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Snob-Bloggers: You Just Might Be A Snob If You Publish A BlogJim F. Kukral You Might Be A Snob-Blogger If… According to Jupiter Research, about 2 percent of the online community has created a blog. That works out to millions and millions of blogs, and in turn, millions and millions of snobs who publish them. That’s an awful lot of Snob-Bloggers! You see, in order to care enough to publish a blog, you really need to be somewhat of a snob. Before we get into the reasons why, let’s look at the definition of snob. Snob – 1. One who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors. 2. One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect. As defined on Dictionary.com Combine that definition with the definition of a blogger, and you get a Snob-Blogger, defined as ‘anyone who blogs, period’. Yes that’s right, bloggers by nature are snobs. Not me you say! Yes, you too! ALL bloggers are Snob-Bloggers! Do you publish a blog Don’t believe it Take this handy dandy quiz to see if you fit the mold. 1. Have you ever commented about someone or something in a negative or superior manner on your blog If so, you just might be a Snob-Blogger. 2. Do you and your blog readers commiserate about topics together on your blog comment system If true, it’s possible you might be a Snob-Blogger. 3. Does your blog link to all of your other blog friends who link back to you On that occasion, you are most likely a Snob-Blogger. 4. If you have ever ranted about something that is only interesting to you and your blogger friends, you, I’m afraid are a Snob-Blogger. 5. If you know what RSS means, I’m guessing you are a Snob-Blogger. 6. If you would stop publishing your blog because you knew nobody was reading it, you my friend are most likely a Snob-Blogger. 7. Do you recognize Wil Wheaton as someone other than the geeky kid from Star Trek: The Next Generation If so, you are certainly a Snob-Blogger. Other Snob-Blogger characteristics include: · Writing rants and opinions about things you never bothered to learn about first · Thinking that your blog is just as, or more powerful than the mass mainstream media
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