there are 7 days in a week. Let us say you eat clean for 2 days with the third day being a cheat day. More times then not, you are eating well and still having what you like to eat. This has many benefits. You get to reward yourself for successfully eating correctly the first 2 days and then you shocked your metabolism to burn even more calories by incorporating that 3rd day as your cheat day. When you eat clean for long periods of time, your metabolism adapts to this, so you have to shock you metabolism to kick start extra calorie burning. Some of the easiest ways to eat smarter are, Weight Loss Forums: Top 5 Reasons To Join An Online Weight Loss Support Group You and I know that getting plenty of support from friends and family is a key to losing weight successfully. It's just plain fact that if nobody takes notice of your efforts, it is much harder to reach your goals and feel good about yourself. Here's where support groups come in handy. Mindfulness - The Key to Avoiding Overeating I made myself a sandwich today and thought I'd be efficient and do some work over lunch. I was brainstorming some ideas for my next article. Deep in though, the ideas came easy to me. By the middle of page two, I looked down and noticed that I was on my last bite. It was weird, like when you fall asleep and wake up feeling like you just blinked and the alarm went off. I didn't taste my sandwich at all. After cleaning up my plate, I thought, I could go for a little something sweet, maybe I'll have a piece of fruit. My body just ate lunch, but my mind missed out on the whole experience. So there's my article topic! 3 Easy Dieting Success Tips 1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day Weight Loss Myths Every regime has its supply of useless folk lore and half-truths that gets passed on down the line from person to person. But I'd put weight loss up against any of them for what has to be the most time wasting and even the most dangerous myths out there. Three Steps to Achieving Your Health Goals We all have aspects of health we want to improve. It could be as simple as increasing your stretching, or as great as starting an exercise program. Regardless of its scope, there is a reason you're not doing it. Although the focus of this article is on health goals, these steps can also be applied to any aspect of your life, personal or professional. I will walk you through 3 steps that are guaranteed to help you achieve a health goal Free Tips on Losing Weight Here are a few free tips on losing weight that really work. Starting with your behavior, you need to start thinking thin and realizing that weight loss begins in your mind. Keep a positive attitude, set realistic weight loss goals, keep a food journal and begin an exercise routine you can live with. Holiday Eating: Party Hearty Without Putting on the Pounds! The holidays are definitely a special time of year. These days, however, many women wonder whether "special" means happy -- or stressful. Do you know anyone who doesn't feel more stress during the holiday season? One thing is for sure: Stress is a six-letter word that can spell added trouble for many women who struggle with food, eating and weight. What Obesity Debate? This is a perfect example of how on-line weight loss "experts" can confuse and harm the American consumer...The Obesity Debate? During a dinner conversation with a friend, the topic of laziness was brought up. From there, we some how got around to the topic of obesity. He said to me, "A great example of how bad laziness can be is obesity." "Excuse me," I coughed out (almost chocking on the last bite). "You know, obese people don't do anything. They are fat because they are lazy," my friend said as if from a position of authority. This was going to be a long dinner I could tell. It turns out, my friend read an article posted on the net that started with a statement similar to my friend's words that almost made me choke. Unfortunately, he didn't remember the author's name but the title was Fitness and Exercise -- I haven't found it...yet. What blows my mind is how easily people believe what is written on a website by someone calling himself an expert! The real experts need to start making noise! Laziness does not cause obesity. If that were so, obesity would be the norm and not considered a problem. I recently found a wonderful definition of obesity...it covers all the possibilities in one clear sentence: The etiology of obesity is complex, determined by the interplay of genetic and environmental factors -Andrea Baessler, from her recent article in Diabetes, Jan, 2005. There has never been a debate about what causes obesity. We have always known that obesity is multifactorial in etiology. The "real" debate topics are which environmental factors and which genes increase the risk or incidence of obesity. The rest of the article reviews recent work around two genetic links to obesity. SREB-1 Gene Delphine Eberle's work (Diabetes, Aug, 2004), with the sterol regulatory element binding protein transcription factor, found that the two isoforms are linked to the "plasma leptin concentrations in American obese families." His group hypothesized, "...genetic variations of the SREB-1 gene could be associated with obesity and obesity-related metabolic traits such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and dyslipidemia." Interestingly, SREB-1 gene polymorphisms were found among obese cohorts when compared to nonobese cohorts. This means they are on to something and possibly not far from marking the SREB-1 gene as a clear link to obesity (1). Ghrelin Receptor Gene (GHSR) The importance of ghrelin in the central regulation of feeding has been demonstrated in animals and humans. Ghrelin increases appetite and food intake in normal subjects and patients with decreased appetite, such as those suffering from cancer cachexia. Recent evidence suggests that obesity is associated with an impairment of the entire ghrelin system (2). Besides its biological function, the ghrelin receptor gene is located in a quantitative trait locus or QTL strongly linked to six phenotypes of obesity (1). This is a second strong genetic association to obesity. Both groups will soon have conclusive evidence to support their arguments for SREB-1 and GHSR genetic links to obesity. As far as I can tell, laziness wasn't mentioned once. How many wonderful people avoid treatment because they actually believe it's their own fault? Educate at all costs. Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, M.D. Additional Information is available at The Weight Loss Professional References: Maintaining Your Weight Loss Momentum Away On Vacation Going away for your holidays will also bring with it a good supply of temptation on the food front, unless you are on a survival course, climbing a mountain or camping in the wilderness on limited rations. The chances are you will be at a hotel, and if you have chosen a good hotel, it is likely there will be good food, often as much as you want. How to Lose Weight On A Gluten Free Diet Many celiacs lose weight before they are diagnosed; indeed it is often one of the reasons people go to their doctors in the first place. Is Body Mass Index or BMI a Real Measure of Obesity or is It Flawed? Body Mass Index (bmi) A Misleading measure of Obesity Hunger Free Eating - How To Eat Less And Not Feel Hungry There are many diets, all of which boil down to taking in fewer calories especially of the foods, which tend to lay down fat in the body. ![]() |
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