Writing Information

5 Reasons People Like Technology White Papers

A good white paper is a paper that makes you look good.

How The First Earth Day Came About

Today, April 22, people across the world will be observing Earth Day registering their concern about deteriorating state of environment and pronouncing resolve to arrest the detrimental trend.

How Ghost Writing Articles And Booklets Can Earn You Big Money!

Do you want to make $5000, $10,000 or more every month as a freelancer Does your current published materials earn you that much or are you still struggling looking for new jobs every month Well, ghost writing articles and books for businesses could earn you a lot of money and end your painful quest for writing jobs.

The Three Cs of Writing an Excellent all Purpose Headline

Since the headline is the first contact your readers have with your message, it must reach out to them. Promise them a benefit. Tell them how they will be better off if they read the rest of the ad. Use action verbs. Save ten dollars is a stronger heading than Savings of ten dollars because of the verb.

English Has Come A Long, Long Way...

I often wonder what would happen if Shakespeare were to be transported in a time machine to our world today. What would he think How would he react

Mainstream media has become a single-minded authority on how we should perceive life. Theirs is a negative perspective. Could there be a new way of hearing the stories we feel are relevant in our lives

If you’re anything like me you are really getting tired of the mainstream media’s one-voice-to-many analysis of life on Earth. First of all, it’s just too negative! I read a survey recently that stated that fourteen out of fifteen newspaper and TV News stories had negative fear-based stories. I don’t know about you, but if I look at my everyday life, the amount of good and bad I experience seems to be much more balanced. Why does the ‘big’ media think we all love hearing the dark side of things so much

About Writing

In this free email course, Ill tell you everything I know about improving your writing, publishing it electronically and in print, and promoting it after the sale.

Common Writing Mistakes

Most books arent rejected because the stories are "bad." Theyre rejected because theyre not "ready to read." In short, minor stuff like typos, grammar, spelling, etc.

Understanding Editorial Guidelines

Editorial guidelines, also known as writers guidelines, are the rules set forth by publishers for contributing authors. In order to have your article taken seriously you must review the guidelines prior to submission. It is also recommended that you review previous editions of the publication to get a better feel for the types of articles favored by the editors.

Home Business Writing Made Simple

Have you ever written a letter to a friend Ever written an outline for any project you were about to start What about a shopping list If you have, and I imagine most have, you can then write focused, brief, content articles for your online home business.

How To Break Into Print Publishing

The big question. Do you submit directly to the publishers, or do you find an agent who will do that for you Based on anecdotal evidence Ive heard, it can work either way. The bottom line is, if a publisher reads what he can sell, hell buy it. It doesnt matter if it comes from an author or an agent. The trick is getting him to read it. Thats always your focus.

Hooks, Lines & Sinkers

Hands up if the title to this article made you think that youd strayed into a fishing feature

Youre Published! Now How Do You Tell The Readers

The first thing you must do is quit thinking like a writer and start thinking like a reader. That shouldnt be a problem, because you are one. If you dont enjoy reading, you cant write something that someone else enjoys reading. So, when you read, how do you choose what to read

Write a Better Technical Article in Half the Time

Good technical articles are challenging to write. They’re time-consuming, demanding to research and hard to organize. But they’re valuable weapons in the PR and marketing arsenal, and you need them.

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