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Weight Loss Forums: Top 5 Reasons To Join An Online Weight Loss Support Group
You and I know that getting plenty of support from friends and family is a key to losing weight successfully. It's just plain fact that if nobody takes notice of your efforts, it is much harder to reach your goals and feel good about yourself. Here's where support groups come in handy. Reason #1: The Best Online Weight Loss Support Is Free! Local support groups in your city can be helpful, but they've got a few flaws. First of all, they usually charge a signup fee, or even a monthly membership fee. These expenses are unnecessary, considering that you could get even better support and lose more weight for free! The internet lives and breathes communication. You can find free weight loss support groups online. Reason #2: Online Support Groups Always Fit Your Schedule. Most of us who are overweight have busy lives. We have high stress jobs, and that includes taking care of our kids, which can be tough! With so much to do, who has time to make the most out of a local weight loss support group, let alone make it to all the meetings? I sure don't, and I'm guessing you'd say the same. Here's another benefit of joining an online support group: You can visit the website anytime, catch up on the latest postings, share your progress or even complain about difficulties, and be off to do something else in 15 minutes! Reason #3: Online Weight Loss Support Is Available 24 Hours, 7 Days A Week! You could join a local support group and pay the fees, but what good will that do if you need to talk to someone right now? We all feel hopeless sometimes, especially during the beginning of our weight loss journey. At an online support group such as PhenForum.com, your friends are there for you 24 hours, 7 days a week. You don't have to go it alone. Take advantage of free 24/7 support and advice from other people who know exactly how you feel. Reason #4: Online Weight Loss Suppor Group Forums Are Overflowing With Help And Advice That You Can Refer Back To Anytime! While your local group might be helpful during meetings, it's hard to really make the most of your money spent there. Sure, you can get encouragement and advice during each meeting, but what about the rest of the week, or even the rest of the month? The obvious solution is free, and it's on the internet. We have the right to free information, and that's what you get at an online support group like PhenForum.com. Anytime you need an answer or just want to read the encouraging words of a friend, all you need to do is sit down at the computer and log onto the website. Reason #5: It's Super-Quick And Easy To Keep Your Weight Loss Diary Online! You probably know first hand that losing weight is SO much easier when you can see the progress you've been making. After all, it takes a lot of work to reach our weight loss goals, and we need to know we're doing well along the way. Everyone cheats, and when you have nothing to look back on but vague memories of healthy eating and exercise, it's hard to remember that you're still doing a good job. When you join a free weight loss support forum like PhenForum.com, you can get started immediately. Just check out the suggestions on how to make the most of your weight loss diary, and read up on what your new friends are doing. I know it has sure helped me! If you're serious about losing weight and keeping it off forever, please consider your health and join a free weight loss support group online. It's so much easier to log onto a website than to spend money on a local support group, find someone to take care of the kids, and make it home in time for a healthy dinner, talking with your family, or even getting a good night's sleep. Join the free weight loss support forum at PhenForum.com, and meet great people who are in this journey with you!
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"I was going to wash the car, but I can do it when I get back," and off you go. Maybe you do wash the car later that day, maybe you tell yourself, "I'll wash it next Saturday. It wasn't that dirty anyway." Whats Wrong With Dr. Phils Food Plan? I really like Dr. Phil, so I wanted to like his new book on weight loss. And I do like some of it, however, there's a big problem with the chapter on what to eat. Dr. Phil proposes exactly the same eating plan for everyone. This will NOT work! Dieting 101 - For Those Who Want to Start But Dont Know Where to Begin Okay, so you've read some of these articles, done your homework and now you're finally ready to begin a diet and exercise program. But you still have this one same nagging question in the back of your mind... 'Where in the heck do I start?' Being lost in midst of all of these variables is not a hard thing at all. There is sooo much knowledge and guidelines out there that sometimes we don't know how to put it all together. Well today you are in luck! Green Tea And Weight Loss There's recently been a LOT in the weight loss news concerning green tea. Gastric Bypass Causes Hair Loss: Can It Be Avoided? Surprisingly, hair loss is one of the reasons female pre-operative patients sit on the fence before deciding to have gastric bypass surgery. Obese people, particularly obese women, often have lush gorgeous hair. Of course they do ? it's well fed and nourished! How many of us have been described as the woman with "beautiful hair and a pretty face"? What person in their right mind would give up one of their beautiful features? How to Curb Carbohydrate Cravings! As a weight loss mentor it never ceases to amaze me how people inadvertently set themselves up for a huge snack attack mid afternoon. For many, the set up is so complete that it is almost impossible to control! The result is that people think they are weak-willed and lacking in discipline. Often the answer has little to do with character or determination. More often the reason for the mid afternoon carbohydrate cravings is due to gaps in understanding how our body works and responds to diferent types of food. Read on to see what you can do to control those mid afternoon cravings. Weight Loss With Ionamin: Gentle Plan, Mighty Results You know you have will-power. You can change a diaper while on the phone with an important client and then fix a fabulous, healthy meal for your family and your unexpected visitors while arranging your tax receipts. Only a master of willpower could do these things every day! I Lost the Weight So Why Am I So Miserable? I was overweight at my age. It's not a pretty sight, but it's also not the center of my universe, either. As a woman in my 40's I don't worry about my weight. I eat whatever tickles my fancy because I can. Also when you're in your 40's you don't think about dating; you think about being alone for the rest of your life. I guess you think your dating antics are over, and you don't have to worry about how you look. Cafeteria At Fault for College Weight Gain College weight gain is at an all time high, and as students continue to pack on the pounds at an increasing rate, we naturally want to know where the blame lies for this growing epidemic. Since food consumption contributes significantly to weight gain, is it safe to assume that cafeterias are responsible for the expanding waistlines of our students? Read on for three reasons why the cafeteria food you eat is making you fat, and tips to help you stop the weight gain. The Jiggle Effect on Faster Weight Loss Exercise Physiologists who study the effects of The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight (But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!) Get Back Weight Loss Motivation with NLP: Setting an Anchor NLP Setting an Anchor Process to Get Back Motivation for Losing Weight Weight Loss Programs: Which Weight Loss Program Will Really Work? Weight loss programs often have big claims. Understand the "science" behind weight loss, and you'll zero in on the achievable ones. Do Diet Pills Really Work? You've seen diet pill advertisements? You have read the testimonials claiming diet pills work. You have often wondered - will diet pills work for me? How to Eat All You Want and Still Lose Weight How would you like to eat all you want and still lose weight, or maintain your trim figure? Sounds impossible? Have you seen those skinny young women who eat like horses, with plate after plate of food at the buffet table without putting on any weight? Ok, so some of them may be bulimic. You know, the sort who eat all they want, then go to the toilet to throw up everything they just ate. Not only is that disgusting, it is very unhealthy. That damages your body in the long run. No, I'm talking about the girls who just cannot seem to gain weight. Probably due to a very high metabolic rate. They burn off all the calories they consume, effortlessly. Not every skinny girl is bulimic or aneroxic or even on a stringent diet. Some are just naturally thin. I know. In my early twenties, I was one of them. When you are young, your metabolic rate is high. As you get older, your metabolism would naturally slow down. Also, back in my skinny days, I walked a lot. As a student, I was underweight. Yet I could out eat any guy at a buffet table. That was because I walked a lot. I was on my feet walking around the campus when not at class. I had to climb a hill several times a day as the hostel where I stayed was on the top of the hill. As a young adult, I walked a lot. I'd go shopping for hours after work. Walking at least 3 hours each day, browsing from shop to shop. When I let a more sedentary lifestyle after marriage, I really gained weight. Staying home, watching tv instead of walking for hours in the malls let to serious weight gain. Even though I was eating far less than before. The gist of this is that your weight depends on the amount of calories you burn as well as the calories you consume. Consume more calories than you burn and you end up gaining weight. Burn more calories than you consume and you lose weight. So if you seriously want to eat all you want and still lose weight, you have to make a serious effort to burn those calories you consume. Just ate a big mac? That is worth 485 calories. Playing tennis for an hour burns 450 calories. Scrubbing the floor for an hour burns 440 calories. Try doing that to offset the calories you consumed from that big mac. When I run on a treadmill, uphill with the slope set to the max at 15, and speed at around 6.5 for 35 minutes, I burn about 410 calories. So if you want to lose weight and eat Big Macs, or other high calorie foods, you have to be prepared for some serious exercise. Likewise, the snacks you might eat while watching TV, or in the office all contain serious calories. Take note of what you eat, how many calories they contain and burn those off through exercise. What is Real Hunger? In order to identify hunger, you must first understand what it is. This is not as easy as it seems. Many of you may never have let yourself experience true hunger, only a feeling of discomfort. Not knowing exactly what it was, you may have been eating past hunger for such a long time you can no longer differentiate between hunger and the feeling of anxiety, stress, boredom, or any number of other emotional or circumstantial stimuli. You haven't allowed yourself to go without eating for a long enough period of time to have felt true hunger; you may not have experienced it since childhood. Law of Attraction Resolves Diet Controversy Who'd have thought healthy eating could be so controversial? Lunching at my girlfriend's house one afternoon, I held my tongue as her neighbors who'd joined us argued the virtues of their respective diets. And not like nice girls would! Welcome to the Middle Aged Diet You are not a kid any more and becoming a senior is just around the corner. By now, you are monitoring, at least, one of the following: Blood pressure, blood sugar, or cholesterol levels. If not, you are using a prescription, or an herbal remedy, to deal with being borderline or worse. ![]() |
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