Writing Information

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When The Writer Is Dead

Imagine – the sun pouring in, the fingers feeding in on the typewriter, a turgid film of sweat on the gristly brow, a tackling writer milling in the temerity to finish a single draft, 700 words or maybe 7000 words. A kind of unremitting perseverance that is outlandishly unparallel to anything under the sun. This is not contextual dirge posed righteously… this is simply an irradiating connotation of righteous dirge posed contextually.

Poetry Techniques

The style of writing poetry differs from person to person; long or short meters, three or four lines to a stanza. But the great thing is, no matter how a poem is written it still holds great emotion. Some techniques used in poetry are onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, rhyming, simile and metaphor.

10 Ways To Generate New Articles Ideas And Topics

1. Brainstorm for new ideas.

The Subject And Object Theory

I am Tushar Jain, a student of literature. This subject, literature, is one which is susceptible to every clause scripted, every letter sculpted, and is liable to get one enamored by vacuous words like ‘subjective’. To the wholesome degree of which the students believe in the language, there is but a similar degree that coerces them to refute and impugn its likewise liabilities.

The Stool Pigeon and the Indian Lake

It never occurred to me that Norman would chicken out and become a stool pigeon. He was aggressive, a good athlete, a gambler, for baseball cards and streetcar transfers, a veteran explorer of our neighborhood and Crotona Park. He was a very persuasive talker, a take-over guy and besides, he loved banana and mustard sandwiches. It was his idea that we organize a trip to the Floyd Bennett Airport. When he squealed to his mother about our plans we labeled him…But that will come with this story.

Absurdity of Absurd: Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot

What does ‘Absurd’ mean When I searched the glossaries ,I found the word to be ‘out of harmony’1.But yet the definitions trying hard to explain the term , just to end in total ‘Absurdity’ assuming for a while that we know the meaning of the word,as they talk in total sense, the nonsense about it and of course that means they failin their attempt .But considering the term to be linked with literature and other forms of art too!,when I searched for more I came across the lines that states that no ‘literary criticism’ [in which I include the attempts to explain the literary terms] can take the literary work itself ,or to be more specific ‘…it [literary criticism]is not substitute for reading the work itself’2,as it [the piece of work]is the most exactly and precisely ,the thought conveyed or explained.So,I reached the idea that to understand ‘absurd’ .I must view an absurd work by an artist, rather than poring over the talks about it. Hence as a literary student what first came to my mind at this instant is none, but WAITING FOR GODOT by Samuel Beckett,the so called absurd play structured around ‘Godot’,the axis all absurdity[as till the date none could declare with confidence ‘who’ or ‘what’ Godot is !]

Is the Formula of Professor of Terror, a Hoax

The most remarkable thing I found in Orientalism, the reputed revolutionary text by Edward Said -- more famously dubbed as the ‘Professor of Terror’ since 1999 by the rightwing American magazine Commentary – is the point where he talks of the power-relationship of the knowledge of the Orient with the socio-political and ‘culturally hegemonic imperial projects’ of the West. Said at first in his book distinguishes between two types of knowledge – ‘true’ and ‘political’. He points out the consensus working in academia the idea that ‘true’ knowledge is non-political. Rather he argues that the supposedly apolitical scholarly works we involved in ‘interest’ and geo-political power relation, and hence the texts are un-detachable from power relation of political, cultural, intellectual, and moral domains.

English as a Medium For Indian-Writer

In a paper at Regional Conference of the Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies Held at India International Centre ,New Delhi on February23-6,1975,R.Parthasarathy , while exposing the position of Indian writers in English reffered to the comments of American poets Allen Ginsberg ,Gary Snycler and Peter Onlovsky: "If we were gangster poets we would shoot you"1, his threat was direct against the Indian writers’ failure to take risk with the English language.

Writing Help

Whether you are working for a small business, large corporation, or are a student, there are numerous sources that you can turn to for help with writing. Businesses need to be able to effectively communicate with their customers, their employees and their potential customers. Effective verbal communication is equally important, but nonverbal communication in the form of copy writing, article writing, press release writing, and more requires a certain level of expertise and experience. The typical small business wants to focus their efforts on their core business activities without spending too much time on projects that can easily be outsourced to consultants or freelance professionals. Many small businesses turn to freelancers to help them save time and money. For example, a certified public accountant opened his own accounting practice after working in another accounting firm for the last ten years. One of the ways he decided to search for new clients was to embark on an advertising and promotional campaign. Although some of his previous clients followed him to his new practice, he wanted to increase the number of accounts he currently handled. These accounts included various individuals and small businesses from around the town. Rather than hire new employees or handle the projects himself, he decided to hire a consultant through a freelance web site to work on copy writing for a local newspaper ad campaign as well as to help with press releases and company news distribution. By outsourcing these non-core business activities to an independent consultant, he is able to save himself time and money and also gets the expertise of an established professional who specializes in the types of writing that he needs assistance with. He decides to list his writing projects in a freelance marketplace and receives bids from independent consultants and freelance writers. He was able to choose a service provider based on factors related to cost, the service provider’s experience, references, and previous feedback from clients. All small businesses have a decision to make about whether to outsource certain projects or to complete the work in house. Using economics as a deciding factor, it makes sense economically for businesses to outsource writing projects when the projects are non-core business activities that do not contribute to the company’s bottom line.

Nearest - Dearest

Begin with the clear conception that the subject of deepest interest to the average human being is himself. -- Horace Greeley

You Could Be An Author!

I started writing when I was 16 years old. To this day I love writing; I love the fact that we can translate words into images. It is incredible when I think about it. Everyone should write, writing is a way to express your feelings, what you want, what you are.

Article Writing Tips

3 Tips when Writing Articles

Promoting Your Online Writing Portfolio

Dear Writing Reader,

How to Jumpstart your Next Writing Session

I have always enjoyed writing. Sometimes it’s a problem for me to just sit down and write something. There are days when I choose “procrastinating” over “proactive.” Putting things off is common with everyone. I am very gifted in this area. ;

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