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Eight Tips for Ezine Writers
Have you ever wondered why Ezine Articles have become one of the most effective marketing techniques on the Web? The reason is quite simple. People very rarely go online looking for something to buy. They go online looking for information - free information. They want to be educated, entertained and informed. And the best way to do that is to write free Articles for Newsletters. At the bottom of your Article is your 4- or 5-line Resource Box. That's what turns your Article into one of the most powerful marketing techniques on the Web. Here are eight tips to help you write your Articles and get them published. (1) Never allow yourself to think that you've run out of ideas. Instead, have the opposite thought: that there are more ideas than you could possibly write about. I heard someone saying recently (with regard to Ezine Articles) that everything that could possibly be written about has already been written about. Nonsense! The Internet is evolving so fast that even if you wrote a new Article every day, you still couldn't keep up. (2) The Golden Rule of Five. Keep your Article titles short - no more than five words. Ezine Editors love short titles (they fit into the subject field of an email). (3) Keep your paragraphs short - no more than 3 sentences. It's much harder to read a computer screen than a printed page - so make it easy for your readers. (4) Make sure your Article flows properly. The easiest way to do this is to write down the opening and closing sentences of each of your paragraphs, then read what you have. If it makes sense and moves along nicely, you have an Article that is well organized and flows properly. (5) Include a word count at the top of your Article. This makes it easy for an Ezine Editor to make a quick decision on whether to use your Article. It also shows you've been thorough in preparing your Article for publication. (6) Check all the links in your Article before submitting it. Then include a note that says: 'All the links in this Article were checked and verified on (date)'. Again, this saves time for the Ezine Editor and demonstrates that you've been thorough. (7) Offer a Free Report in your Resource Box. When someone reads your Article in an Ezine, they probably won't be connected to the Internet. So the challenge is this: to offer something so interesting and exciting that they'll fire up their modem and visit your website. The best way to do that is to offer a Free Report. (8) Put all your Articles on autoresponders and then create another autoresponder that lists all your Articles, with an autoresponder address for each Article (e.g.: all-articles@yourdomain.com). When you submit your Article to a List or to an Article Archive, always include a note that says: "For a complete list of Articles by this author please send a blank email to: all-articles@yourdomain.com" Remember - Ezine Articles are probably the fastest way there is of building your presence on the Web and getting your message in front of a targeted audience. Happy writing! ------------------------------------------------------------
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Free Articles = Free Publicity (Or, How To Get Free Publicity For Your Business) Publicity?you're business can survive without it, but it certainly won't thrive without it. Maybe you've seen your competition at it - their website was featured on a major newspaper or television show. Or perhaps you heard them mentioned on your favorite morning radio show on the way to the office. The point is, when it comes to publicity, some businesses are getting it. And here comes the real shocker - some of them are getting it for free! Yep, there really is such a thing as free publicity, and we're going to show you a very simple way that you can start getting it. What to Write About This is a perennial question among writers and wannabe's. Many of us dream of writing a book. Why not. What greater story can one write about than one's own. Each day brings a new beginning, a new page in the book of life. How to Write an Effective Article Writing a great deal of articles myself, I see a lot of the other articles that are submitted. Although the majority are spot on, many are not nearly as effective as they could be. Hopefully I can impart some insight on the Do's and Don'ts of writing an effective article. Article Writing Mistakes - 7 To Avoid Making your articles available for reprints by other ezine publishers and webmasters is the cornerstone strategy in building an avalanche of pre-qualified visitors to your website. Stop Struggling and Write Your Article - Part II Don't let overwhelm hold you back- follow this expert advice and start writing your promotional article today. Niche Marketing: The Power Of Articles If you haven't considered the power of articles as part of your niche marketing strategy, then you should. Five Great Ideas For Your Next Article It's amazing how quickly free articles can generatetraffic - my traffic sometimes triples within 24 hoursof releasing a new article. An Article People love to hear stories. They'll identify with what you have to say much more easily if you tell them an anecdote that relates to your subject matter. A Writers Glossary (Part One) Find definitions from A to G! Eight Tips for Ezine Writers Have you ever wondered why Ezine Articles have become one of the most effective marketing techniques on the Web? Writing Ezine Articles - 4 Reasons Why You Should Do It Anyone who's been in the business for 2 or 3 months certainly has a lot of information that he or she can share with others, especially newbies. So why don't you take advantage of it? Become An Expert Everyone focuses their web marketing efforts on search engines, and while this is a large part of traffic generation, it's not the be all and end all of selling from your website. Writing Articles for Ezines ? The Greatest Little Known Secret Well maybe it's not that "little known" but some people do find it a little "scary" and "daunting" to have to write out a pile of articles and submit them. I will be honest, at first it scared to begoalie (yes I know that isn't such word but it sounds scary hehe) out of me when I first heard you can gain free traffic just by writing free content. Articles That Sizzle - Top Ten Topics There's one key rule that every writer should understand before sitting down to write an article and that's "know your audience". One Space or Two? One of my subscribers writes 'I can't hold my tongue any longer...not that that is fun or anything, I just had to tell you something! Just a tiny 'lil thing. You have 2 spaces after each period. Unless you are typing on an "old fashioned" typewriter, on a computer you use only one space. This is part of my business, graphic design. I hate to criticize but I know you want to be professional and that stands out. It creates a visual break in the copy making it like a stutter in reading. This is a common mistake for those not "in the field".' Write Your Ezine Article in 15 Minutes or Less! Gasp! I can hear it from the purists now: Matt is advocating that writers really dumb down their writing styles to crank out more articles in less time. No, not really. Truthfully, writing for the internet, where the vast number of ezine articles can be found, shouldn't be a laborious process. By following these simple rules you should be able to produce an interesting, persuasive, and concise article in fifteen minutes or less. From Idea To Published Book ... How To Self-publish The Easy Way! I've been involved in publishing for over a decade now as an author, editor, and project manager; however, it wasn't until just a few years ago that I decided to move into self-publishing. Indeed, my first few projects involved consulting for others and, now, I am involved in my own, personal projects. It has taken a while for me to come back around to my own works, but in the process I learned how to minimize time and expenses in producing a book and getting it to market. 10 Tips For Getting More Traffic From Your Articles Here's a depressing fact if you sell anything on the web: the #1 reason people go online is not to buy things but to find free information. Article Marketing 101: The Perfect Author Resource Box If you want to really make your article "SELL" then you've got to craft the perfect RESOURCE BOX. This is the "author bio" that is below your article body and it's also known as your "SIG" (short for SIGnature). How To Write Best Articles I've been able to distinguish 3 main categories that people fall into, regarding the subject on writing articles. Allow me to share them with you. ![]() |
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