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Writing for Dollars - How To Get Started
"When you provide good information from which readers can learn and profit, people are more likely to buy your products and services." - Heidi Richards - So just how do you get started? The first step, of course is to write the article. The second step is to find the right medium. I have a small business in the floral industry. So the floral community would be my first likely target. Industry experts are generally the most sought after writers for targeted publications. Since I write mostly about sales and marketing for small business, my second likely medium would be business-related publications, such as those published by Chambers of Commerce, small business journals and other retail industry publications. I have also found that each type of media that has printed my articles has different criteria for submission. Some want you to send a letter outlining your ideas while others will allow you to submit the actual article. However, most editors prefer that you send a query letter first and include a paragraph about yourself. I also include a link to both my websites in case they want additional information. However, many ezines and online publications allow you to send the actual article. Visit your library, online or local bookstore or do an Internet search with the words query letters for the "how to's" of writing them. It should go without saying that the article must be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors. A publisher is looking for quality content that will make her or him look better to the reader. The more unique your article, the better your chances of getting it published. Real-life, personal examples and stories have a much greater chance of getting published than do "book reports." Make sure the article is yours! No plagiarism allowed. If you do copy someone else's work, not only will you open yourself up to all sorts of legal problems, you will destroy any credibility you hoped to establish. Whether you write articles for print media or for online publications, follow these guidelines to increase your likelihood of getting them published. Read the publication. Become familiar with the writing styles and content. It took several months, before one of my articles was accepted by Balance Magazine. It was an article on leadership, which they liked and found space to include. Because I was patient, tenacious and had developed a relationship with the editor, I was asked to be the South Florida Profile Editor and now write an ongoing series of articles called the PMS Principles?. I interview successful women in South Florida and write their stories. What a great way to gain exposure! By the way, the PMS stands for Partnering, Mentoring and Service, which is also the title of a new book I am writing. Send your article to the assistant editor when there is one. You will find her or him listed in the publication. Ask the publication for their editorial calendar (often found on their website). An editorial calendar lists the "focus" or theme of each issue. This is a great tool to use when deciding what to write and submit. Find out the submission requirements (writer's guidelines). These will include length of article, format, number of words, do's and don'ts, as well as deadlines for submission. In some cases it will also include writer's compensation, if and when they pay for articles. Write about what you know. It's easier to "sell" and easier to write when you draw upon your own experiences and those of others you know. You could also write about a personal experience or a hobby you pursue (if it is newsworthy). Keep it simple ? plain text, simple fonts, 12-point type are generally the most widely accepted format. Use short paragraphs. Commercials use sound bites to keep the audience's attention. Short paragraphs have a better chance of keeping the reader interested. Don't over-punctuate. By this, I mean the use of the exclamation point!!! or ? or ??? mark. Overusing punctuation will make your words have less impact over time. And if you are submitting your articles on the Internet, these are often flagged as "spam" and may never even be read. Ask questions. Then answer those questions. This will keep the readers' attention and interest. Bullets can accentuate your points. Since people read in sound bites, bullets help the reader absorb the information in bite-sized pieces. Use creative headlines to sell your message. Instead of "How to Write Articles," use "Writing for Dollar$" or something more enticing. Send me a note with Headlines in the subject line and I will send you the article on Headlines that sell. Keep track and follow up. This gets more difficult over time, since your articles might be reprinted and you don't even know it, unless the publisher sends you the courtesy copy. Keep track of where you submit your articles, and follow up with editors to find out if and when they will be used. If editors don't use your work, ask for feedback. This will help you become a better writer. Create a record for yourself of the publication, the URL (web address) and the name and contact information of the person to whom you submitted your article. You can submit your work online to some of these more popular places. Keep in mind, there are literally thousands of ezines out there, below are just a few sites to submit your work: http://www.ezinearticles.com http://www.netterweb.com/articles http://www.goarticles.com http://www.ideamarketers.com http://www.articlecity.com http://www.authorconnection.com http://ezinelocator.com Never give up! Be patient. As the saying goes, "timing is everything," and editors and publishers are busy. If your content is good (and interesting) eventually someone will notice' and you will get published. Once that happens, capitalize on the momentum and keep going. The purpose of writing articles is after all to get people to start talking about you. Oscar Wilde said "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." Make writing a part of your marketing plan and who knows, several articles later, you could be the talk of the town. Excerpted from The PMS Principles - Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business © 2005 - Heidi Richards Heidi Richards is the author of The PMS Principles, Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business and 7 other books. She is also the Founder & CEO of the Women's ECommerce Association, International http://www.WECAI.org (pronounced wee-kī) ? an Internet organization that "Helps Women Do Business on the WEB." Basic Membership is FREE. Ms. Richards can be reached at http://www.HeidiRichards.com or Heidi@wecai.org.
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4 Effective Content Writing Tips Writing for websites -- content, as it is called -- is an important task for webmasters. Your site must be current, relevant, and interesting in order to attract and retain visitors. The following are some tips I have successfully employed in order to keep my websites relevant: A Writers Glossary (Part One) Find definitions from A to G! Writing Articles For Permanent Traffic Writing articles is possibly the best way to generated free traffic to your site. A short article, submitted to a few places, creates permanent streams of traffic. Here are some of the ways articles bring traffic to your website: Writing Articles - Six Mistakes To Avoid Not writing articles yet? You really should try it, if you want a lot of free traffic to your web site. A simple "Top Ten..." Or "Six Mistakes" type of article can be written by anyone. When you're ready to start writing, avoid the following common mistakes people make when writing and submitting articles. Article Writing Strategies To Get Into Zen Flow ? 7 Tips The more you write, the larger your impact. If that's true, why is it that so many authors find it hard to either start writing or to complete articles that they started? A Writers Glossary (Part Three) Find definitions from Q to Z... 8 Sources To Research Awesome Article Topics Writing articles is by far the most effective online promotion strategy I've come across. If you can write good, readable, original content, you can easily put yourself far ahead of the pack in your field of interest. Writing for Dollars - How To Get Started "When you provide good information from which readers can learn and profit, people are more likely to buy your products and services." 4 Ways to Outsource Your Article Writing Needs Not every web designer has the time ? or skills ? to be able to write effective web content. Thus, it is imperative of you to find someone capable of writing articles that are interesting, informative, engaging, as well as persuasive. How do you find the right person for the job? I am glad you asked! Here are four ways to outsource your article writing needs: Sticky Leads The first twenty-five words of your article are the most important. If they're not powerful and "sticky", readers will not stop and invest the time to find out what your article is about. What Posting Articles Online Did For My Google Page Rank In 90 Days Article Marketing Builds Momentum and Traffic Writing the Five Essentials The five essential questions to be answered in your article are WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY and WHEN. The Benefits Of Article Writing For Your Home Business Once you learn the benefits of article writing, you may want to open a home business based on your writing skills. The road to riches may be yours when you identify the basic elements required for writing top-notch articles, reports and other written material. When you have all the elements in place, you can produce page after page of written articles that will stand out and help you and your clients achieve their goals. If you are writing for someone else your goal is to produce clear, concise saleable material that will please your clients and of course, make money for you. Ten Tips Articles "Ten Tips" articles are the easiest piece to write because they are made up of only an introductory paragraph, your Ten Tips, and a conclusion. Print editors love these because they can easily be shortened if there is a lack of available space. Finding Experts, Sources and Contacts I was asked to write an article on a short deadline. No problem, I thought. Then I got the article specifications which included quoting several experts in the article. Speakers and Trainers - The Internet is Your Biggest Megaphone Speak to an Audience that Reaches across the Globe Eight Tips for Ezine Writers Have you ever wondered why Ezine Articles have become one of the most effective marketing techniques on the Web? Article Marketing 101: The Perfect Author Resource Box If you want to really make your article "SELL" then you've got to craft the perfect RESOURCE BOX. This is the "author bio" that is below your article body and it's also known as your "SIG" (short for SIGnature). Article Writing: Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from My English Teacher By now you probably understand how important writing for trade publications is to establishing credibility in the home business world. Four Article Marketing Secrets to Boost Your Internet Home Business Profits Many internet home business owners today have learnt that one of the best ways to promote an internet home business today is through writing and submission of articles online. This is because your articles get placed on high traffic websites and in turn people click your link in your signature line to your internet home business website. ![]() |
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