Writing Information

Write your eBook Fast--First Steps to Finishing Line

Why write an eBook

End Of History Not Quite.

A visitor to Moscow would be immediately struck by the fact that an otherwise dull Kremlin now seduces one to break the sound barrier in a mike, rediscover one self on a Compaq or simply feel Warner in a Pringles. If this is not enough then there is always Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square calling upon workers and peasants to not only carry forward the revolution but also gulp down a Sprite, while they are at it. Numerous more examples abound from the Adriatic, so what does it all signify Is it truly the end of History Do we now see a time when a matter of ideology is drinking a Coke or a Pepsi Closer introspection would reveal that it is not quite so.

How to Write Words Worth a Thousand Pictures

Our Image-Driven Society

Its All About YOU!

The Hottest Word on the Web

How To Write for the Web

The Scanning Reader

A Writers Inner Battle

There is a psychological nuisance so powerful that can deflate the drive, self-esteem, and human spirit of many aspiring Writers of any age. These Writers are faced with an obstacle that make them stop, think twice and question their right to be a part of a respected community. This even leads them to doubt their ambition of pursuing their literary or journalistic calling.

How to Create Incredible Characters Easily

Creating incredible characters can be easy if you know of a few simple rules:

The Myths Of Writing: Have You Bought Into These

There is an image most people carry of the artist think Van Goughs self-portrait, the one with his ear bandaged, working in solitude in a barren garret in a dark corner of the city. Everyday is a struggle. He continually walks between moments of brilliance and moments of insanity. Its a romantic image, I suppose. Built around the belief that an artist must suffer for his art.

Its Time To Start That "Swipe" File

Just as great fiction is an art, so is great copywriting. Beneath the art, however, theres a foundation of basic knowledge and skills. The craft that goes into your writing.

Beginners Blues: How to Collect Samples, Testimonials, and References as a Freelancer

Beginners Blues: How to Collect Samples, Testimonials, and References as a Freelancer by Brian S. Konradt of BSK Communications and Associates

Five Minute Miracles


How To Build A Successful Freelance Editorial Career

In the current job market, many editorial freelancers have turned to freelance work as a matter of survival. I receive many queries from applicants regarding this part of the market. Addressed here are the key building blocks necessary for a successful freelance career.

Editorial Freelancing: 5 Must-Know Tips to Getting Your Foot in the Door

So, you want to freelance as an editor, writer, copy editor, copywriter, graphic designer, proofreader, etc. But, how do you go about it

Ready, Set, Go Sell Your Book In The Real World!

We hear a lot these days about more books actually being sold outside the traditional bookstore. Think about it. When was the last time you actually took time to linger and explore the bookshelves When did you last impulsively grab a book, flip it over, read the blurbs, and finger through a few chapters Lets face it, most of us are too hurried.

Killer Press Kits - Press Kits That Demand Attention

So,m youve had your book published or youve gone the self-published route, but what do you do now

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